"Once upon a time, this forest used to be bright, filled with peace, love, and laughter. It was inhabited by fairies.  The fairy queen gave birth to two beautiful twin girls. One of the twins was blessed by nature and knows how to control all elements, while the other was born with the weirdest powers and this power scared the others, the power to manipulate souls.

           At first, the other fairies feared her power but thanks to her older sister who later became the fairy queen the other fairies accepted her. The older twins had a heart of gold, she wept for the humans.  During the fight for power among all creatures, the humans were no different than castles.

         The older twins welcomed the humans into their home, they were provided with food, shelter, clothing, and favorable weather. The younger ones let them speak to their loved ones, before guiding their souls to the afterlife.

           But little did they know that the humans did not appreciate that.

They became greedy and their hearts corrupted, they wanted to covet the powers and home of the fairies. They waited for the fairies to go into hibernation and they began killing them. The fairy queen, her sister, and other powerful fairies were able to sense the danger and they woke up from their slumber. This weakened the fairies, but that was not the only problem, the humans fought the fairies with their weakness. They defeated the fairies¸ before the younger twins died, she cursed this forest trapped all the humans and any human who walks into this forest will be trapped their soul will slowly and painfully die. And the pain is meant to last for three days."

          They were both silent and just stared at each other." You stay back to keep killing innocent lives." Ella said to her. "I do not understand what you're talking about?" Elfira looked innocent as ever. "You're the younger sister and the one who is controlling this forest." She smiled sinisterly.

                    Trent broke the shield, Michael fell to his knees, and Valder was also shocked. Trent took several steps forward and he hit another shield. "What, there's another shield." Cyrus took some steps forward but was stopped by Mr. Ford.  "Cyrus doesn't go near that demon." Mr. Ford placed his hand on Cyrus's shoulder.

                   "Why are you doing this?" Ella asked. "Because I hate humans. I want to watch all of them die." She looks so angry her eyes turned red. "You're killing innocent lives," Ella said. 

         "They are not innocent they killed my family!" "You have already killed the ones that killed your family! You are just being evil and harming innocent ones that did nothing to you!!"  Ella rebutted.

          Outside the forest, Trent was still punching Shield. He forcefully hit it one more time and it shattered. "he has broken the third shield!" one of their teammates looked in amazement.  Trent was stopped by another shield.  "Just how many shields are they?" Cyrus and Chen looked at each other.  Trent roared and a heavy gust of wind almost made them lose their balance.  The trees around the area stood up and walked towards the shield, a black smoke axe appeared in his arm the other stepped, and the aura emanating from his body scared them.  "What is that?" one of Cyrus's entourage asked and his eyes danced with fear.

           "Humans are a threat to this world."  "I could say the same about the other non-humans, they do nothing but cause pain and chaos but there are good ones among them, and they are also good ones among humans" "You are just talking because you're not in my place, If you were you would have done the same." Elfira fumed. "I will never have done what you're doing, you are no different than the humans that harmed your family." Ella retorted.  "shut up!" Elfira roared. Ella hissed in pain. Elfira was worried about the shields placed outside the forest by Lady Amorah, the demon has broken the fourth shield. 

            "Elfira I am begging to stop." Ella was desperate to get out of there, she has not proven her family's innocence yet and she has not gotten a chance to tell Trent how much she loves and cherishes him. 

                Elfira's lips curled into a cunning smile. "lady Amorah told me how your family died. Ella's face was stunned. "how about I show you how they died." The fog covered her completely and when it dispersed she found herself at home.  She heard her mother's laughter, she unhurriedly moved toward the voice. She saw her father hugging her mother from the back, they were both in the kitchen. 

           Bang! Bang!! Their door was broken down, and Ella flinched when she heard the abrupt sound.  "Where are you Samuel Patterson, you piece of trash!" the leader of the group shouted as he swung his bat around some of them were holding guns. 

        Samuel walked out of the kitchen with his wife hiding behind him. "You sold our loved ones to the rogues. Ella ran and stood in front of them. "No, he didn't, he was accused!" Ella's eyes were teary. "I was accused, I did no such thing." Elijah ran down the stairs. "What is going on Dad?" Elijah looked scared and worried.  "Elijah, they are accusing Dad." Ella still talked even though they couldn't hear her. "We are going to fucking kill you all!" the leader pointed his bat at each of them. 

     "Their mother sobbed and began to beg them, Ella cried too no matter how hard she shouted no one could hear her. "Elijah take your mother upstairs and stay down." Elijah nodded as soon as he took a step.  A gunshot was hard.  "Nooooooo!" Ella screamed as she ran towards Elijah. Their mother hugged his body as she cried Ella fell to the ground. Ellis ran out of her room.

       "Oh, My God! Elijah!!" she ran downstairs and began to shake him too. "That's for my daughter that you sold!" the man laughed hysterically. "I will kill you!" she watched her father jump into the crowd of twenty-five people. They began to hit him.  "Stop! Please stop this!!"s Ella cried out as she went on her knees begging. Her mother went into the crowd too, Ellis didn't know what to do she just stood there crying.

                "Please stop this! Efira I don't want to see this anymore." She cried 

              Bang! Another gunshot was fired, and Samuel was too weak to move his body was covered in blood. She looked at her mother's lifeless body and her sister's screams. 

       By the time she came back to the normal world, Ella was broken. "Don't want to just murder them all,  your fellow humans killed your family." Ella just kept crying with her head down.  "where are we." Her body stiffened when she heard a familiar voice. She raised her head to look at them. The men killed her family and violated Ellis. "Where is this place." The men looked around them in fear. "Here, take this." Elfira gave her a gun. "Kill them, kill them all, remember what they did to your family." Elfira sounded like a devil. Ella stood up from the ground she pointed the gun at them.  "what are you doing?" they all took a step back. "Do it! Shoot them!!" Elfira raised her voice. She could feel the energy of the sixth gate diminishing but she was confident that whoever was the person breaking the shields would not have enough strength to break the last one.

     "Please don't shoot at us, let us go." The men beg their bodies shaken with fear. Images of her family's death kept flashing before her eyes, she pointed the gun at one of them and placed her hand on the trigger. Elfira who was standing behind her smiled evilly. 

       Then the image of her grandfather popped into her head. "Seek justice, not revenge. Revenge does nothing but harm you and kill the kindness and humanity from your heart, if you seek revenge then you're no different from them." Ella's hand dropped to her side. The smile on Elfira's face vanished immediately.

        She rushed over to Ella. "What are you doing?" she looked pissed off. "regaining my senses." Elfira scoffed. "So, you're going to let them go after what they did?"  "No, I am going to seek justice, when I remembered my grandfather's teachings,  I realized how right he was." Ella smiled. Elfira rolled her eyes at her. "and what is that teaching?" Elfira asked with folded arms."

            "He said that if I seek revenge, then I am no different than them. In fact, you're even worse than them, you have become a monster who kills the innocent."  "There are no innocents among them." Elfira pointed at the ghost that have started to surround them. "How did they hurt you, earlier you said that I will do the same thing if I was in your shoes, well you're wrong, if I were in your shoes, I would have left with my sisters and brothers, I would not kill them and carry their sins on my head because the creature you saved them from would have done it for you if only you let your clean soul gone to the afterlife you would have been reincarnated like your family and those humans would have regretted it.

Elfira laughed mockingly. "You are all holy, kind would never hurt a fly.  Fine, I would leave but before I go  I will give you a little present." Elfira laughed evilly.