Ella ran and hugged her older sister, her eyes were flooded with tears, and she couldn't utter a word as she kept crying over her sister's shoulder, Ella hugged her tightly as if she was afraid of her sister disappearing from her sight. 

        "It is okay, my dear, I am here, you can let it all out." Ella cried harder as she heard her sister's words, her sister gently stroked her back. Chen and Rose stepped down and stood beside Simon who was glaring at Chen. "Ella stopped hugging her sister, she held her sister's hand and smiled at her. 

    The eyes were now red and swollen.  "How have you been doing?" Ellis asked. "I think i'm doing great." Her voice cracked and a fresh set of tears rolled down her cheeks. "I miss you so much, I am sorry, I wanted to meet you when I. '' Ella choked on her words as her tears kept flowing down. "Hush, my dear, you do not have to burden yourself with that." Ellis used her thumbs to wipe the tears off her face. "why don't we take a seat and talk about everything," Ellis suggested. Ella nodded her head. She and her sister sat on the couch but they never let go of each other's hands.

                 "I hate to interrupt but I have to leave, my sister called me.'' Chen said and the rest looked at him, except Ella. "Is it because of the attack at the palace?" Ella asked without looking at him. 

He cleared his throat before he replied. "Yes. See you at work Ella." Chen quickly rushed out . "What is he talking about?"  Ellis looked at her sister with worry. Simon and Rose walked closer to her.  "I hope you didn't get hurt." Ellis began to search her body for injuries. 

     "I am fine, Ellis, I didn't get hurt." Ellis breathed out in relief with her hand on her chest. "what happened at the palace?" Simon asked and Ella decided to fill them in. 


                   The meeting ended peacefully, and the elders agreed to each send one member of their families to work in the House of Justice. The king also said that he was going to also inform the nobles to send a member of their family. The elders also came up with a plan to expose all the shapeshifters working in the organization. 

       Trent decided to visit Ella, but the way he ended things and the painful look on her face kept bugging him. Serious Trent was not happy with the feeling at all. But he found himself rushing over to her. But he stopped when he reached the corridor that led to his room. He could not feel her presence in the room. 

  "So, you decided to flee, I am glad that you figured out that we are not good enough for you." Trent smiled but the smile didn't reach his eyes and he clenched his hands so tight his fist turned white. "But why, why did she give up on us, why couldn't she wait for us to explain what happened." He clutched his chest because of the sudden pain that invaded his heart. Fear and pain became visible in his light grey eyes. 

  "But why would anyone want to be with a man who has to be sullied?" He let out a mocking laugh. Before he opened the door to the empty cold room. 

            Ella's eyes twitched when the sweet aroma of pancakes invaded her nostrils. Ella jumped out the bed and ran towards Ellis who was holding the plate of pancakes. "You made my favorite pancakes." Ella wanted to collect the plate but Ellis pulled the plate back. 

"Why won't you give it to me?" Ella pouted. "Because you haven't brushed your teeth."  Ella quickly covered her mouth and rushed into the bathroom. Ellis giggled before she placed the plate of pancakes. Ellis gasped and ran out of the room. She entered the kitchen and filled a glass cup with orange juice for Ella.

              Ella went to work early to speak to Romulus, to avoid traffic since it was a Monday. Ella got to her workplace at sixty-thirty. There were only a few people at the organization, the agents on night duty and the cleaners. "Good morning." Ella greeted the middle age female cleaner. "Good morning Mr. Bassett, how was your night?" the cleaner asked him with a smile.

           "It was beautiful, Mam." Ella smiled back. "That is good to hear my dear." The lady decided to go to her work. "Mam, I need your help," Ella said to the woman who blinked her eyes

     "How can I help you?" the woman asked. "I would be grateful, if you could inform me, of Elder Romulus's arrival."  "Is that all, then I will inform you when he arrives." Ella thanked her before heading to their office.   

      She sat on her desk and kept browsing through her files. Ella typed her father's name into the search browser.

                     Samuel Patterson, ex-member of the House of Justice. Caught and arrested for selling humans to rogues. Read more. Ella clicked on the read more where she read through the information provided by the internet.

           On July 12, 2021, Samuel Patterson, accused Richard Tiger, president of Green Corp of using humans as a game. On July 13 Samuel said he saw it with his eyes, how Richard together with his werewolf and vampire friends invited some of the humans they helped into the forest at the edge of the capital. He said that they let the humans run around while they hunted them like they are animals. When the lawyer asked Samuel if he had any evidence, he claimed that the evidence was destroyed when he was running for his life.

                               'Can you believe that guy.'

 Ella bit her lips in anger, they thought that her father was lying.

Well, he claimed that he had witnessed, and these witnesses were some of the people helped by Richard. During the court session, it was revealed that Samuel….

        Ella couldn't read it anymore and closed the site.


Ella looked at the other related searches. 

                     Did Samuel Patterson accuse Richard Tiger, president of Green Corp of using humans for games?

           Is it true that Samuel Patterson sells humans to rogues?

       Is it true that Samuel Patterson and his family were attacked and killed?

        Tears gathered in her eyes. She searched about Green Corp on the browser.

                Green Corp is an organization that was built by Richard Tiger, grandson of Jack Tiger. 

              The organization also helps by giving jobs and providing business opportunities to the poor. 

              Programs and charities held by Richard Tiger.


       I am interested                                    I am not interested.

    Ella ignored it and kept reading through all the good things done by Richard Tiger and wondered why her father wanted to arrest him. She clicked on his picture and zoomed it. He looked handsome, his blonde hair looked rich and beautiful to the eyes, and his blue eyes and chiseled jaw could steal any woman's heart. In other words, he's a very handsome, successful thirty year old man.

       Ella heard a knock on the door, she raised her head and saw the cleaner standing at the threshold. 

   "He's here." The woman informed her. "Who is here?" Mr. Ford and Michael walked into the office, and they both removed their jackets before taking their seats. 

"I am going to meet Elder Romulus. Good morning Mr. Ford and Michael, see you later." Ella hurriedly left the office.

           Mr. Ford and Michael looked at each other before going back to their work.

         Ella knocked on the door. "Come in," Ella slowly opened the door. She stepped in and closed the door. Romulus's back was facing her, she watched him arrange books on his wooden shelf.

      "Am I interrupting you?" Ella asked him. "No little girl, take a seat, I will be with you shortly."  Ella frowned, she sat down on the visitor seat and waited for him. A few minutes passed before Romulus took his seat.

      "How may I help you, little girl?" Ella's frown deepened. Although she doesn't know Romulus that much but the few times they talked, he never called her little girl. Ella cleared her throat. "I am here to learn more about my father, Elder Romulus."

               Trent arrived at work at eight, the gloomy look on his face attracted unnecessary attention, and everyone kept pondering on what had affected the mood of their very own Trent Vanderwood.  He stopped a few meters away from his office and saw the long line.

      "I cannot believe that Romulus is dumbing this on me." He muttered to himself.  "you meant to say to us." Cyrus stood beside looking bright and clean. 

 "Shall we?" said Cyrus. "How is the preparation for your wedding coming up?" Trent asked with his usual annoying smile plastered on his face. 

 Cyrus walked away with a frown. 

    "Baby girl, I don't have much to say about your father….

"Blue justice!" Ella pointed her sword at his neck.

   "Where is the real Elder Romulus?" Ella questioned him.

 "And here, I thought that I hid it well." Elder Romulus look-alike said with a scary smile.