86. Unexpected Meeting (Edited)



Check out my patr*eon if you want to get a few chapters in advance.


Editor: Kyran_Ambrosius


- Okay, okay, I'll fix it. Do not worry. - I said, massaging my temples with a heavy sigh.

Ever since the girls saw the video of their heroic debut and found out what nicknames the media gave them, they haven't let up for a second.

For the last hour, grandfather and I had to listen to one complaint after another. Starting with the name-calling of stupid reporters who came up with these heroic names, Ashley tried the most, ending with how unfair the world is because I got such a cool alter ego, and they got some banal nicknames.

No matter what I tried to say, they did not calm down, but on the contrary, they only got angrier. Although I understand them, and I would also be dissatisfied in their place, this does not mean that you need to dump all your claims on me and a grandfather.

Ashley and Gwen stopped abruptly when they heard me, stopping in the middle of another complaint, while Grandpa looked at me gratefully. Poor old man.

- Can you change those stupid nicknames somehow? - Ashley asked seriously.

- Yes, I have a contact from this environment, and she must help. - I said with a sigh. Finally, they shut up.

- She? - Gwen asked with a bit of jealousy. She's been doing this a lot lately. Apparently, her feminine instinct, something tells her.

- Yes, I already talked about her. She is the granddaughter of an old friend of Grandpa, and I met her in San Francisco. - I said and put on my suit since it was the Legion who would ask for help.

- It's clear. If she can help you, then give her a call. Only faster. - Gwen muttered angrily.

- Okay, just don't interfere. & I said, after which I created a cube around myself that would cover the bus's interior. After all, my hero identity is a secret, so no hints about my whereabouts can be given.

Taking out my laptop, I quickly located the current whereabouts of Jessica Daniels, aka Skye, and hacked into her personal computer. Now, she is in Las Vegas.

She's a good hacker, primarily due to her alien heritage, but don't forget that I'm a genius and a cheater who created super-powerful AI in the past, so I still broke her defenses.

As for why I did it, if I could just call, the answer is quite simple? Because of pathos. I want to keep the image of a remarkable and mysterious hero, so a little pathos will not hurt. What do you want? I'm only 16 years old, albeit the second time. I also want to have fun and show off. And no one has the right to judge me for it.

Soon, an image of Sky appeared on the screen from her webcam. At the moment, she was frantically trying to stop the intrusion into her systems, though it wasn't bad at that.

- Hello, Skye. - I said in my changed voice because of the mask.

The girl twitched and looked warily at her monitor, on which I appeared. More precisely, the image from my camera.

- L-le-legion? - Skye stuttered a little and then added with a bit of fear: - I did not restore the site, Mr. Legion. I swear.

- I didn't contact you because of your website. - I said, gradually realizing that now I had frightened the poor girl. Probably worth a call anyway.

- Truth? -Jessica asked hopefully.

- Yes. Actually, I need your help. - I said, getting straight to the point.

- What? Do you need help? I... I'll gladly do my best. - First with shock, and then with enthusiasm, said Skye.

- I am glad to hear it. - I said to cheer up the girl.

- What do you need from me? - Sky asked with the utmost seriousness.

- Have you seen this video? - I asked, displaying a report with the girls on the screen.

Looking at the video, Sky twisted her face in displeasure and said with a bit of disdain: - Yes, I saw this squalor. Sloppy work. And what idiot came up with the nickname Stone Rocket? The Fire Witch is nothing but this...

Feeling the approach of another tirade, I quickly interrupted the girl, saying. - Yes, you are entirely correct. It's horrible, and that's why I contacted you. My um... partners are unhappy with the hero nicknames that the media has given them...

- And you want me to change those aliases? - Jessica asked quickly.

- Exactly. - Nodding my head, I said.

- Of course, I can hack news channels and edit videos, but… - Skye thoughtfully spoke, but I quickly interrupted her.

- No, no, no, you don't have to. I can do it myself, but it's not a very good way. People will notice this and understand that the hacker has worked. I want more careful work, and I need people to decide on their own to change their aliases. - I said.

