Chunin Exams 3

" No, there would be no reason, I surrender."

" That's good, knowing when to quit and when not is always a good thing to have."

" If I come to find you after the exams will I really become strong enough to do this?" she asks still looking at the deep slash running across the ground.

" If you do I can help you become stronger, but you will never become stronger than me after all I plan to keep getting stronger."

After saying what he had to say Ren left the field once again returning to his spot on the roof with his hands folded.

' It seems I spoke too soon, she could become someone strong or it could be a waste of my time it all depends on her attitude.'

'But the wind cutter performed as I expected, the only thing that could be improved would be the time taken to form it before using it, but for my first Jutsu without hand seals, it is good enough.

" My body is too light."

After starting to wear weight for everything Ren has become accustomed to the heaviness that usually weighed down on him until he got used to the weight and changed it again.

As Ren continued to watch the matches go by he really wondered why was this generation of the hidden stone currently this bad, it wasn't so bad as to say there would not be an elite Jounin level shinobi amongst them but that would take very long for long to appear and there was no future Kage level for sure, but that is to be expected as Kage level talent is not something common.

After all, getting one every generation is already very good.

As he waited for his next match Ren already spotted who he would face in the finals, a boy clearly at chunin level in everything he displayed and he would be a great talent if only he wasn't already thirteen, but because of that he is only good, and Ren doesn't see anything special about his personality to interest him.

Onoki POV

' my choice was right.' was all I could think as I saw the result of that Jutsu Ren just used, I can say without any doubts I've found a suitable replacement, he just needs to gain more experience and merit and I'll be set to retire anytime I want while knowing I've left the village in good hands.

"Onoki, that boy really is something, I can see why you think so highly of him."

" If he lives long enough I can't see where he'll end up, but I'm sure he'll lead the village to a better future," says Onoki

" I agree, it's good he was born in this village and not the leaf or cloud."

Ren Pov


" just four, out of all the participants, there were only four people Ren could really say deserved to be promoted and again these four aren't anything amazing.

Now here Ren is again standing on the field as the slash has disappeared, fixed with some earth Jutsu, while the crowd goes crazy at the sight of him as they expect another amazing match.

Looking at his opponent Ren was confused, as the boy that's to be his opponent is looking at him with what could only be reverence.

"Ren sama, I am Akemi, I hope we have a good match."

" Ren sama?" He asks even more confused as no one uses such honorifics with him.

" Yes, Ren sama because you are the genius of our village and you are also an orphan just like me but your so much stronger, it's my dream to beat you."

" Okay" was all Ren said in response.

"The participants are ready, begin."

"Look don't take this personal but I am tired, and I just want this to be over."

"I won't," Akemi answered

Ren speed through hand seals then slams his hands to the ground.

"Earth release: Land of great spikes"

Rumble!! Rumble!!

The ground shakes violently until waves of four-meter-long spikes shoot from the ground towards Akemi forcing him to jump into the air to dodge them.


Ren disappeared and appeared behind Akemi who was unable to react.

"Explosion release: explosive kick"

Ren sends explosive chakra to his right foot causing an explosion speeding up his kick and adding more power as it connects with Akemi's face.



Akemi slams into the ground creating a crater, as Ren lands on the ground, he turns and walks away.

"Ren the match." the proctor shouts

"The matches over he won't get up," Ren answers as he flickers off the field

Hearing this the proctor checked on Akemi and found him unconscious.

"The winner is Ren, as he advances to the finals."


Cheers erupt from the stands as they begin to shout his name.



