87. Crossover (Edited)



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Editor: Kyran_Ambrosius


While I looked at Zak Saturday in shock and slowly realized that his story exists in this world, another voice was heard from the forest, this time a female one.

- Zak, don't run too far. This is dangerous.

- Mom, look, here is the Legion. Real superhero. - Zak shouted with delight as he took a good look at me. And it seems that he is glad to see me; his eyes are already shining with happiness.

Soon, two more people came out of the forest. A black skin tall, muscular man and a beautiful woman with white hair. Both were in their late thirties, and as you can see, they were Zak's parents, Solomon and Drew, Saturday.

Quickly approaching their son, they shielded him and looked warily at Ashley and me while scanning the surroundings.

- Be careful, Zak. We don't know these people. - the man said, looking at us warily.

- Hello. - Raising my hand in greeting, I said muffledly, still getting used to the idea that in this world, in addition to the story of «Ben 10», there is also the story of «The Secret Saturdays.»

Fate is clearly playing with me, given that as soon as I learned about the existence of V.V. Argost, the primary opponent of the Saturday Family, I immediately ran into the family itself. And, in this case, literally collided.

«The Secret Saturdays» is an animated series that aired on the same channel as «Ben 10» and had a similar design and the same genre.

The animated series itself told, as is evident, about the Saturday family, two scientific cryptozoologists, Solomon and Drew, their son Zak, and their three adopted children, cryptids named Fiskerton, the Komodo Dragon, and Zon. Although, apparently, they have not yet sheltered the latter.

Saturday's travel the world, study cryptids, fantastic, rather even mythological animals, like the Loch Ness Monster, Yeti, or Chupacabra, and protect them from the harmful influence of people, along the way, finding adventures on their ass and fighting villains.

The plot of the series itself revolves around an ancient cryptid named Kur, whose powers allowed him to subjugate and control other cryptids. Through these powers, Vincent Vladislav Argost, a yeti who pretended to be a man and hosted the show «Weird World.»

Having obtained the abilities of Kur, Argost wanted to subdue all the cryptids, destroy all people and, in fact, take over the world. It is a typical villain with many ambitions and a thirst for power, and it is no different from Vilgax, except that the scale is smaller.

The Saturday family wanted to stop Argost, which is basically what they tried to do throughout the series by searching for Kur's tomb.

Kur itself was killed by Gilgamesh several thousand years ago when the cryptid tried to do precisely what Argost was planning.

But before his death, Kur managed to transfer his spirit into the Stone of Kur. This ancient relic rested for several thousand years in the ground, until shortly before the birth of Zak, a group of scientists, among whom were Zak's parents, found the Stone, thereby freeing the spirit of Kur.

The Stone itself wanted to steal Argost and study it, hoping to find Kur's tomb to subdue the ancient dragon and use it for their plans, but the Secrets Scientists divided the Stone into three parts and hid it.

Zak is the main character of the story, and as it should be in such an animated series, he has unique superpowers, consisting of the same control over cryptids.

Since Zak was conceived during the discovery of the Kur Stone, the spirit of the cryptid managed to settle in his developing body, turning Zak into his own vessel and bestowing his powers on the boy.

It's funny because both Saturday's and Argost spent the entire first season looking for Kur when he was right in front of their noses all this time. And frankly, this could be guessed, given Zak's abilities.

Unfortunately, being in this world of the Saturday family means that I will also have to deal with the Kur problem. Vilgax and the other Omnitrix hunters were not enough for me. Now I have to stop Argost so that this stupid snow monkey does not destroy the world and kill my family.

I've spent the last ten years exploring other worlds in this universe, but instead, I should have turned my attention to my own planet.

I had a mysterious world under my nose with many cryptids and other mysteries, and I didn't even notice it. Fortunately, I realized this before it was too late. And also, it opens up new perspectives for me.

Unfortunately, I was not a fan of «The Secret Saturdays,» and I only remember the main plot and some plot twists, such as the one that Zak is the reincarnation of Kur, and if nothing changes, then he is destined to destroy people. I will have to spend time exploring my own world to not be left without proper knowledge.

All these thoughts flashed through my head at lightning speed, and finally, when I accepted the new one, Gwen managed to get out of the bus and notice our guests.

- Is that Solomon and Drew Saturday? - Gwen asked, instantly recognizing the people who were still wary of us because of the knocked-out cryptids lying on the ground, without even returning my greeting.

- Who? - Ashley asked, looking incredulously at the strange family.

- Famous cryptozoologists and advocates of rare animals. - Gwen replied instantly. I wonder how Gwen knew them when I had no idea that they existed in this world?

The Saturdays themselves were still in a defensive stance, as they didn't know what to expect from us and were covering for Zak, who was trying to come up to me. But it stopped when Grandpa finally got out of the ditch and out onto the road.

Clearly recognizing Grandpa immediately, Drew Saturday put aside her Tibetan Fire Sword that she had pointed at us earlier and said in shock: - Max?

Grandpa made the same expression and asked: - Drew? And Solomon? What are you doing here?

- We were chasing those cryptids. They escaped from smugglers who intended to sell them on the black market. We tried to calm them down and return them to their native habitat. How did you get here, Max? Solomon, whom everyone simply calls Doc, disengages his power gauntlet and visibly relaxes.

- I spend the summer with my grandchildren. We were on our way to Niagara Falls when suddenly someone crashed into us, and we overturned. Apparently, these were cryptids. Fortunately, my grandson was able to calm them down. - Max said honestly, pointing at me with his hand while revealing my secret identity.

- Grandson? - Drew asked in shock, after which she looked at me hopefully and asked: - Is this Lex?

Not expecting them to know my name, I took off my suit and said again: - Hello.

