Cyrus stood there looking lost.  The women cried, the house was scattered, and some part of the house was flooded. "I am sorry Dad, I wasn't strong enough to stop them." Fiona cried heavily, and her father placed her head on his shoulder is okay.

               Cyrus gritted his teeth, he walked into the mansion and went to his room, There was a huge hole close to his window, and he searched for his car keys. He couldn't find it, he became furious. He angrily punched the wall and that side crumbled completely. The others looked at him. His red eyes glared at all of them, he leaped into the night. His father sighed.  "We need to report this to the House of Justice." Said Donovan.


                 Trent was quiet when he heard what Serah said.  YO! Trent picking a call while talking to us is very rude!" a man in the crowd shouted. Trent pushed him and placed his index finger on his pink lips.  "I don't understand a thing you said," Trent whispered. Ella's brows furrowed as she wondered who he was talking to.  "My new dad is a rogue. I overheard him say that they were going to kidnap a pregnant woman from the train station."   Isolde was holding a stray; the tray contained a glass of blood and a plate of cookies. She knocked on Ariadna's door but there was no answer, She sighed angrily, and Isolde held the tray in one hand and opened the door.


                   "Ariadna, what are you so busy with that you cannot even come and open the door for me? She looked around the well-decorated white room and there was no sign of Ariadna in the room. Her bed was empty. Isolde dropped the tray on the table and knocked on her bathroom door, There was no reply, and neither were there sounds coming from the bathroom, She opened the door to the bathroom and there was no sign of Ariadna.  She went out of the bathroom, and just as she was about to head out of the room, she noticed a paper, on the cupboard of her dressing mirror. 

                She went over; she removed the pink hairpin on the paper.

              'Dear family, if you're reading this, then it means that I have run away and I am so sorry for doing so, I just can't force another man to marry me and take responsibility for another man's child. I want you to all know that I love you all so much and that I will always cherish you all.'

           The paper in her hand shook together with her entire being her daughter had run away.

      "Why do they need a pregnant woman?" Trent asked.  "I heard him say that she was carrying the ruler of Ehteran and that it is time he sat on his throne and ruled the world."  Trent frowned. "Serah, are you sure that's what you heard?" Trent had to ask again. If he could remember his mother has always called him the future ruler of the world and he knows fully well that his mother is not someone that changes her mind.

              "Yes, that's what they said, she's in the Valler train station, going to Kurkburgh."

                   "What's her name and what does she look like, if you have a photo send it to me."

                              "I do not know what she looks like or her name." Serah sadly said.

               "Thank you for the information Serah, Tell me if you find out more, and be careful." 

                      "You're welcome Trent, how is Ella?" 

             "She's fine."

                 "I and Adam miss her so much." 

               "I will let her know."

 Trent cut the call, and Ella raised a brow at him.

  "I will explain everything later, I have an announcement to make! The two elders hurled in their office, I would love it if you two could step out!" 

       Romulus abruptly opened the door, "It is my office as for him, I don't know why he's always in my office."     

            "Yeah, I don't care about your fights, There's a problem the rogues are planning to kidnap a pregnant woman, apparently she's carrying their ruler!"  

                "Why would we believe you!" Trent looked at the same guy that has been questioning him.

           "So, how many teams are you planning on sending?" Trent ignored him and spoke to Romulus.

             "You and Ella would be enough." Ella blinked in surprise. 

     "But, I am not more a worker of the HOJ." 

"Says who?" Romulus gave her a blank look.

  "Yes sir." Ella happily went over to Trent.

 "What does the pregnant woman look like and what was her name?" Ella waited for an answer.

              "We have no information? We're just going to rely on our instincts."

                 Ella nodded. 

                "Wait!!!" Cyrus ran towards them at super speed. 

                "Your mother kidnapped my grandfather…"

             "Yeah, I am going to stop you there, We are going to go save a pregnant woman now. He wanted to disappear but Cyrus asked him another question.  "Who are you planning to save?" Trent threw his head back and sighed. He held Ella and Cyrus's heads and apparated into the train station.

             "what the fuck Trent!" Can't wait for you to whine like a baby." Trent walked ahead. Cyrus looked at Ella and she shrugged before following Trent behind. 

        Ariadna sat on a bench with her train pass. She clutched her bag to her chest. She looked at the people walking by, her eyes widened and she gasped when she saw a familiar figure; Ariadna stood up, losing her grip on her bag and it fell to the ground.

               'The train to Kurkburgh leaves in thirty minutes.'

They heard the female voice reminding the passengers through the speaker. Trent saw a heavily pregnant woman trying to carry her luggage. "Let me help." Trent held her hand. He tried to sense the energy of the baby. The woman tried to take her hand from his but he wouldn't let go.  He frowned and let go of her hand. "You can carry on." He turned around and left, leaving the pregnant woman in a stupor.

       Ariadna followed the man, he kept moving away from the crowd and she struggled to pass by but she never stopped looking at him.

            Ella followed two pregnant ladies behind when she received a call from Brian. "Hi, Brian." "Hi Ella, I need you to stretch out your right hand." Ok." Ella reluctantly stretched out her hand.  A metal object that looked exactly like a hand scanner appeared on her hand.

            "Wow!! What is this for?" Ella was looking at it. "It is a detector, it can help you detect dark energy, which is the green light and the red light will help you detect dark energy." Ella nodded. "Got it." Cyrus also got his own detector and they continued their mission.

                              Ariadna looked around for the man in the empty alley not far from the train station. "You came." The man stood in the shadows. Ariadna followed his voice and stared in his direction. "How are you alive? I I saw you die." Ariadna sobbed. 

             "Ariadna, you are carrying someone very important to our cause." Ariadna was confused. "I do not understand." Ariadna's heart started palpitating.

      "You do not need to understand." Someone covered her nose and mouth with a hanky from behind.

                Trent felt the dark energies, he leaped up and landed in a crowd who backed away from his sudden appearance. "Wait isn't that Trent?" someone in the crowd recognized him.

 Trent jumped high in the air and landed in the alley.

"They're not here anymore." he clicked his tongue.

         He saw a rat in the alley. Trent caught the rat "talk." Trent commanded.

 "Holy moly, I have been caught by a human!" the rat wiggled in his hands.

 "If you don't calm down, I will feed you to a cat."  Trent threatened and he stopped struggling.

"Please, don't do that, I have never stolen a thing in my life or committed any crimes." The rat quickly defended himself. Trent rolled his eyes.

             "I do not care about that."

"Oh, good because I have stolen a lot of things and even committed a lot of crimes, I murdered Justina's cat." The rat said in a tiny funny voice.

          "I don't care about that.  Did you see what happened?" 

     "You mean, a woman that came here. And the man was like you came and the girl was like how are you alive."

                     The rat imitated their voice.  Trent frowned. "What else did they say?" Trent asked.

"he was like, Ariadna you carry someone important to us and she was like..." 

             "Stop! He said Ariadna." Trent's heart began to beat faster.

           "That was rude, but anyway yes that is what he said." 

  "The girl, does she have long white hair and large beautiful blue eyes?" Trent asked.

 "Yeah she does, she was like a fairy." Trent let go of the rat and he landed on the ground with a light thud.

          "What were you thinking…" The rat shut his mouth when he felt the dangerous aura exuding from Trent.

    Jumped high in the air and disappeared like he had never been there. "Ohh! some shit is definitely about to go down, I better go hide.