First journey

Seeing the rock stick to his foot Jude was confused " How ,Why is it sticking to me but not doing what I want it to do? Wait… Im not turning into a rock-man am I!

After kicking his legs a bit, the rock came off. " I dont think I did the technique right, remembering the show after 10 years of not watching is pretty damn hard. I probably forgot something, I need to look for an actual teacher.

Look sat down and thought " This confirms I CAN bend though not practically yet and it also confirms Im an earth-bender! Jude clenched his fist and thought " This will be my first goal, Learning how to bend.

With a goal in mind Jude walked back in town, His town was called Munsok Town With just around 450 people , it was one of the smallest and poorest town in the southern kingdom.

After entering the town , Jude went to a small institute where you could learn the basics of earth bending.

Entering the small building Jude saw a burly man wearing a short sleeveless earth kingdom shirt, he was facing a group children and talking with passion

He shouted" To protect this town and your family, Its a blessing for you children to have the talent for bending, with this talent you will use it to safeguard your people of the earth kingdom! Understood?! he shouted

"Yes, teacher they shouted in unison . The teacher started at them intently and said " Very well , You will learn how to use your bending for the good of everyone an- as he wanted to continue, Jude knocked on the door

" Sorry to Interrupt teacher Kon but I would like to learn from you as well , as he said that everyone started starring at him weirdly, everyone knew everyone here, and it wasn't a secret that Jude wasn't a bender, now him asking for bending lessons seemed crazy

Teacher Kon also looked at him but didn't show, " Jude, you can bend? he asked surprised"

"Yes teacher, After waking up today I felt the chi inside me, Its strange but It feels like I can bend now" replied Jude

Kon though surprised didn't find it strange, their were many cases of benders gaining the ability to bend until a certain age, most benders know if they can bend by the age of 4 but there are rare cases of benders not being able to bend until adulthood

He looked at Jude with a smile and said, very well jude, Im happy you can bend, come and sit, we were about to start the basics.

"Alright, i'll take a seat, thank you teacher, Jude nodded and sat somewhere empty. " Now lets see what I did wrong when I tried practicing alone," He looked at Teacher kon who was continuing the lessons

" As we know there are 4 styles of bending, Water bending, fire bending, Earth bending and the forgotten air bending. We the Earth bending are very close to the earth as such it's important to accept it if you want the Earth to accept you in return as he continued Jude thought

"That was it ?! I was not being accepted by the Earth?! What bullsh***….. Taking in a deep breath he thought, no it's me not accepting earth… But it couldn't be just that as he mused he continued listening to teacher Kon

After the lesson teacher kon asked him to stay for something

" He jude If you really want to learn how to earth bend I know somewhere where you learn it very well " Teacher Kon said with furrowed borrows

"Oh really? Jude said with a delighted tone, Though he now knew pretty much why he couldn't earthbend efficiently, he still did have the appropriate technique, for example most benders follow a scroll or learn their techniques from a master but people like Jude with no one to help could only teach themselves which would take time and it will never be as effective as having a master unless you're a super genius or the avatar

"well its pretty dangerous with the bandits roaming around but its located pretty nearby, its in the State of Goaling,Its also pretty expensive, so you'll have to earn money

As Teacher kon mentioned Goaling Jude felt a jolt of memories surge in, Goaling Toph birth place?! The best Earth bender there could be?!

"Jude" Seeing Jude In a daze Kon said his name

"ughm Jude awkwardly smiled and said " Ah I was thinking about how I would reach there, walking doesn't seem like an option."

"Oh that, I sorted that out for you, you can borrow my stead for the journey said Teacher Kon

"Teacher, thank you" with heartfelt words jude thanked Kon

"Hahaha of course of course, This what I ought to do as an Instructor replied Kon with a smile

After leaving The institution Jude readied himself for his first journey with a lot In his mind

" I dont even know which timeline Im in, but looking around its definitely before korra was born, probably around Early aang period or a bit later, but the most important thing is even if toph Is there how will I convince her to teach me…..

As jude was preparing himself for his first journey Somewhere far and cold where two siblings sitting on a row boat the girl seemed to be upset as she bended water around her and shouted at her brother, with anger fuelling her bending she accidentally submerged a giant ice glacier, before long the Ice broke and a pillar of light shot straight towards the sky