A white room

[A/N: Hey, I posted the wrong version of the chapter yesterday. Although the context is the same, the language is much more refined in this one. Thanks for reading :)]

Emma moved her head around only to be surprised by what she saw. Everywhere her eyes met was pure white. From the walls, ceiling to even the floor, It was all white. It was so white, that she couldn't even make any sense of distance. She tried recalling why she was in this situation in the first place. That was a bad idea. Flashes of memories entered her skull as she remembered the last moments of her life

'I died…'

Tears trickled down her face as she recalled all of her aspirations. She didn't even manage to say goodbye to her mother…

While all those negative thoughts passed through her head, the space around her started distorting as a black bubble entered the room. Emma lifted her head as she looked at the foreign entity. It suddenly started getting bigger and bigger until it popped. She looked around, confused about what happened when suddenly a pair of arms approached her from behind. The arms wrapped around as a mature voice whispered into her ears sweetly

"Don't cry honey, I'm here."

Emma's eyes widened as she recognised the attractive voice. She tilted her head to the side and looked into the golden eyes in front of her. Her black hair swayed to the side as she too looked into the eyes of the young girl. She flipped her body and hugged the figure in front of her. Tears restarted falling out of her eyes as she shouted,


Her voice was barely audible as it muffled on her mother's clothes. She definitely looked like a mess right now but she couldn't care less. She only wanted to bask on the relief she felt after seeing her mother again. The hows and whys didn't matter right now. She only wanted to appreciate the moment. It had been a while since she hugged her mother after all.

After half an hour, the mother and daughter pair finally separated from each other. Emma finally took a good look at her mother and she noticed something strange. All the freckles and marks she had on her face had disappeared. Her skin looked as smooth as butter. Her hair also looked glossier and shinier than before and her eyes glowed a slightly golden colour. She had so many questions she wanted to ask but just didn't know where to start

Seeing her daughter's reaction, her mother chuckled a bit before snapping her fingers. The scenery instantly changed from the bland white room they were in to what looked like the middle of space. A semi-translucent platform formed below their feets as 2 sofas and a coffee table poofed into existence.

"Take a seat, I'm sure you have a lot of questions Emmy" she says while gesturing at the sofa behind Emma.

"I told you not to call me that" Emma replies as she sat down. The cushion were incredibly comfortable. It was as if it had been made just for her. She could even fall asleep in them if she wasn't careful

"So, ummm…. Where are we?" Looking around, the two of them were surrounded by Galaxies far and wide. Cosmic dust spread around the platform they were standing on. It was all pretty scenic looking at it. This would look great as a wallpaper.

"We are currently in the middle of your universe. Well, not the middle per-se, but we are somewhere in this universe." She explained.

"Are you a god or something?" The answer to this question seemed very obvious. She is in fucking space after all. But right now she just needed confirmation.

"Well, somewhat. But unlike those fictional gods your planet has created, I have no restrictions on my powers and I don't have an altruistic personality like some religions portray. So, no I am not a god in the traditional sense, but what I am is a being with the highest sense of Authority." She stopped herself to see if her daughter had any questions, but to her surprise, she was listening attentively to what the lady was saying.

Emma has always been a quick learner and one to adapt to her environment quickly. Since she and her mother were poor, they were always switching apartments and living space. Naturally, she grew up without any materialistic interests, much to the dismay of her mom. To her, they could all disappear by tomorrow just like her home did. As she grew older, she started helping her mother do stuff like washing the dishes or hanging up clothes.

The number of times she switched middle schools were numerous. But finally, their situation managed to stabilize once she reached highschool. They found a place to stay where they didn't have to pay much in mortgage and could instead focus on not only repaying their debt but also on Emma's education.

"Though that does beg the question of what 'the highest sense of authority' entails? To put it simply, it is as it says. I have the power to create and manipulate everything. Whether that be a planet or the universe itself. I can manipulate what's real and what isn't. At the snap of my fingers, I can outright change the laws of physics, or instate what you would call 'magic' into the world. Or I can create a different universe with different laws, essentially creating parallel universes…

I have absolute authority over anything and everything. My ability is what you might call 'Reality shaping', Hence the name, Rea."

As if to explain her point, Rea snapped her fingers but this time brought them to an empty black space. A white cloud-like substance appeared out of nowhere and started to compress into a tight space. But then, it suddenly exploded and Emma finally realised what was happening. Her mother had reversed time to where it all started. The Big Bang. The entire history of the universe played out in front of her in a swift motion of 30 seconds until they reached the 'present day'.

But Emma noticed something weird. She was able to not only capture everything but also process it. Although it all happened in what felt like 30 seconds, she managed to analyse everything in detail. From the beginning to the end. It was all incredibly strange. Though at this point, there was no point in differentiating what's strange and what isn't. She is talking to her mother who just so happened to be a goddess for Pete's sake.

"Umm…" Emma looked at Rea while fidgeting her fingers. She had a question that she wanted to ask since she knew that her mother was a 'goddess'. "Why did you come to earth then? Even if you had a reason to leave here, there are a lot of universes you could have gone to, right?"

"I chose it randomly. I was bored and wanted to see one of my own creations from inside." She says as she looked at her daughter with a blank stare

Emma couldn't believe what she had just heard. She started to reiterate as she spoke, "So… you went to earth, married a man, had a child, and went through poverty for fun?"

"When you say it like that, it sounds bad. But yeah. Though, in my defence, I have lived for an infinite amount of time. I created many worlds but have only gone into them a couple of times. You can't blame me for getting curious. I didn't expect to have my own child during that time though.

Emma was dumbfounded to say the least. She wanted to lecture her mother on her behaviour but she could only sigh. She couldn't blame her after all and she still had a question needing answered. The lecturing could wait.

While Emma was thinking, Rea could feel her own body shiver involuntarily. She could only shudder at the thoughts her daughter was having.

"As your daughter, am I some sort of demi-god or something?" Emma waited a while before asking her question. She was most curious about the answer to this one. After all, this would predetermine her future.

"Of course not." She states matter-of-factly "The conception of Demi-god's is something you humans created. Though there are worlds with demi-god, you as my daughter will naturally hold the same power as I do. Although your powers won't work on me, it will work on everything else."

