Aleeta covered her face with both hands in shame. It was also seen that the beautiful woman occasionally shook her head in disbelief at her thinking that was too far away.

All of that did not escape the attention of the driver who was watching through the small rearview mirror that was directly above his head.

"Why is Miss Aleeta like that? Could it be ...." The driver shook his head dismissing all the strange thoughts that had entered his head.

Meanwhile, Rendra continued to drive his car through the night streets which were quite empty at that time. His goal was not to go to his apartment or Aleeta's hotel, but to walk on without any purpose or direction.

Since then, Rendra has been trying to be calm in front of Aleeta and Dimas. Hiding a sense of surprise and also very disappointed. It had never crossed his mind that it would be so difficult to fall in love.

"Are they really engaged?" A few questions now filled Rendra's mind. "Or is Aleeta just pretending? But for what?" he added, don't know who to ask.

There are only two possibilities if the woman is just playing an act. First, this is Aleeta's way of rejecting Rendra's feelings and making him back off. Second, Aleeta is only testing her seriousness.

Rendra was really confused right now.

"Argh, why is he so complicated?" Rendra hit the steering wheel firmly without caring about the pain.

The man entered an elite apartment area, although not as elite as the apartment he lived in. After parking the car, Rendra immediately headed for the elevator that would take him to the floor he was going to.

Meanwhile, a man who was already wearing pajamas and seemed to be getting ready to rest, had to be disturbed by the sound of the bell ringing. He lazily got out of bed and walked unsteadily towards the entrance.

"Who else is bothering you at this time of night?" Annoyed, the man immediately opened the door. The man who rang the doorbell of his house was very passionate. Maybe his neighbors will wake up and protest to him.

"Boss?" The man widened his perfect eyes when he saw the figure who had visited his apartment at this late at night after he pushed the door open.

Rendra was silent with an annoyed face. Making Ryan undo his intention to question the reason for his boss's arrival. Immediately she inched backwards to give him access as she walked past him into the house.

"Stay up with me, Ryan," said Rendra arrogantly, sitting relaxed on the sofa while crossing his left leg over his right.

Ryan did not immediately agree to the request. According to him it was not a request as a friend, but an order as his superior.

"Why do you want to stay up late? Tomorrow we have to go back to work hard. I'm afraid tomorrow my work will not be optimal and you will be angry again." Ryan protested a little. Not without reason, today he hopes to rest in peace. However, it seemed that his simple wish would not come true tonight.

"I promise I won't be angry with you, Ryan. As compensation for disturbing your rest time, you are free this weekend to go out with Malika. How about it?"

Of course it is something that is very worth according to Ryan. During this time his date with Malika was always interrupted.

"Deal," Ryan said holding out his hand.

"Deal," Rendra replied, welcoming the outstretched hand with a slight tilt of his head to match their gaze.

Ryan, who had only been standing in front of Rendra, immediately took a step towards the refrigerator. Take the two cans of coke that are there.

"I don't want that one," protested Rendra when Ryan handed him a red drink can with the words Coda cola on it.

Ryan didn't seem to care and just plopped right next to Rendra. He opened his drink and took a sip of it casually.

"I told you I don't want that drink. I want another brand." Once again, Rendra protested.

"Sorry, Mr. Rendra. But in my house there is only that," replied Ryan, raising both hands in the air while shaking his head unconcerned.

Rendra frowned because he had no other choice. Right now he is bothering someone who is about to take a break with his love problems. So, he would hold back now.

"Aleeta already has a fiancé," said Rendra as he opened his drink can.

However, it made Ryan gasp and choke while he was drinking his drink.

"Impossible, Ren. I've checked and he is a true single," said Ryan in disbelief.

Rendra drank his cola, then held the soda can in both hands. Fixing his sitting position to be upright and staring ahead.

"I met Aleeta and her fiancé. His name is Dimas." Ryan still shook his head in disbelief at the information given by the man beside him.

"I know Dimas. He's only Aleeta's friend since she was in school. I've confirmed it and there's nothing special between them," Ryan concluded confidently. Because he himself investigated Aleeta's background.

Rendra looked away and looked at Ryan then said, "unfortunately they just got engaged due to their family's request. I'm one step late, Ryan. If only I had forced him and not waited. Would things be different?"

Ryan broke eye contact between them. He had never seen the despair in Rendra's eyes like now. The man decided he would be the listener that night.

Rendra seemed to be at war with a few questions that popped up in his mind. He looked down at the can of drink he was holding, then gave a wry smile.

"I think I can get to Aleeta by approaching her slowly. Because it seems like she's still not done with her past and seems like an inexperienced person in courtship." Rendra exhaled slowly, then took another sip of his drink.

"Did I have the wrong strategy?" added Rendra with a sad face.

Again Ryan did not comment. He was quite surprised by Aleeta's decision to accept the engagement. From his observations the man was very sure that the woman also had the same feelings as Rendra.

Ah, that made him a little dizzy too. Because it means the task will increase.

The two men spent a cold night together. However, at two in the morning, Rendra decided to go home.

"Shouldn't you stay over?" Rendra shook his head at Ryan's question. He knew enough to have disturbed Ryan's rest.

"I'm staying with you, I'm afraid you'll do things that don't matter," answered Rendra casually.

Ryan chuckled softly at that. "You seem to be feeling a little better. The proof is that you can joke around."

"Yes, it seems so." Rendra answered softly with a wry grin.

Rendra, who had been at the door, walked back to Ryan, then patted him on the shoulder.

"Go to sleep and don't forget to lock the door. I'm afraid someone bad will hurt you."

Ryan brushed off Rendra's pliers, groaning in annoyance because he felt like he was being played with. He thought he wanted to convey something important earlier. However, in reality it was all just a joke.