Even if all information is erased from the Internet, people already know everything. It is unlikely that they will simply forget it, especially if they see that someone prevents them from spreading information.

I did not ask Morgana to delete information about me because I knew perfectly well that it was already too late. Now, I'm more careful and try to stop the cameras from recording me.

I don't want anyone to know that it's in my power to hack the entire Internet and people's personal computers. If I abuse this, sooner or later, someone will figure it out and turn on me for sure. And I don't need it.

Now it's too late to cry over spilled milk. Who knew that I would quickly attract attention while doing almost nothing.

- So what exactly do you want from me? - Skye asked incredulously.

- I need your connections. You are in the fan society, and you know people who can influence the opinion of a large number of fans. So I want you to contact them and spread the word that the new heroines are unhappy with their aliases. - I expressed my idea.

Do you want the fans themselves to fight for changing pseudonyms, which looks like widespread unrest? - Skye asked, gradually understanding.

- Exactly. In my opinion, this is the safest way. Of course, I can make everything more direct and simply demand a change of aliases, but I do not want to shine and attract too much attention, and I have too many things to do. It was not enough for the police to start hunting me because I was a vigilante. You never know what will come into the head of the people in power if they see a reaction from us. - I said truthfully.

I remember all the stories about Batman and Spider-Man very well, and I don't want to be hunted. This is still the real world, and, in fact, there are already enough people who are unhappy with my actions.

Morgana is already following several senators who have tried to organize an order for my arrest. Unfortunately, they had financial problems, and unexpectedly unpleasant details from their past were revealed, so they are not up to me now. But that doesn't mean there won't be more of the same bastards.

In addition, there is always someone in the government who wants to take control of a mighty hero and use him as a chained dog for the good of the motherland. Read the comics, and you'll see that I'm right.

So, my current motto is not to shine and try not to attract attention. Although those who still do not calm down, I do not envy.

- I understand, and I will do whatever is necessary. You are a real hero, and you are doing a good job protecting our world from aliens. If you want to be inconspicuous, I will gladly help you. - Skye said with great determination.

Wow, I didn't expect her to believe in me that much. It's nice.

- Thank you. I'm very grateful to you. As for pseudonyms, instead of the Fire Witch, let it be the Mystic, and instead of the Stone Rocket, the Rogue. - I said, having just come up with pseudonyms. I think it fits very well. (Thanks for the idea Bryan_Growl)

- Sounds very cool. I'm sure everyone will like it. - Sky said with a smile.

- Well, that's good. And how are you? Did you talk to your grandfather? - I asked.

- Yes, he told me everything about his past. I would never have thought that the world is so big for us that I am partly an alien. - Skye said with great enthusiasm.

- That's right, our planet has become the epicenter of alien activity. Over time, there will only be more guests. Although, in truth, something always happened on Earth. No wonder so many half-breeds like you and your brother live on the planet. - I said with a sigh. More aliens, more problems. And all on my fragile shoulders.

I thought that the most significant danger is a government organization with alien weapons. - With the same sigh, the girl said.

- You don't know about the Ancient Knights Sect yet. Okay, thanks for the help. If you find yourself in trouble or need help, post a call for help on your social media page, and I will find out. Good luck. - I said.

- Wait, I also wanted to ask why you said to ask my grandfather about Max Tennyson? - Sky asked quickly.

- See you. - Completely ignoring the girl, I closed my laptop and cut off the connection. To be honest, I don't even know why I blurted it out then, and I probably knew that we would meet at the end of the summer.

Having dispelled the cube, I got up from my seat and went to the girls. Seeing that I had finished, Gwen asked hopefully:

- Well, how?

- Everything is fine. Everyone will forget about the Fire Witch and the Stone Rocket in three or four days. - With a smile, I said.

- And what are our nicknames now? - Ashley asked, looking at something on her laptop.

- And this is a secret. Find out later yourself from the news. - I said mysteriously. Let there be a surprise. I'm sure they'll love it.

- Moo, that's not fair. - Ashley said, making a sad face to pity me.

