"What the fuck Trent!" Cyrus vigorously cleaned his mouth and threw raspberry around. Trent took a step back so that the spit didn't reach him.  "My ability to change shapes of things is remarkable." Trent placed his hand on his chin with a smile. 

   "Do not blame me, he made me do it." The rat quickly defended himself. "Why would you do that?" Cyrus was so mad, he went into the bathroom to brush his teeth.  "Trent, over here!" he lowered his head to see the rat. "What?" Trent glared at it.  "Can you turn me into a human please?" The rat begged him. "I don't care about you to do that." Trent skipped him and went into the bathroom. 

         He saw Cyrus, brushing his teeth so hard he feared that his gums would fall out. Trent shrugged and went and opened all the curtains. The rays of the sun brightened the dark room. Cyrus came out of the bathroom with a murderous glare. A man knocked on his slightly ajar door.

         "What?!" Cyrus yelled and the man flinched. "Don't scare the poor guy."  The man looked at Trent and then at Cyrus. "Your grandfather said to call you for breakfast." The man informed him. 

       "That's great, I was starving; Lead the way." Trent stood in front of the man, the man looked confused. Cyrus came over and signaled the man to leave. "Let's go." Cyrus led him to the dining room. The entire family was shocked.

        "Your Royal Highness!" Cyra stood up in surprise. "Good morning everyone." Trent waved at them. "Welcome back old man." He winked at Elder Potter. The man just sighed and looked back at his plate. Sabrina was happy to see Trent, she quickly fixed her hair and dragged down her dress to show more of her cleavage. Fiona couldn't look at him, she ate her meal in silence. 

             "Trent, come sit with me."  Sabrina tapped the sit next to her."  "Thank you." Trent sat there he was sitting between her and Fiona.

         "Trent, when did you arrive?" Cyra asked him. "Two hours ago, I was in Cyrus's room." They all looked at Cyrus who choked on the glass of blood he was drinking. Robert who was coming in heard this and he smiled mischievously. "What were you two doing in there for two hours?" Robert asked. All the family members kept staring at Cyrus, waiting for him to answer the question.

          Trent bit into the half-done meat, fresh blood from the meat stained the sky-blue glass plate. 

 "You can tell them the truth, we were experimenting?" Trent replied. 

 "On what?" Sabrina asked. "Trent is training on how to use his abilities." Cyrus quickly replied.

         Trent glanced at Gaia and then at Cyrus,  he smirked before he continued his meal. "I have bad news to tell the family." Elder Potter announced.

             "Father, I hope you're not ill?" David said with concern. "No am not, Cyrus and Ariadna lost their Child." The entire room went silent. The only sound of a knife cutting through a piece of meat came from Trent. "I am so sorry for your loss my dear son." Cyra rubbed the back of her son to comfort him. Robert was feeling at ease in his heart, his mother had been on his neck ever since, Cyrus announced that the child in Ariadna's womb was his.

           Everyone was consoling Cyrus.  "Are you prepared to hear the next news?" Everyone looked puzzled especially the person he was talking to. "the person that blocked your abilities, was your uncle's wife." Everyone gasped and looked at her. "What is he talking talking about, Cyrus?"  Elder Potter asked. 

             "Why would you do that to me, Aunt? What could be your reason?" he asked Gaia. He had always suspected his uncle, never his Aunt. "What nonsense!" she banged the table and abruptly stood up. "You might be a prince, but who are you to come into my home and accuse me of such nonsense!" Gaia yelled at the top of her voice while pointing at him. 

        Trent continued to chew the meat in his mouth. "My mother is right, is Cyrus behind this did he ask you to do this?" Robert didn't waste the opportunity to push Cyrus on the spot.

           "What! I don't even know how he found out about it!" Trent drank the full glass of blood and gestured to the servant to add more.

         The family started arguing amongst themselves. "I won't be surprised if you really did it! You have always been jealous of my family!!" Cyra shouted. "What is there to be jealous about?" Gaia rebutted. "ENOUGH." Elder Potter yelled. Everyone kept quiet and sat back in their chair.

            "What a loving family." They all glared at Trent. "Will you care to explain?" Elder Potter asked. "Since you kindly asked, why not?" Elder Potter imagined himself strangling him.

            "I overheard, Aurelia talking about this with Romulus and that Cyrus was investigating his uncle. When I walked in, I could smell the stench of black magic and see it, it was coming from your Aunt and it was facing you. And the stench is also surrounding you." He kept quiet, they waited for him to continue but nothing happened. "How does that prove anything?" Her husband asked. "It proves that she's trying to seal his powers again, trying to render him useless on top of his already useless self." Cyrus' mouth went wide open. "Look." He placed his hand on Cyrus's stomach, he was able to break in a complete seal easily.

          Gaia screamed in pain and her veins turned black and visible for a while. "he was right you pretentious bitch!" Cyra yelled. "Shut up!" she shrieked when elder Potter screamed.  Trent stood up and stretched his body. "Thanks for the most tasteless food I have ever had, for ruining my taste buds, I will be borrowing your grandson." He held Cyrus's hand and they both disapparated. 

         "Father, where is he taking my son to?" Cyra asked.  Elder Potter massaged his temples.

                 Romulus came to the house he let Ella stay in. he met old man Patterson, Ellis, Simon, and Rose in the living room. "Welcome to the capital, Edward." "Thank you, Romulus for providing us with shelter and food." The two shook each other's hands. "I am sorry for making time to meet me, I just wanted to ask you about Ella. She didn't pick up our calls and she isn't here." He saw how worried the man was and guilt pressed down Romulus's heart.

                 "She didn't tell you?" Romulus pretended to be surprised. "Tell us what? Ellis asked she came and stood beside her grandfather. "she went on a secret mission, she cannot use her cell phone there." Romulus lied through his teeth. He was not stupid enough to tell him that his beloved granddaughter had been kidnapped by one of his workers who turned out to be a rogue.

                           "I see, she must still be mad at me." Edward seemed sad. "I am sorry." 

    "You do not have to apologize. Did she go there with Trent?" Edward asked. "No, but she went with one of our top agents." Romulus lied again. The old man nodded his head. "as long as she's safe." "of course she is." Romulus laughed awkwardly. 

                      Trent apparated in the palace and was stopped by Mila. "Asked." Trent folded his arms. "Do you know where Ella is?" the boy asked.  "No, I don't, she's far away from me and I cannot sense it because a powerful witch is behind it." He walked passed him but the boy ran and stood in front. 

            "Are you saying she is all alone?" he looked up at the man looking down on him. "No, she has IFHN with her." He walked him again but Mila ran and blocked his path again. "How are you going to save her, if you don't know where she is?"  "they will bargain with me, I should come to them then they will let Ella go."  Trent walked passed him, and Mila ran behind him. "I swear to God if you block my path again, I will break your legs." The boy halted. And Trent strode away.


           In the palace lab, Acher stood in front of Lydia, his face looked pitiful. "I don't understand why you want to end it." Lydia heaved a breath. "I am tired of the kind of relationship we have, I want a real one, a one where the man loves me a one where we won't have to hide our relationship from the people we know and love," Lydia said what was on her mind.  "I want that too but things are intense in the palace and you know how my mother is?"

   Trent apparated into the lab without their knowledge.

 "Acher, I want to know something do you love me? Or do you see me as a pleasure tool?"

             "I I." Acher's arm was grabbed. "Trent. Lydia was surprised to see him. 

   "I am borrowing him for a while, and he sees you as a pleasure tool."

  "What? I d" they both disappeared from her sight.