Chapter Forty Four

"Who had an accident?" asked Mrs. Sullivan again as soon as Alex finished the phone call.

"Adrian... he..." she said in between sobs.

Her cover covered her mouth. "How is his condition? How is he now?"

"Karl said that he is being treated now by a doctor. She blew on her shaking hand. "Mom, can you contact my aunt and uncle? Tell them that Adrian had an accident, and that they must be there as soon as possible. I'll send them the address."

"Alright, I will." said Mrs. Sullivan. "Is he really in Canada?"

"I don't know... I don't know, but we have to believe in Karl, right?"

"What should we say to his parents?" her mother asked the moment the dial tone was heard.

Alex closed her eyes. Remembering what Karl said, the man was very panicked and his speech was in disarray. "Karl said that Adrian fell and hit his head and was currently unconscious."

"Are you sure this isn't a joke?"