Real Me

On the carriage Jude looked at Toph and seeing her nervous expression said " Toph…. I haven't really known you for a long time but….. Even if your parents don't accept you, I'll stay at your side no matter what"

Hearing the sincerity In his words Toph couldn't help but crack a smile " Thank you"

Before Long Lao beifong quickly hurried towards the front gate,Upon arriving he noticed the carriage and bandits tied on it, he looked towards his daughter Toph with surprise

But as he was about to ask her what was going on a young boy jumped infront of him, he quickly noticed it was the boy he hired called Jude

Seeing the confused expression on Lao beifong face Jude came down from the carriage and said with a serious face " Sir Beifong, please call Madam Beifong in, Toph wants to tell you an important thing

Lao beifong, hearing the seriousness in Jude's voice, quickly called out a guard standing on duty and said " Call my wife, tell her to hurry"

" Yes, sir!" Answered the guard in duty

In the meantime Jude, Toph and Lao beifong waited for Miss beifong

' In the anime her parents didn't accept her and even put her on house arrest…. Will they be as unreasonable today? ' Thought Jude in worry

After few moments the guard and miss Beifong came in with hurried footsteps

" Honey!?' What happened?? " She said in a worried Tone

" Nothing has happened, Toph wanted to discuss something Important " Replied Lao beifong

" Discuss something important?" Miss beifong looked confused at her daughter. " W-who are these people?!" she said after noticing the people tied to each other like prisoners

" Madam, Your daughter and I heard about the bandits harassing Sir beifong's business, After hearing how they savagely destroyed and looted the building we couldn't stay still so we came up with the plan of apprehending them.

Jude looked towards Toph Who was fidgeting with her fingers and continued " sir and madam Beifong, We also wanted to let you know that Top- As Jude wanted to continue he heard Toph say

" I will tell them myself " which she then raised her head and said " Dad, Mom…. My intentions of capturing these bandits where to let you know that I , Toph beifong am not the blind girl you see me as, Im not hopeless as you think I am… I- I am an Earth-bender!

After a moment of silence the madam said in a worried tone" Toph, did this boy tell you to say that?? "

Lao being pointed at Jude with anger and shouted " Y-You dare to bewitch my daughter with nonsense? After I invited you into my house?! "

"Dad! Mom! Why can't you see me as who I am?!…" Saying that, Toph jumped off the carriage and lifted both her hands slowly as she bended a large piece of earth from the ground slowly and said " Do you see!? Im an Earth-bender…..and even though Im blind, I can see with my earth-bending , pointing towards the bandits she continued, Dad these are the bad guys who were harassing your business, I've taken care of them! "

Lao Beifong and Madam Beifong looked towards their little girl and were speechless " Toph…."

Jude noticed the atmosphere and thought ' Do they really need more convincing?!"

He quickly said " Sir and Madam Beifong….." I haven't known Toph for long but the time i've known her I have seen both her sides, The real Toph and the one who acts to please her parents….." Jude pointed at the floating Earth Toph was bending and spoke " Please…. Listen to your daughter, hear her out and let her be the real her, Not just some shell to please her parents "

Hearing the conviction in Jude's voice Madam beifong looked at her daughter then back to her husband and said " Husband...."

Lao Beifong was silent….. After a while he quickly called out " Guards! Escort those bandits to the dungeon" After saying he said to Toph and Jude " Come inside, we need to…. Have a talk"

' Dungeon? do they have their own prison underneath the mansion?' Jude couldn't help but think

Madam and Lao beifong slowly entered the mansion, Jude followed with Toph

Once inside they sat on a chair each, Lao beifong seemed to ponder about something while madam seemed on the verge to burst tears

Jude looked towards Toph and noticed her fierce glare, her eyes wanting to say ' Im not going to pretend any longer'

* Sigh*

Lao Beifong broke the silence with a long sigh before looking towards his daughter Toph

Toph returned the look, with her eyes still determined as ever

Lao Beifong looked towards his wife and spoke " Did we….. Fail? As parents how haven't we noticed that our daughter had this big of a burden in her heart? Were we that focused on reputation and family name that we discarded our own daughter?"


Hearing her husband, Madam Beifong finally couldn't hold her tears as she bursted in tears

" Dad…Mom" Seeing her mother cry and even her dad with wet eyes, Toph couldn't control as tears slowly started to fall from her eyes

Jude seeing the atmosphere shift even more looked awkward… " Are they starting to accept her?" he couldn't help but feel happy

Wiping the wet tears from his eyes, Lao beifong said " Toph as soon as you were born, and discovered you were blind, your mother and I looked at your future with uncertainty...We assumed-

" That I couldn't do anything myself without putting myself in harm? " Toph finished the sentence

" Dad, I understand, I'm blind and normally blind people are helpless but Im not, Im your daughter Im born extraordinary, And even though Im born blind…With earth bending I mastered a way to see"

Madam wiped her tears and with sniffles she said " T-Toph…. We have disappointed you as parents "

"Mom N-"

As Toph wanted to continue Lao Beifong said " What you mother said is true…. I hope you can forgive us and from now on we want to see the real you"