Before I could do anything, Drew rushed to hug me, with tears in her eyes, while saying: - Oh, little Lex, you have grown so much. Let me see you. What a handsome man you have become. Just like your mom. Doc, look, it's Olivia's son.

I did not understand anything, so I looked at Max with a look that required explanation.

Realizing what I wanted from him, Max quickly said: - Lex, this is Drew, a close friend of your mother and godmother.

This is a twist I didn't expect at all.

- Good to see you, Max. We haven't seen each other for 10 years since… - Doc said, approaching his grandfather, completely ignoring his wife's behavior.

- Since the funeral, yes. Time flies fast. - Max said, shaking Doc's hand with a smile.

- Wow, Fisk, did you hear? Legion himself is the godson of mom. And look, he's still a teenager. This is so cool! - Zak now spoke up, who also came closer to me, with his cryptid brother.

- Umarumaroono mlo morun. (You're right, it's so cool.) - Fisk purred while giving a thumbs up.

- Kzza. - the Komodo dragon decided to give me a voice, although I just didn't understand it.

- How did you defeat the cryptids so quickly? - Doc asked curiously, examining the creatures and making sure they were just sleeping.

- Dad, what are you? He is the Legion, a superhero with hundreds of disguises and many different superpowers. - Zak said with a bit of indignation.

- What? Are you a superhero? Max, how can you let Lex fight crime? He is only 16 years old. - Drew shouted indignantly, finally stopping hugging me and yelling at Grandpa.

While Zak told his father about all my heroic deeds and Drew scolded my grandfather, who could not even utter a word, Gwen and Ashley, who had been silent until then, approached me. The latter asked quietly:

- What's going on here?

- I do not know. - I said honestly, rubbing the bridge of my nose, and then added with a sigh: - Probably a fateful meeting.

- What a strange meeting. - Gwen said involuntarily, looking at this commotion.

- Not that word. - I said, and then I wanted to say something else, but I was interrupted by a quiet «Meow» right under my feet.

I saw an adorable kitten with an unusual blue coat. Now he looked at me with his big and intelligent eyes.

Picking him up in my arms, I involuntarily began to coo with him. Apparently, my inner cat lover woke up.

- What a handsome. And what are you doing here? - I asked, stroking the cat.

Noticing the cryptid in my arms, Drew stopped scolding Max and delightfully said: It's a Blue Tiger cub. Recently, the scientific community changed his status as a cryptid, and now he is not considered a mythical animal. Such tigers can influence the probability field and attract good luck. Therefore, many want to get it to use its ability. It is not surprising that they tried to sell it at an illegal auction.

- Probability field, huh? So you did all this? - Having begun to understand the essence of the matter, I asked the tiger cub while not ceasing to stroke him.

- Meow! - Nodding a little, the kid issued, clearly agreeing with my statement.

- You mean he used his luck manipulation ability to escape the smugglers and bring the rest of the cryptids here? - Doc asked skeptically.

- He must have been looking for safety, and that's what brought him here. Everything else was done by luck. - Nodding my head, I said, and thought to myself: 'Or he was attracted to my Tattoo of Luck. This is also quite possible.'

Considering how happy the tiger cub is now, this is a possible option. - Drew said, pointing to the kitten, smothered by my strokes.

- Okay, let's clean up all the mess first and deal with the rest of the cryptids, and only then we'll talk about everything. - With a sigh, I said.

- Right thought. I'm calling the ship. H Doc said, pulling out what looked like a pocket computer.

Here is the Blue Tiger, Rakshasa, Kalopus, Chupacabra, and Mapinguari. These guys have tried their best to collect the most unique cryptids from all over the world. - Drew said, pointing at the blue kitten, the purple tiger, the orange wolf, the goat sucker, and the yellow sloth monkey.

- It's good that we found and defeated them. Lex, sorry you weren't there. Mom and dad were so cool and beat up all the villains. Even Fisk and I nailed a couple of guards… - Zak began to tell enthusiastically, showing his friendliness.

- Zach! Unfortunately, he was interrupted by an angry cry from his mother.

- Cute boy. - Max said as he watched Drew start cursing again.

- That's for sure. - I said, at the same time rejoicing that another gender swap did not happen, and then adding: - We need to pull the bus out.

Hearing me, Max looked in horror at the mangled RV and dramatically shouted: - Oh no! My bus!

- Don't worry, grandpa. I'm sure it can be repaired. - Ashley said in a comforting tone.

Yes, it seems that there was a spell in the new book on magic that would help restore the bus. - in the same tone, said Gwen.

- Gwen is right, Grandpa. Fortunately, I learned it. - I said, and then using my telekinesis, I pulled out the RV and put it on the road.

Then, I used «Restitutio Damnorum» to create a giant sphere that engulfed the RV and restored it to its original state.

Unfortunately, the spell can only repair the damage done in the last two days. So, the bus was still the same old junk stuffed with alien technology as before. Although, given how Grandpa is now happily hugging the bus, that's exactly what he wanted.

- Was it magic? - Drew asked after seeing my actions.

- This is so cool! / Umoramumumu! / Kaschaashschsch! - Zak, Fisk, and Komodo exclaimed at the same time.

Showing apparent skepticism on his face concerning the magic delivered, Doc looked at the sky and said: - The ship has arrived. Come on, we need to bring the cryptids inside.

- I will help. - I said and raised four cryptids with the help of telekinesis while continuing to hold the blue tiger cub in my arms.

- Is it an airship? - Ashley asked curiously as the high-tech orange airship of the Saturday Family descended.

- Yes, my dad built it. - Zak said proudly.

When the airship landed on the ground, Doc opened the gangway, and we all went inside.