"This is delicious." Ella munched on the cornbread and slow jazz music was playing in the background, the lights were dim making the atmosphere peaceful. "Am glad you like it."  "Brian, you don't need to do this, I am the one who is supposed to pay and thank you for everything you did." Brian blushed.

           "I was shocked." They heard a male voice. "I heard from a friend who worked there that the shifters secured high positions that enabled them to make dire decisions in the organization." Another male voice added. "That's scary, I mean if the rogues can infiltrate the organization then no one is safe." This time it was a female voice. 

       "Do you want to leave?" Brian asked. "No, there is no need." Ella blurted out. "Ok." Brian wiggled his fingers under the table due to nervousness. "So, what do you want to tell me?" Ella asked with a captivating smile. Brian bit his lips and fanned himself with his hand. Ella pouted her lips. It was already cold and it is already five days to Christmas, the entire town is sparkling with light decorations. Ella looked out the window at the people setting out more Christmas lights.

              "What I am about to say may come as a shock to you." He gulped down the wine beside him. And looked at him and narrowed her eyes at his sudden behavior change.

       "Brian, are you okay?" Ella placed her hand on his. His face turned red. "he poured another cup for himself and he drank it all again. "I like you, Ella!" Brian blurted out. Ella was too shocked to say anything. "I I I." "You don't have to say anything. I know that you and Trent are in a relationship, I knew that you were a girl since the day I met you.  I heard that if I was to tell you how I feel and you reject me then I would be able to move on."

      Ella didn't know what to say. "You don't have to reply to it yet." After fifteen minutes the two of them left the restaurant and said their goodbyes. Unbeknownst to them, Trent was watching them the whole time. 

         Ella opened the door to her house and Ellis rushed over. "Why weren't you picking up your calls!" Ellis's eyes were swollen and red. "I was busy." Ella stepped back but Ellis suddenly hugged her as she cried. "I was worried about you." She choked as she spoke. Simon and Rose stood aside with a smile. "I am glad she's ok." Said Rose. "Me too." Simon looked at her. "I need to keep trying, Chen hasn't picked up his call." Rose kept dialing but there was no reply. 

            After dinner, Ella sluggishly climbed the stairs. She opened the door to be greeted by the sight of Trent on her bed. "Hi, love."  Ella was too stupefied to talk. "How was your dinner with Brian?" "It was fine." Ella entered the bathroom and came out after an hour and found Trent laying on her bed. 

           "Trent, why are you still here?"  Trent frowned.  Ella went to her wardrobe to dress, she hid behind the door to dress. "Why? Are you scared of being caught by Brian?" Ella flung her head back to look at him. "What has Brian got to do with this?" Trent heard rumbling sounds from behind the cupboard doors. "You went on a dinner date with him, he confessed his feelings to you and you didn't say no!"  Ella closed the wardrobe and stood at the edge of the bed. 

               "Trent, I couldn't just reject him." Ella wiggled her fingers. "So, you like him!" Trent angrily stood up from the bed and marched over to where she was. "That's not what I meant, the confession was so sudden, I was not expecting it. I didn't know what to say." Ella bit her lips. "You could have said no!"  "Get out." Trent blinked his eyes. "I said, Get out." She said in a low angry voice. Trent pulled her into a hug, she wiggled out but he crashed his lips on hers. "I am sorry, I don't know what came over me." He said in between the kisses.

               "You are the only guy I love is you Trent." Trent smiled, he deepened the kiss, held her hand, and led her to bed. "Ella, I want you, I can't wait any longer." His voice was rough. Ella placed her hand on his chest to put some distance between them. "We can't." her voice was barely audible.  "Why is that? Tell me why we can't break that line or wall?" Trent smiled seductively. "Because I am on my period." Blood rushed to her face. Trent sighed as he laid his head in the crook of her neck. 

                                "When last did you drink blood?" Ella asked. "Yesterday evening, blood capsule."  "Do you want to drink from me?" Ella looked shy. Trent raises his head to look at her face. "You're already losing blood, it's not right that I drink from you." "You know that the blood flowing from me is my rotten ovaries, right?" Trent raised a brow and then a mischievous grin appeared on his face. 

                            "Where should I drink from then?" Ella rolled her eyes.

       Genesis stood in front of the large building. He looked at the statue of a woman holding a sword in her right hand and a shield in her left." A man wearing a black security uniform came to meet him. "Good evening Mr. Wyatt, I am here to escort you in. Genesis smiled and followed him, when the security walked in the guards at the door blocked Genesis.

           "State your business." One of the huge guards said. "He was invited by Elder Titus, let him in." the security man said the guards signaled each other before stepping back to let him in.  Genesis followed the security man, who also showed him where Richard was locked up. "I will leave you to your work." The security gave him the key card to Richard's prison and bid him goodbye.

     Genesis strode over to the bar. Richard was sitting on his small sleeping bed. With his head lowered and covered by his hands. "Hi, Richard." Richard's body stiffened at first before he raised his head. "Genesis!" Richard hurried over to the bar. "Are you here to let me out? "Yes, but before we do that we're going to do a little sympathetic video." "I do not understand." Richard frowned.

              "Here, read the file." Genesis threw the file at him.  Richard read through it, his expression changed from shock, to sad, to angry, to excited.  "So, Samantha is Samuel Patterson's youngest daughter, Ariella Patterson." Richard laughed out loud. "I am such an idiot." He laughed harder. Genesis leaned on the wall as he watched Richard. "Are you ready to film the video or not?" 

      "Let's do this." Richard smiled evilly. After the video was shot, Genesis let Richard out. The cameras had been tampered with, by their inside man. While they were going through the quiet. "wait." Genesis stopped him.  "What?" Richard asked. "Drink this, it is from Lady Amorah." Richard collected the vial with greenish sparkly liquid and gulped it down.

            They started moving forward when Richard wrapped his hands around his neck and fell on the cold tiled floor. "Genesis, what's going on?" he growled, his eyes turned red and his fangs protruded. Genesis crouched next to him.  "You see Lady Amorah wants you gone. His face turned red and he couldn't breathe, he fell to his demise with his eyes wide open. 

        "You, what are you doing over there?!" Genesis flinched and the security man took a hurried step toward him.  Genesis prepared to attack the man. "Sir, I am…" the security man began to laugh.  "Is it me, Billy?" The guy kept laughing. "Not good, I almost killed you." Genesis snapped. "Sorry, it was not easy to sneak in, with the devil ash and securities roaming around. Good thing that Titus cleared things out for us." Billy laughed.

            "Just shut up, and get ready to film this."  Genesis clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Okay." Billy morphed into Richard. "Carry, Richard." Genesis walked towards the jail cell, while Billy carried Richard.

                  "Ella! Ella!!"  Trent and Ella moaned and they both groggily stood up. "Why are you shouting this early?" Trent stretched his body.

        They both went downstairs, and they noticed that the atmosphere was gloomy. Ellis was crying in Simon's arms. "So, you're saying that the daughter of the late Samuel Patterson set Richard up, to avenge her father?" the female reporter seated on a white chair asked the man wearing an expensive suit seated opposite her.   

            "Yes, Richard also told me that Ella deceived two more agents into helping." Ella was quickly dumbstruck. "Who are these agents?"  the female representor asked. "Trenton Vanderwood and Cyrus Potter."  Cyrus who was also watching this was so shocked he stood up from his seat.

                  "I am here with Richard Tiger's lawyer and friend. Brad Simpson. I am Rachel Malaro and we are going to play the video one more time for those who haven't watched it.