- Nothing, be patient. You better tell me what you're looking at? - I asked curiously when I heard the strange music.

- Oh, it's a new show. The third episode just came out, and it's pretty funny and creepy at times. - Ashley said enthusiastically.

- Yes? And what is it called? - I asked as I approached the girl.

- «The Weird World of V. V. Argost.» - Ashley said with a smile, turning the screen to me, where you could see a strange man in a stone mask.

- Wha… - Instantly recognizing the name, I was just about to make sure I wasn't mistaken when danger bells sounded in my head.

- Grandpa, slow down. Danger. I immediately shouted, feeling that something would crash into our bus in a moment.

Since there was almost no time to act, I covered Grandpa, Gwen, and Ashley with a magic sphere to protect them. At the last moment, I tried to cover the whole RV, but the one who crashed into the side of our bus just broke the shield.

The bus went off the road from the impact, and we flew into a ditch while rolling over several times. Fortunately, I did not spare the magic to protect my family, and no one was hurt. The most that happened to them was slight dizziness.

It's good that I didn't have time to take off the suit, so it protected me from the blow.

After quickly getting up and making sure that my family was all right, I quickly jumped out of the bus and looked at the one who was so brave to attack us.

I was expecting anyone from Vilgax and Albedo to the Eternal Knights and even Verdona, but it wasn't like that. I saw a purple cat with horns and long fangs, three times the size of an ordinary lion. Now this feline creature was shaking its head and recovering from the blow.

He accidentally bumped into us when racing through the forest at full speed, as far as I can tell. We had already reached North Carolina and were driving along a desert road that crossed a huge forest through which this animal ran. We were just unlucky as we ended up in his path when he crossed the road.

- Hey, are you okay? - having understood the situation, I turned to an incredible creature, trying to establish contact.

— *RAAAAARRR* — unfortunately, I was met only by the roar of a disgruntled monster, which was now angrily looking at me and clearly preparing to attack.

Simultaneously, several more incredible creatures ran out of the forest. One looked like a giant, bear-sized, yellow monkey with the features of a sloth. The second one looked like a giant orange wolf with jagged horns on its head. And the third one didn't look like an animal at all, and I even recognized it; it was a real Chupacabra.

The creatures stopped and roared at me, after which they all attacked together. Since I perfectly understood that it would not be possible to resolve this peacefully, I covered my hands with Armament Mana and went on the attack.

The purple cat was the first to reach me and immediately received a blow to the jaw, from which he flew several meters away. Next, I removed the goat sucker by throwing a magic disk at it, which exploded on impact, incapacitating the creature.

I had to dodge the gorilla-sloth, but I managed to create a mana web and threw it at the animal, which became entangled. Last, I swaddled a wolf that I had to hit so that he would not resist.

The cat came to his senses and again rushed to me at this point. I realized that he would not calm down just like that, so I turned into my new alien and slashed the creature with my poisoned claws. The poison was nerve-paralytic with a hypnotic effect, so the cat quickly fell to the ground and fell asleep.

I did the same with the rest of the creatures. This is the safest way to disable them without harming them.

- What the hell is this?" Ashley asked, shocked, as she got off the bus first. At this point, I canceled the transformation.

- I think I can guess… - U said, but I was interrupted by another creature coming out of the forest. This time, it was a tall, 2.5-meter humanoid gorilla cat.

Ashley already wanted to attack him with her lightning, but since I recognized the creature, I quickly managed to stop her while saying: - Stop, Ashley. He is not our enemy.

- Umu? Waturumounu omarumi. (Me? I'm good, don't do the same to me as to them.) - Seeing the defeated creatures, our new guest purred while waving his arms sharply. But, somehow, I understood what he said.

- Fisk, did you find them? - I heard the voice of a child coming from the forest. The voice owner appeared next, in the company of another unusual animal that looked like a green komodo dragon.

A ten-year-old boy wearing an orange T-shirt with a stylized "S" logo. Most notable was his two-tone, black and white hair.

- Shit. - that was all I could say when I saw Zak Saturday.