The organization was packed with people, from senior officials, senior agents, junior agents, Elders, Assistants, Secretaries, securities, etc. Ella and Trent came in together and this got people's attention. Fiona's eyes met with Trent and she quickly looked away.

           "Who is the boy next to Trent?"  Sabrina asked Fiona. "He is Ella's twin brother." Fiona replied, "Why do they have different surnames?" Sabrina looked at her. "That I do not know, I got the information from Courtois.  Fiona watched Trent talk to Samuel then Courtois joined in.


                       A woman wearing a red blood suit with glasses. "All workers should move to the shelter. "Ella looked at Trent. "A shelter was built under this very building in case of an attack." Ella made an Oo sound. 

               They all began to move, the elevator moved people down. They stood aside and watched others enter the elevator. "Sam!" Brian waved at her from afar. He walked over to her and the others. "Sam, how have you been doing?" Brian asked. "We are all fine thanks for asking," Chen interjected. "I am so sorry, I didn't mean to." He stopped talking, he looked at the thump he's been picking up due to nervousness. "Brian, about that dinner, can we have that tonight?" Ella quickly changes the situation. "Why am I just finding out about that?" Trent said out loud. This got the attention of everyone there.  Sabrina tapped Fiona on the shoulder. "What!" Fiona asked furiously.  


               "Sorry, to bother you but now that I see Trent overreacting because that brain dude asked Ella's twin brother out, the rumors I have been hearing might be true." "You mean the rumor that they are gay?" Fiona let out a short laugh. "That is ridiculous, Trent loves women too much to be gay." Fiona rolled her eyes. 

              "Boss, I am just going on dinner with a colleague to thank him for what he did for me."  Trent raised a brow at her. "Boss."  Mr. Ford frowned, and Michael too. Ella felt like hitting Trent. "Just because you're dating my sister, doesn't mean I won't give you the respect you deserve." Ella gave him the please, understand me to sign. "I thought you two were in a relationship."  Michael pointed at them. "Then, it must be Samuel and Brian, since Brian asked him out."  Trent stood in front of Mr. Ford who just spoke. "What gave you the idea that Samuel likes Brian?" Mr. Ford was tongue-tied, he didn't know what to say.

                The elevator door opened and Ella hopped in. Fiona and Sabrina entered. Trent disapparated and apparated into the elevator. The door shut and the others just stared. 

              "We should enter the next one," Chen announced and the rest agreed.  Inside the elevator, Fiona turned away. "Hi, Trent." Sabrina's tiny voice broke the silence. "Hi, Cyrus's little sister, how is Cyrus?" Sabrina's face squeezed in anger. "Don't you know my name?" Sabrina asked.  "Hi Fiona, how are you doing?" Fiona was startled. Ella scoffed and rolled her eyes. Trent looked at her with a sly smile.

             "Iii am fine." Fiona stammered. 

         The elevator door opened and Ella was the first to walk out followed by Trent. Sabrina's eyes were filled with jealousy as she looked at Fiona. All the workers stood whilst the Elders and high officials entered and sat at the high table. The senior investigators were standing up front while the juniors and other workers stood together. "Good evening everyone, my name is Aurelia. We invited all of you here for an important briefing. As you all know we have lifted the ban on women being field agents, but only non-humans are allowed to be field agents for now." The human women began to whisper. "Silence!" the child-like elder yelled.

                And the entire shelter went quiet. "As you all know Richard Tiger has been arrested for hosting a hunt for rogues by using humans and later compelled them to forget. This case was first handled by Samuel Patterson unfortunately Mr. Patterson failed." Ella clenched her fist. "The case was taken and solved by our very talented junior investigator Samuel  able to get enough evidence to get Richard Tiger punished." The other people started clapping and congratulating her.

                  "Although we have all the evidence, some of the Elders and high officials want to further the investigation." 

