Unexpected Gift

I lay on the white sheets, staring at the equally white ceiling. It was so different from my home, especially in the splash of colours i'd put up there. I had refused to give in to the urge to bring Tony's picture, the one that was always at my bedside table, and now looking at the table adorned only with a bright lamp, I feel like I should have. Somehow, I was feeling number than hurt, and maybe it jad to do with seeing him at the airport. He approached me, held my hand in his, and went down to his knees, tears falling from his eyes. The eyes I always found myself lost in. The eyes I had wanted to stare at forever. My dad came between us before he could say a word, and led me away to catch my flight. I hugged my pillow and rolled over as my stomach gave a rude rumbling sound. I hadn't eaten anything apart from the tasteless aeroplane food, and it had been over eighteen hours. Funny how I couldn't feel anything but hunger. Talk about evil spirits. I jumped off the bed and grabbed a coat, my keys, my ATM card and a purse. I was going to do the kind of shopping I hated the most, hunger shopping. I would still have to go back for real food, because right now, my hunger would lead me straight to fast food. The mall wasn't too far, and I walked there, my hands tucked in my pockets. I ran through the mall stands, fetching things that looked attractive. As I passed a stand just before I could get to the cashier, the pack of instant noodles that was probably the first thing I picked, and was at the bottom of the basket, suddenly fell off. I turned around, astonished. There was no way the Lays chips packet on the top didn't fall, but the instant noodles back at the bottom did. I checked the underside of the basket, and there was no dent or hole. Well, maybe it had been on top. I bent to pick the pack and tucked it back in, securing it in the basket. "Whoof!" I looked up from my kneeling position, and met a pair of big dark blue eyes. They looked like the eyes were placed on a pool of green water. The eyes drew me in, like I've seen them before. Like I was staring at one of my own. I crawled to the cage, unlocked the dog and pulled it out, hugging it to my face. It was a white adorable husky, with a little brown patch to the side. It reminded me of my mysyeriois fur shawl. It wagged it's tail, and gave a little doggy smile, and I don't remember ever feeling so in love, even with Tony. I carried it, as it stretched its cute little paws on my shoulder, and put its face close to mine, rubbing its hairy cheek on mine. "Here." I gave my basket to the cashier, then kept the dog on the table. "How much is it?" I asked, pulling my ATM and some cash in case the cash wasn't enough. "You really want that dog?" She asked, her face drawn together in an expression of surprise. I nodded. "Yes, why?" She shrugged. "It hates on everyone. I'm even surprised you're still carrying it without screaming in pain from its malicious bites." The husky gave a low grown, one that sounded too big and masculine for its size and I thoight she might just be the one he doesnt like. "Well, its good to me, so I want it." I could swear i heard a "humph" sound from him, but when i looked, it was getting its paws cozy on my shoulders again. "This isn't a pet shop." She said. "I know. But i'm also sure it doesn't have an owner, so i'm offering to pay for it, am i not?" She shrugged. "So, you have to pay extra." I eyed her. "I have money." Yes, I did. My parents loaded me up. She rolled her eyes. "Cash or card?" I handed my card over to her, and went back to petting my newly acquired pet. I stopped by the animal shop and bought some dog supplies, before heading back home.

"Hey, little man" i said, getting to my knees. The husky was rubbing its back on the rug, and turned to me, panting with its tongue hanging immediately i came to it. I touched its erect triangular ears and it shifted away a little, before plunging its face nose first into my palm. I laughed as the little hairs tickled my sensitive palm, before focusing again. "What do we call you, little man?" He stopped getting cozy and looked up for a split second, then continued like he had given me a bright answer. "You're so adorable, so...how about..." I let my voice trail off, as i thought of possible names. "How about..Tony?" I traced my hand over its white soft fur, my eyes clouding. Weird how no matter how great my day has been, one thought about Tony seemed to ruin it all for me. But today was a bit different. I felt comforted just touching the dog, and felt a sense of pity from the way It looked at me. If I was a believer in supernatural things, I would swear, my dog was probably a guardian angel. As if to prove my point, it stood on all fours and came around me, tilting its head so It rested on my shoulders, its paws behind my back in a make shift hug. Even a dog could sense my heartbreak. Great. I patted its back and smiled. "Let's call you Tony, little man." I said, sniffing, enjoying the comfort of the dog. Maybe i would move on faster now, in the companionship of such a thoughtful pet.

"Here you go, Tony." I said, passing the plate I'd bought for it loaded. I made a mental note to have its name engraved on the plate, before i went off to have my own meal, leaving Tony digging in.