Chapter 30: Slap!

Later that night, Garrat came bursting in through the room.

He led both Gisella and a stumbling Ryre towards the back of the room where he removed a tapestry from the wall and unlocked a door Gisella had never seen before.

The room was cold and dark, there was no light beside that of the torch Garret had lit for them and Gisella could hear her own breathing in the room. Garrat took Ryre by the shoulders and forced him down.

By now, Ryre had been panting all through their journey from the balcony to the secret room and his skin had grown even more pale. His eyes were bloodshot and stared up at her as he tried to smile a reassuring smile.

“It’s okay,” He tried to reassure her but she wasn’t convinced, “I can handle the pain. The chains are just to help keep me down in case I get too…”