The haunting was canceled and everyone returned to the palace, Isolde rushed over to see her son.

   Trent apparated into his room and gently laid Ella on the bed, then he began to check her body for any injuries.

"I am fine, I promise." Ella placed her hand on his cheek, his silver eyes looked into her brown ones.

   "I am glad you're okay." He felt at ease and sat at the edge of the bed.

"I should thank you, for keeping Velder next to me." 

   Trent looked at her, he was a little bit shocked

"When did you find out?"

"Last night before our big date. You don't have to keep it a secret from me." 

She scooted closer to him and placed her forehead on his shoulder.

    "I didn't want to scare you, then his body twitched and his eyes widened."

"Can you see him?"

Ella frowned at the way he reacted.

"Yes, I can, with the help of Mila."

She proudly said to him.

"I should warn you, you thought what he gave you is a blessing and a curse."

Ella's brows furrowed.

"What do you mean?"

"By today evening, you will be seeing the true form of everybody."

  Ella's mouth and eyes went wide.

"That's a terrible thing, you have to do something about it."

Ella panicked.

Trent chuckled before blowing a breeze into her eyes.

  "Now, you can see them only if you wish to."

Ella breathed out a sigh of relief whilst placing her hand on her chest.

      They heard a loud knock on the door.

  "The King has asked for you."

The young man behind the door informed him.

    "See you later El."

He kissed her on the cheek before walking out but he quickly popped back.

"I will be sending a friend over."

  Ella frowned but before she could ask him who he was talking about, he was long gone.

      Five minutes after he left, she heard a soft knock on the door but she was too lazy to get up.

  "Come in." She lazily drawled her voice.

The clicking sound of the door was heard and Mila walked.

   "So this is the friend he was talking about. She thought to herself with a happy and satisfied look.

      "How are you doing, Aunty Ella?" Mila asked and he leaped and landed on the soft bed, the bed made a squeaky sound because of the impact, and he scooted and sat close to her.

   "I am fine, How is your uncle doing?"

She asked with a sad and worried expression.

   "I don't care to know." He replied with a neutral look.

 "Plus, I need to stay hidden for a while, my grandfather is looking for me."

The boy said with a stoic face.

   "What for?"

  Ella asked the boy with a smile.

   "I tried to kill my Dad again.

The smile on her face froze. Last Trent told her about Acher and his son, she could see the hate he has for his father, it was so evident.

   "You should be worried about your family, especially your father," Ella said, her forehead crinkled with seriousness.

   "How can I care about a person who killed my mother." His face held a tint of anger.

Ella felt sad for the boy.

  "I truly don't know what happened but I would fight the world to get to see my mom and Dad."

His starry black eyes looked at her sentimental face.

   "Your father is different from mine, he didn't kill your mother, so he has to die for what he did?"

  She recalled the days that she, Elijah, and Elis would scatter their father's room and draw on his important files just to get his attention.

 "I am just saying you have lost your mother, he is the only person you have. Killing him won't bring your mother back nor will it reduce the pain you're feeling in your heart.

  But if you accept him as your Dad there are so many things you could do together.

    "Like what?" His eyes glittered with curiosity.

    "Well when we were kids, whenever I visited the capital, Our father would take us out for ice cream and movies and whenever he was too busy and did not have time for us, then we prank him just to get his attention.

   Ella seems to be lost, Her face held a smile as she looked at him but she wasn't really looking at him.

    Mila wanted to know more about the pranks.

    "What are the pranks you pull on your father?" He calmly asked.


One: We force him to read us a bed night story.

Two:we get to scatter his room and pull a prank on him. Using rubber spiders or ants.

Three: We disturb his peace by always nagging him

Four: Whenever he tries to punish us for the mischief we have caused, we call him father and give him puppy eyes.

Like this, she showed the puppy eyes and the boy nodded.

    "That's cute. You're right Aunty Ella, I do really need a father."

The boy put on an appreciative smile.

"You don't have to call me Aunty Ella, Ella would do and make sure to not forget my advice."

  She said with a caring yet stern look.

"I will never forget it, Ella, it is now written on my heart."

He hugged and she hugged him back.

 Unbeknownst to Ella, Mila has taken her advice in another way.

    Ella ate her lunch and chatted with Rose but Rose did not say anything about Elis as she wanted it to be a surprise.

      She also begged Chen to check on Rose and to help her get the file info of Samuel Patterson.

      Cyrus and Ariadna were taking a stroll in the beautiful flamboyant garden.

The sounds of birds chirping and the radiant butterflies flew around them.

   Ariadna had been nervous and felt like she was sitting on knives during the launch.

Her mother and Cyrus's mother kept praising them for how good-looking they both are.

     Her brothers were not present although the person she wanted to speak with was Trent.

    She breathes in and breathes out. The level of nervousness increases to the amount of time they both remain silent.

       "Good. They cannot hear us from this spot." 

   "Huh!" Ariadna looked confused.

"I am talking about our mothers."

"Oh, she chuckled and cleaned her sweaty palm and the simple sky-blue flay gown she was wearing.

     "Can you explain to me, why I can not listen to the heartbeat of your child?"

Cyrus raised a brow at Ariadna.

  Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

"It is because of the necklace I am wearing."

She showed him the beautiful red jade necklace.

   "It's like an illusion, people cannot smell or hear the real thing."

Ariadna informed him. 

    "So the royal family is trying to trick me into marrying a girl who is carrying somebody else's child.

   "No, *she shook her head as tears gathered in her eyes.* That is not true.

   "Then explain this, explain why your mother is suggesting for us to talk alone, explain to me why the king turned a dead ear to all this?" He raised his voice a little.

   "The wedding won't happen, I promise, after this birthday party, I am leaving Ehteran for good. All I ask of you is to play along till then.

     Cyrus ran his hands through his hair as he sighed.

"Fine, I will pretend to be interested in you, until this party is over,"

Cyrus said.

  "Thank you, thank you so much."

She sniffed and cleaned the little tears that fell from her eyes.

       It was already 8:30 pm.

Chen laid down lazily on his sister's lemon green three-seater, looking at his phone screen.

     his sister was dressed in a maroon ball gown.

Their edges were designed with a beautiful maroon flower net.

 And the net was also on top of the satin from her waist to her ankle.

    She put on her diamond earrings.

"Honey, can you hand me my purse!"

"Anything for you, my love!"

A handsome half-Asian guy with a well-built body, dressed in a  black suede suit and a clean shave cut.

    He hands her purse.

She kissed him on the lips.

"Thank you love and you should quit sulking and get off my couch."


   "Be nice to him, Beatrice, he is suffering from heartbreak." Her husband spoke sweetly to her.

   "Ella told me to check in on Rose."

Chen finally spoke.

"Then go check on the girl, and ask for forgiveness. Let's go love."

She placed her hand on her husband's arm.

  "Wish the king a happy birthday on my behalf!"

    "Will do!"

He heard the door opening and closing.

   Then he read the message again.

"Chen, please help me check on Rose, she's all alone in the house and I am begging you to also help me get Samuel Patterson's file."

   Then he looked at the part that told him to check on Rose.

So he stood up, showered, put on nice clothing, and sprayed his sandalwood Cologne.

    "Uncle, where are you going?"

A little boy of seven asked.

   "I am going to visit your future Aunt."

The boy looked puzzled.

But before he could ask another question. The babysitter came over.


   "Take care of my niece and nephew."

Then he dashed out of the house.