Cyrus found himself in nothingness, he walked around looking for a way out, but it was just darkness and no way to go out. Trent and Acher apparated in front of Cyrus and Cyrus quickly jumped back. "Why would you say that to her, what if she hates me!" Acher flared up.

        "You won't have to think to tell her how much you love her! You would have said it if you were sure!! I did you a great favor by dragging you out of there, she now thinks that I am the bad guy!!!" Acher and Cyrus were surprised by his outburst. "You're so lucky to have Lydia, I can't even tell Ella that I love her, I don't even know where she's, or if she's safe and I feel so useless and alone!"  the two of them were wondering if they were listening to a different person.

               "Now, I am going to use you guys to train my abilities, so try not to be useless today."  

The both of them frowned and felt comfortable at the same time. Trent was back to normal. Trent blended into the darkness. "Get ready." They heard his voice but they could not see him. Cyrus' eyes widened and he began to tap Acher's arm. "What is…" Acher stopped talking when he heard the sounds of marching. He turned his head and saw dark elves in their heavy metallic armor marching towards them, some with arrows, some with lancers, some with spikes, some with swords and shields.

        "Cyrus summoned his weapon, the metallic hand gloves, and Acher summoned his sword. "You have that?" Cyrus looked surprised. "As a prince of Ehteran is only right, I have a weapon to protect myself, in times of danger like this."  Cyrus nodded his head. "Let's take them down." Said Acher. 

             Cyrus closed his eyes, the blood flowing in them was warm as ever. He focused his energy on that, Acher also used his blood manipulation ability. The ten elves groaned in pain and fell to the ground. 

              "Poof!!!"  five of the elves busted and the blood splashed around. "What the, dude your ability is sick!"  Acher laughed.   "One minute." He used his ability to block their flow of blood and they fell to their demise. Five more elves busted, and they continued to use their abilities. The more they used their abilities to kill the countless elves, the stronger they became. Cyrus could now bust fifteen people in one go. Acher has moved to twenty-five the rest of the dark elves disappeared.

                            The two of them bend and hold their knees for support as they breathe heavily. 

"You are awesome man, explain to me how your ability works. "imagine a cylindrical beak, if you put it over a Bunsen burner if the water continues to boil rapidly, the heat will begin to make the glass crack until it busts," Cyrus explained it in the best way he could.

              "that's great." Acher was amazed by his ability. "What about yours?" he asked Acher.

        "in my own can I can control your blood." "That's awesome dude. They fist-bumped each other. 

       "Looks like I made things easy for you two."  Another batch of Armies came out of the nothingness. The black aura exuding from the armies, made the two took for steps back.

             Cyrus closed his eyes to feel the warmness of their blood but there was nothing. Acher could not hear their flow of blood. 

      "they do not have blood or body temperature, they do not have any form of liquid in them," Cyrus said and they looked at each other.  "Then fight them, while I use my elemental ability." Acher sounded confident. "What kind of Elemental ability can you use here?"  

         Acher answered him by swinging his swords and some of the armies, flew to the ground and there was a dent in the chest area of their armor. "Wind and lighting elements can work here." Cyrus was dumbfounded. "You have an elemental ability?" "From my mother's side." "Get down!"  Cyrus pushed him, an arrow grazed him. He hissed and held his side.  Acher saw the rain of arrows coming toward them, he swung his sword, and the arrows scattered and fell in a different direction.

          Cyrus stood, his iris was now red. "Let's do this." he sped into their midst, used his metallic hand glove, and punched the ground, the armies and the area, were pushed back by the force.

    The ground vibrated and the area he punched was now a hole with a lot of cracks in its surrounding area. 

           Cyrus groaned in pain, he checked his side and saw that the cut had increased. "Careful Cyrus the injury from their arrow is a curse!" Acher shouted out. He dodged the arrows as he fought them. 

              Cyrus swiftly dodged the arrows, took one of the swords from the ground, and used it to block the attack of one other army.

      The clanging sounds of swords were the only sound in the world of nothing that Trent kept them in.  

          Acher was still fighting the armies, when something dragged him. 

             "Ahhhh!" Cyrus turned his head and saw Acher being dragged by a large branch and when he looked further he saw a giant carnivorous plant. 

       "Bam!" one of the armies hit him in the stomach and he slid to the ground, he curled up as he held his stomach. His side is bleeding heavily.

             "Stop! We give up!! Stop this whole thing!!!" Cyrus could not take it anymore. All the armies and the carnivorous plant disappeared Acher fell to the ground with a loud thud.

           Trent walked towards them with a frown, he watched them breathe heavily, roll on the ground, and groan in pain.  "Little bro, are you trying to kill us?" Acher asked. "If I were you two would be dead."  "Trent, you can heal, right? My mum is already annoying if she sees this she will not let me be at peace." Cyrus panicked. "I can relate, she will cry, curse the gods, be by your side two-four-seven." Acher sighed. "Not just that she will make me drink all those bitter medicines and start treating me like a child. She is the worst and the most annoying mother." Cyrus sat up, with a scowl on his face.    "You guys are petty, my mum locked me in the lab, experimented on me, used those disgusting blood worms, to burrow through my body and add the blood of all the powerful creatures she collected into my heart, defanged me multiple times to see in my regenerative ability has improved, sacrificed countless of children to make me powerful and an immortal and cut me open a lot of times. You two don't see me whining about that."

        The two of them were in a stupor and didn't know what to say. "You two are not just useless but weak, I need to go find people who are stronger  than the two of  you."

          He dis-apparated. Cyrus looked at Acher. "Did you know that he went through that?" Cyrus asked. "No all I know was that, Trent wasn't named by his real mother and that he suffered a lot.

       "He recalled the first day his father introduced Trent to them.

   The boy looked skinny, he also looked lifeless and tall. 

   "I want the four of you to meet your brother. Alan." The boy frowned, he craned his neck to look at the king. "My mother named me Trent." He stared at the boy with interest. "The woman that named you isn't your real mother and your new mother chose you this name." he gazed at Isolde, she was smiling at him but the smile didn't reach her eyes."

          "She's not my mother, she's also pretentious and doesn't like me; my mother, Felicity named me Trent."

         "He said that to the queen!" Cyrus interrupted his narration. Trent apparated with Elder Potter then he disapparated.

         The old man looked at his surroundings with a confused expression. "Hi, Granddad." Cyrus held his side as he greeted him. "You look like a mess." The old man looked at his beat-up grandson. Trent apparated with Romulus and Romeos and disappeared again. "I will kill that boy the first chance, I get!" Romulus gnashed his teeth in anger. Romeos was unaffected by what was going on.

         Chen and Simon were also brought over by Trent.  "What is all this now," Simon complained. "We aren't sure either. 

    Aurelia appeared there with Trent holding her hand. "I don't like this, I don't like this one bit," Aurelia complained.

    IFHN. Came into the room where Ella was held captive with a frown. "No success," Ella asked and he shook his head.  "I wish Trent also made this amulet for himself, not just you."  Ella laid her head on the bed, while the rest of her body was on the ground. "I am sorry Ella, Trent chose to spend his money by asking a witch to make this amulet. If he knew that I would turn out to be useless he wouldn't have done it." Ella gasped and stood up. "I have an idea." She smiled at IFHM.