Chapter Forty Three

"Fuck!" Chase cursed quietly. As you know by now, he doesn't curse often, so when he started cursing, she knew that shit was bad. "Okay, change of plans," he then pushed her away slightly from his chest to look at her in the eye, and in the most commanding voice she had ever heard from anyone, he said, "You will stay here, reach inside my drawer for an actual weapon and barricade yourself in this room, okay?"

He was trying to be a hero.

But she didn't want either of them to die that night. This hot idiot had grown on her, whether she admits it or not. And since he wasn't agreeing to her plan of sitting ducks, these stupid words had to come out of her mouth. "No, I am coming with you!" She returned to hug him. She is not going to lie, the solidness of his muscles was so reassuring.

She doesn't know what his face looked like then, but the man said, "You really love me that much, huh?" Lia let go of him at that lovely statement and backed away a step or two.