Chapter 2: Omnipotus

Conner was back on Earth within a few minutes. He went toward HOMRA HQ where Cecil as well as the leaders of several other major hero teams were present. All of them were waiting for Conner's arrival. Once he entered the room, all eyes went to him.

"Red King said that you called for all of us? This reason better be good, kid!" a middle-aged man said as he stared at Conner with hostility

Conner did not mind it though. He knew that this man was Zephyr's father, the famous Doc Noble. He always had a low opinion of HOMRA due to his beliefs but he had never let them compromise getting the job done. Even if he did not like others, he would work with them as long as they did not cross his bottom line.

This was the reason why Conner respected the man. He was a man of principle that would do his best to protect as many people as he could while also being realistic.

"Of course I called you all for a reason. I'm sure several of you have heard that something has consumed half of Antarctica. I happen to know what this is," Conner began to explain

"And what exactly is it?" a man in armor asked

"Ugh. I mean, thank you for also showing up, Patriot. You and the rest of Fight Force will be valuable distractions and pawns to... I mean welcomed allies that we can fight beside.

The being that was in Antarctica is an extradimensional being known as Omnipotus. He can turn all matter into energy that he can absorb to get more powerful. At his peak, he can consume entire galaxies in minutes as well as fight gods of myth. I would even a hundred Omni-Men would not be able to beat him when he is at his most powerful."

"Then why are we not fighting him now?!?!" Patriot interrupted

Conner glanced at him but the single look caused Patriot to feel the temperature around his body drop dozens of degrees. The hero lowered his head and did not dare to look Conner in the eye again.

After insuring that Patriot would not interrupt him once again, Conner continued to explain.

"He can only consume so much energy at a time before he has to rest to fully absorb and process that energy. He uses his ship to hide as he does that. And luckily for us, he can only use the energy of the dimension/universe he is currently within.

If he has only absorbed what we believe he has absorbed, I'm sure I can take him without much trouble. But if he has been feeding off-world..." Conner trailed off

"Then we have no idea how powerful he has become. This is definitely a reason to call us all in. So what is the plan?" Doc Noble asked

"We sit and wait. If he does not want us to find him, then it is impossible to find him. All we can do is prepare and keep an eye out for any such energy as what was released when he transmuted the South Pole."

Each of the heroes nodded. This was the worst part of hero work: the waiting. They knew there was a threat and they were able to beat it, but they were unable to truly fight it at the moment.

After calling them all and informing them of the threat, Conner no longer had any business to discuss with them so he went down to the Watchmen training grounds. As for the heroes, they all took left soon after him with the exception of Cecil who decided to stay behind and talk with Red King.

"That man of yours, Sentry, he knows quite a bit. Is this his information network or yours through his mouth," the older man asked

Red King at in his chair and looked indifferently at Cecil from behind his mask.

"Does that truly matter Cecil? Either way, the amount of threat we mean to you will still increase," Red King said as a matter of fact

The single part where they were able to find out about Shapesmith put when he didn't put Cecil on edge. Now that the group or Conner had also found out about and had in depth knowledge of Omnipotus, Cecil had to question them for his own sanity.

"Of course it matters. If it is HOMRA's info through his mouth, that means that whatever you all know might be even more than this. You all might not even be from this planet or even universe.

But if it comes from him alone yet you all are able to have him work for you, that is a much more terrifying thought to me.

But you are right about one thing: no matter what answer you give me, I will be coming up with a way to find out all of your weaknesses in case you all betray us like Omni-Man did," Cecil warned

Richard smiled underneath the mask when he heard Cecil threaten him. Even if Cecil wanted to do something against them, it was impossible. Conner had predicted most of the man's and Robot's moves as well as how even extraterrestrial beings would act. Trying to find out his weakness was just foolish on Cecil's behalf.

"You are welcome to try, Cecil. But HOMRA is not able to be toppled by a single man. Let alone you"

On his side, Conner was not thinking about the threat of Omnipotus but the benefits that he would bring him. He held back some information that he knew about but wasn't essential for the others.

Like the fact that while the ship was important, what truly made him able to travel through dimensions was the Warp Key aboard the ship. And Conner's plan was to take the key for himself.

Conner also wanted to gather the heroes together because he needed more allies for the upcoming war with the Viltrumites. And Earth had several heroes that were up to the task that Conner knew about thanks to the Invincible War.

Image Comics had a weird rule that most other comics did not. All heroes' power levels were based on the comic series they were staring in. A near-omnipotent character could be reduced to barely above street-level characters while a character armed with a simple sword could kill planet breakers in another universe.

Even if he knew about the various powerful characters in Image Comics, their strength was hard to determine due to the rules of the Image multiverse. But the Invincible War changed that.

It showed several heroes capable of killing Invincible in battle. Evil versions that were hellbent on killing and destruction might have made them even more dangerous than the normal Invincible.

Each of these heroes was hard to track down though. Conner planned to use Omnipotus and the other heroes word of mouth communication as a beacon in order gather some of these heroes so that they could be recruited.