The pillar of light could be seen by everyone around the world with many being confused while the strongest powerhouses were thinking " A new avatar is born avatar 100 years?!"
Jude who was riding Teacher Kon's stead also saw the Pilar of light, " The avatar ? Oh wait does that mean aang just awakened?! " He was happy to know he was in Aangs timeline.
"I need to train with Toph before Aang comes to Toph, I can also join their team with Toph if necessary, but I need to win Toph trust first" With a troubled mind Jude made his way to Goaling State.
After 6 hours of riding and 2 Rest, Jude finally made to the Gaoling state, Which was a bustling town with a lot rich people and merchants
Before he Entered Jude patted Kon's stead and said" Thank you for the ride, before sending it back"
He saw the entrance with 4 guards guarding it. As he approached the 4 guards who all looked at him with a fierce glare they also the young man approach them. Jude was 16 years old 184cm tall or 6ft with broad shoulders and a bit of a muscular physique.
"What are you doing here? asked one of the guards.
Jude looked at him and told him what Teacher kon told him "Im from the Munsok town and came here to attend Master Yun's Earth bending lessons.
After few more back and forth talk, jude was finally allowed to enter the Town, Thanking him, Jude made his way to Master Yun's institute
Arriving at his destination, Jude looked at the big words engraved on the building's board, " Earthbending Master institute "
When he entered he was approached by a man with short hair with a scar running around his left side of his head.
"You come here to learn Earthbending "?
"yes, I have heard this School was the best earthbending school within the southern Earth kingdom "
Hearing Jude, the man couldn't help but smile, " Haha, you've heard that right". " Anyway" the man continued, " Since you want to join us, of course we will accept.
After explaining how he will pay and the rules he led Jude to a place where he could stay while learning
"They got dorms? Jude was a little surprised " First lesson is Tomorrow morning "
Although the room he was living in now was very small,it wasn't a problem to him " it's pretty clean at least . " I wonder if Toph will attend any lessons, even though she's a badass Earth-bender, her parents don't know, In their eyes she's a young mistress of the Beifong family
The next morning Jude make him self ready for the lessons, open the door of his dorm, jude saw many other students head to the lesson
Just as he was following them, someone tapped his shoulder and asked " Arent you new here? " . looking at the student who tapped him, It was a guy with a ponytail he looked overall average.
" Yeah Im heading to the lessons right now, replied Jude. " I am as-well, wanna go together asked the guy, my name Is Hanrick"
"Oke sure, my name is Jude, lets go" said Jude
As the duo made their way towards lessons which was unsurprisingly done outside, Jude asked " Hanrick how long have you been taking lessons here?
"huh"? surprised with the questions Hanrick answered " Well I been taking lessons for few months now
"Jude nodded and thought, few months? does it take that long to learn Earth-bending? He wasn't sure, even though you couldn't learn it out of nowhere, bending has rules and if you understood those rules and respected them, you could learn fast depending on your talent
Jude and Hanrick both followed the other students as they arrived at the large training ground, there many boulders from rocks to large boulders.
Jude looked at them excitedly and thought " Soon soon enough I will be able to throw the around like normal rocks
Hanrick noticed Jude's excitement and said wryly " Hah dont even think about those boulders,
We find it already difficult to lift these rocks"
"Really?! Not even rocks? Jude glanced at him surprised and thought, are normal kids this bad? " I guess Toph really made me overestimate normal kids
" Hanrick looked at Jude and thought, you dont even know how to bend and yet think highly, though he didn't mind his ignorance". "well you need alot of experience to be able to start lifting bigger earth but some talented ones here already are able to
" Alright!, Everyone as usual go and split into
4 groups , and make an orderly que!
As they were discussing the loud shout took their attention to a podium with 2 people, the one shouting was the teacher who welcomed Jude in and the other one was master Yun
"It is him?! Jude looked at Yun and thought he is one of the 2 bounty hunters who tried bringing Toph home before she escaped again
"Jude lets go here" Hanrick awoken him from his thoughts, as he followed him. He brought him to his friend group as they made a que, Hanrick introduced him to 3 other guys.
"Jude these are my friends, pointing at a skinny one with long hair he said, this Tuk, this short guy is called Geru and lastly he pointed to a smiling kid as he said this one is Mory ,
As he introduced them Jude greeted them as they greeted back, he also introduced himself with a smile ,My name Jude