"Where is the real Elder Romulus?"  Ella pointed the sword to his neck. "And here I thought, I hid it well." He had a scary smile on his face, this sent chills down Ella's spine.  "Tell me, where he is or I will slit your throat." Her voice sounded menacing. The fake Romulus looked impressed. The sharp edge of her sword grazed his skin. The little cut started to bleed but the fake Romulus remained unfazed.

                Ella gritted her teeth in frustration, she could feel the powerful aura exuding from the guy, there was no way she could beat this guy, maybe she could scream and attract the others. Ella thought to herself, she bit into her soft full lips.  Ella opened her mouth to scream, and when she heard the door opening, she craned her neck and saw Elder Romulus stepping in. He looked at her and then at his look-alike.

"I see, you have met my twin brother Romeos." she looked at, him and then at Elder Romulus. They looked so identical, is like looking at oneself in a mirror.

    "Can you put down your sword, little girl?" The man looked straight into her brown eyes. "yes, I am sorry." She pulled her sword back. "it is okay, is good to know that this organization still has competent workers, am I right older brother." Romulus ignored him, instead, he walked over and pushed Romeos off his chair. And the man fell on his butt with a thud. Ella who was still recovering from her shock kept watching the brothers. 

     "you are as mean as ever, instead of thanking me for not killing your worker for pointing a sword at me and injuring me in the process, you pushed off your chair." Romeos sounded like a little kid while complaining to his older brother. Romulus clicked his tongue in annoyance while Ella felt like her spine has frozen with fear. "Trent would kill you if you do that," Romulus said without raising his head from the file he was studying. "My Trent would never do that, I am his favorite person." Romeos proudly said whilst puffing his chest. 

     "Ella is the woman he wants to marry," Romulus informed him. Romeo's mouth went wide open. "You mean, my Trent wants to marry this frail-looking girl?" Ella frowned when she heard him, then she remembered Trent's confession and what he said about the attack. She sighed before her eyes met Romulus's dark ones.  "Let's talk about your father, Ariella." Ella nodded her head. 

          Trent and Cyrus were in charge of the recruit. They were about thirty of them, they led the crowd to the tech room. Where the Brainiacs, were taking information about the kind of weapon they want. Trent leaned on the wall while watching over them. Cyrus came over and stood next to Cyrus.

          "What got you so worked up?" Cyrus asked Trent, who looked sad and angry at the same time.  "Nothing." The atmosphere went quiet again. "Are you sure?" Cyrus asked. "Yes." He replied. "Is just that you're making some of the recruits uncomfortable." Said Cyrus. Trent looked at the crowd, they all shivered because of the dangerous and evil look thrown at them. "Am I making any of you uncomfortable!" The entire place went quiet where he spoke, and the temperature of the room dropped. 

         "No sir!!!." They answered in unison. Some of them began to sweat.  

         "Sir, you're making me feel uncomfortable." Trent creased his brows when he heard the familiar voice. Courtois walked out of the crowd and stood in front of Trent. "I didn't know that you were here all this time." Trent looked at him with a frown on his face.  "Dude, I have been here the whole time, I tried to make you notice but you didn't. 

   It must be the breakup that's messing with your head." Trent felt like lightning struck him while Cyrus' eyes lit up.  "Break up, is that why she left did she break off their relationship." Trent felt a sharp pain in his heart, he tried his best to suppress the urge of clutching his chest. 

   Fiona and Sabrina couldn't help but jubilate in their hearts. They both felt bad when Trent didn't notice the both of them in the crowd. They both watch Trent and Courtois arguing and they strain their ears to hear more. Richard, Cyrus's cousin was also in the midst of the crowd. He kept looking at Cyrus his eyes were filled with resentment and jealousy.

Ella left Romulus's office with mixed feelings, she wondered about what went down. She was more than happy when Romulus agreed to let her apply for a job at Green Corp. Romeos said that he was going to create a new identity for her. Ella was home-schooled all her life and didn't go to college. 

Although she applied to the best university in Ehteran and got admitted, she still took her classes online but she had to put it all on hold when she started working in HOJ. 

           She stepped out of the building and thoughts were filled with Trent and how she left without informing him. "He must be mad at me," Ella murmured to herself before bumping into someone and they both fell to the ground. 

            "Ouch!." The lady said out loud as she rubbed her butt. The lady was much more beautiful than Fiona. Her long golden chestnut hair was long and thick. Her large hazel eyes became teary as she stared at her right palm.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean to hit you." Ella apologized frantically.  "It is okay, I am also at fault." The lady picked up her large round glasses from the ground, Ella was shocked, she didn't notice the glasses until the lady picked them up and put them on. Ella stood up and helped the lady op. The lady's hands were soft and smooth to the touch.

The woman's pale white skin glowed under the son. The men passing by couldn't help but look at the goddess in front of them. "I am so sorry." Ella apologized again but the lady brushed it off. "Is no biggy." The lady smile at Ella revealing her deep dimples and her perfectly arranged white teeth.

           Ella's eyes fell on her tag, she reached out and held it. "Do you, work at Green Corp." the lady was startled by the sudden closeness and questioned. 

  "yes I work there, I am an intern," the young lady stammered. "I am sorry." Ella stepped back. "My younger sister was planning to apply for a job there but I don't know if they will accept her, she didn't go to college." Ella lowered her head and bit into her lips. "I didn't go to college anyways but they recruited me." The lady said to Ella. Ella looked at her with sparkly eyes.

         "They don't mind." Ella's voice was barely audible. "they don't, well I wish we could talk more but I was sent by my superiors to get coffee at Pinks Coffee Shop." Said the lady who kept looking around her surroundings.

  "That is where I am going too." "Thank goodness, I do not know where the place is." "Let's go." "Ok." And they both went to get their cup of coffee.

   Trent opened and close his office with a loud bang' that made the painting of the king of Ehteran, placed on the wall of their office vibrate. Chen and the others looked at the painting and then at the wall that separated them from him.

          "Who do you think angered him?" Chen asked and Michael shrugged. "Is best if we stay away from him for whole the day." Mr. Ford said and the rest agreed.

        Trent was still fuming in his office, he was typing angrily and the force exerted on the keyboard made it split into two."  "How could she dump me!" He banged on the table and the table also split into two. He growled and a knock interrupted him. The door opened and Fiona walked in.

             "Hi, Trent." She with a beautiful angelic smile. "Get out." Trent's words shocked her. "Trent, I know that I hurt you…" she said while walking closer to him. "I just want you to give me another chance." Tears gathered in the rim of her eyes.  "Get out!, while I am still being nice." His voice sounded cold and distant. 

         Tears rolled down her cheeks, she covered her mouth and ran out of the office. 

         Courtois who saw her running out, chuckled as he saw Sabrina with a flask waking towards Trent's office.

        "This is getting interesting, let me inform Acher about this juicy news."

                 Sabrina stood in front of Trent, she couldn't speak when she saw veins popping out on his face and his eyes were completely red with anger. "You better have a good reason for coming here." His voice made her shiver. 

    Courtois watched Sabrina running out with tears in her eyes too.

 "yes, he broke another heart, all because his beloved dumped him." He put his phone back into his pocket.

           "Ella, you think you can run away from. Then you're wrong." An evil glint passes through his eyes.