    The workers broke into an uproar. "I agree with those elders and officials."  Trent gave her a questionable look. "I got evidence that can put him in jail but I haven't found one that can prove my father's innocence," Ella whispered into his ear. "So, you believe with further investigation you can find one?"  "Yes." Trent's phone vibrated, he took out his phone and looked at the message. "Excuse me, love." He walked out, and Cyrus and some agents left the shelter. 

                            Brian followed after. They all met outside the shelters, the senior agents, the Brainiacs, and the computer geeks under the Brainiacs's department. "Let's do this." Said Trent and the others took their potions.  "Release devil ash." A senior investigator by the name of Howard said. 

                 "Someone could have set him up." One of the high officials said. "Can you hear yourself?" The boy-looking Elder scoffed.  The devil's ash started to spread through the vent. "They might be other people involved, you said that you haven't caught all of them." Another elder added.

               One of the shapeshifters sniffed the air, the smell of devil ash flowed into his nostrils, and the color of his eyes and the shape of his nose changed. "Darek, there's trouble." He whispered to the guy next to him. The devil ash began to fill the air and all the other shapeshifters could smell it                           

                 A woman switched from an Indian to an orange skin lady with brown eyes and red hair. The crowd gasped and the noise increased. She tried to run away but she was stopped by the guards.                      

              Soon more shapeshifters in the crowd began to morph into their real self.  Up to ten elders and seven officials were shapeshifters; the originals in the crowd were shocked.

       `" Run!" a shifter who was impersonating an elder yelled to the others, they fought their way to the entrance but it was all locked. "Guess we have to fight." One of the shifters said. 

                     "Done!" the computer geeks all pressed their space keys simultaneously.

                  "Let's go kill some rogues." Trent brought out his gauntlet. "I agree."  Cyrus looked excited. 

      "We need some of them alive!" Romulus finally spoke. 

   The agents summoned their weapons. The shifters bared out their long nails. One of them super-speeded and killed one of the agents. Aurelia and Romulus were shocked.

             "Shifters aren't supposed to know how to do that." Romeos who were sitting comfortably pointed out.  The vampires bared out their fangs and nails, the werewolves morphed, and the witches, fairies, elves, and other creatures showed their true strength as the crowd began to fight. Trent apparated with the others and they joined the fight. A shifter ran towards Ella but he was shot down by a white arrow. "Lady Ariella is nice meeting you again she arrowed three more shifters. "Lady Elvina." Ella was surprised. She used her sword to cut off a female shifter's hand. The shifter screamed and Ella ignored it and craned her neck to look at Elvina who was fighting alongside her. "How did you know it was me?" Ella asked if she made a light cut on another shifter, but the shifter still tried to attack her. Elvina arrowed his shoulder and the shifter fell unconscious.

                    "Just because you're wearing a pitiful excuse of a male attire doesn't mean I won't recognize you."  "Still rude as ever," Ella murmured. "If I recall, the women allowed to work in the organization are non-humans." This worried Ella. "Then I will advise you to keep your mouth shut," Trent said as he tore off the head of a shifter and threw the body away like a used tissue.

                "My lips are sealed Trent, I would not interfere in your business."  Elvina arrowed another and Trent plucked out the heart of another. "Trent we are supposed to leave some alive for interrogations," Ella said to him. "One will be enough." Said Trent and he continued to mercilessly kill them.  By the time the whole thing quieted down. Only three shifters were alive. Romulus raised a brow at Trent.

              "You should be thankful, you got three." "That's my boy." Romeos high-fived him. Romulus pinched between his eyes as he sighed.

             The news of what happened in the organization spread like wildfire.  Ellis, Simon, and Rose, silently watched the news.

           "More than fifty percent of the workers are rogues, a lot of agents died at today's fight that broke between the shifters and the agents."

            "I need to call Ella." Ellis stood up and went to the kitchen to call her.

 The senior investigators had to stay back and take care of things. Ella followed Brian to a restaurant not far from the organization. Ella's newly purchased phone was on silent and in her briefcase, she was completely oblivious to her sister's calls.