127. Kenkotrix

- It's really very suspicious. - Gwen said when we checked into a hotel, not far from Hollywood, and I finished my story about the attack of robots.

- This attack was clearly a trap. And most likely just me. We need to keep your eyes open and be ready for the next attack or the appearance of an unknown enemy. - I said seriously, taking out Kenko's armor again.

- It happened faster than you thought. See. - Grandfather said loudly, and pointed to the report on TV, which he had just turned on.

The news channel was talking about another attack by robots, in another part of the city. There were three times as many of them, and they raged even more strongly, not at all sparing the city infrastructure. Well, at least people were not touched.

- Looks like today is going to be a tough day. - I said with a sigh as I prepared to leave for battle.

- Let's deal with them ourselves. - Gwen suggested.

- They obviously want to lure you out. It will be better if we go. They certainly don't expect it. - Ashley added, who really just wanted to fight the robots again.

- Are you sure? - I asked just in case.

- They're just robots. We can handle them with no problem. - Ashley said confidently.

- In fact, if the girls go, it will at least upset the plans of an unknown enemy. Perhaps he will even begin to act recklessly, which plays into our hands. - Grandfather shared his opinion.

- Okay, if you want, you can go. Just be careful, and if something happens, call me right away. - I said sternly.

- Do not worry everything will be fine. - Gwen said with a smile.

- You can deal with Kenko's armor for now. - Ashley said, clearly knowing that this is exactly what I want to do now.

- Well, you can no longer persuade me, I agree. Go and break a couple of dozen robots. Just be careful with their self-destruct system. - I said with a smile.

- Thanks. - Ashley quickly said, having already put on her suit, and opening the window, flew into the city.

- As always impatient. - Gwen said shaking her head, and followed her friend, also dressed in her battle suit.

- You won't send a clone after them? - Max asked when we were alone in the room.

- Not, they are no longer so helpless. And it's really just robots. Besides, Morgana will look after them. - I said confidently, though I couldn't completely leave the girls unattended.

- You grow up. - Grandfather left in the end and went off to do his own thing.

- I have been an adult for a long time. - I said in annoyance as I looked at the news report.

[Instead of the Legion expected by many, his assistants, Mystique and Rogue, arrived on the scene. Apparently, the hero decided that there would be enough of them to cope with the army of robots, which is destroying our city for the second time today. So it remains unknown who initiated this invasion, but it can be said with confidence that this person did not start anything good. Luckily, we have the Legion….].

- Yeah, but I didn't notice that they believe in me so much... - I muttered, watching how the camera was pointed at Ashley, who with her lightning destroyed almost half the army.

And after all, maybe when she wants to act carefully so as not to destroy anything. The girls perfectly coped with their task and, having repaired the city with the help of a spell, Gwen and Ashley were already flying back, but there was a message about another appearance of robots. Since they decided to participate in this, then let them figure it out to the end.

That's what I told them when Gwen called me and asked what to do next, and I was finally able to start a more thorough study of the were-armor.

Since my knowledge is not enough to understand how this virtual armor works, I will have to use the help of my smart friends.

Transforming into Echo Echo, I created five clones, which turned into Upgrade, Grey Matter, Brainstorm, Juryrigg and Phantom Virus, respectively, and I became human again.

The special technopathy of the Galvanic Mechamorph will allow him to disassemble the armor into its component parts, with which the Juryrigg's engineering skills will undoubtedly help him.

And the ingenious intellect of Galvans and Cerebrocrustaceana will be able to understand how the armor itself works. Well, the Virus will help all the aliens with his skills in hacking any technology. I, on the other hand, will lead the clones like a conductor, and together we can understand this illogical armor from the game world.


*Several hours later*

To be honest, it was harder than I thought. Armor violates several laws of physics, and works according to unknown rules. Even magic seems more logical to me than this obscure Kenko armor.

Although, one should not expect anything else from an item from a stupid game, but still. This is literally the most difficult task I have ever faced in this life. Well, not counting the cloth, but this is already a completely different level...

But, do not forget that I am a fu**ing cheater, with the most imbalanced watch on my hand. Thanks to the aliens, I was still able to recycle the armor and turn it into a small bracelet that retained all of the original functions of the armor.

All just by giving a mental command, the wearer of the bracelet can take on the appearance of any person or alien, and will be indistinguishable from the original.

Unfortunately, the power of the bracelet does not allow copying racial skills, only the appearance and voice, but thanks to the bracelet, you can turn into any animal, and possibly into a cryptid, this will still have to be checked.

This is literally Omnitrix at the minimum. Or is it an improved version of Unitrix? Or rather Doctor Psychobos' upgraded Nemetrix, which allowed him to transform into alien predators, but only an unintelligent beast could use it safely.

But the bracelet is even better, and therefore I decided to call it by analogy, Kenkotrix, in honor of the former owner of the armor.

Although, I could not understand how the transformation itself takes place. I was able to understand that the metal itself, from which the armor was made, has some kind of metamorphic properties, which, under the influence of those japanese letters and the source of energy, allow the wearer of the armor to receive the same properties.

The power source itself was located in the center of the armor, where the strongest protection was, and it looks like a small pearl. I'm not sure, but it seems to me that some kind of werewolf spirit is sealed in the pearl, which complements the metamorphic properties of the armor, and allows the user to transform at will into any animal, or take the form of another person.

Quite an interesting concept, although as I said earlier, I could not fully understand everything. Still, I still have a lot to learn...

In any case, I was able to create a dark purple, almost black, bracelet from a piece of armor, on which I transferred all the letters. And only then I encrusted the pearl itself, which I hid behind a red emblem similar to the Omnitrix symbol, which was divided in half. The result is a stylized letter 'K'.

As I said, all the previous properties have been preserved, but since this is no longer an exoskeleton, as it was before, the bracelet does not increase the physical data of the owner.

Although, this is not such a big loss, compared to the convenience and abilities that Kenkotrix provides. For now, I'll wear the new bracelet myself, and then I'll decide who to entrust it to.

Grandpa already has a Jaeger, so he doesn't really need that werewolf bracelet. And the girls are not particularly suitable for his capabilities. To be honest, it seems to me that Kai is just the perfect host for Kenkotrix, but it's too early to judge this, especially since we don't know each other very well...

- Are you finally back? - I asked the girls with a smirk as I put the rest of Kenko's armor into inventory. Maybe I'll still need them.

- I hate robots. - Ashley said angrily, and collapsed into bed from exhaustion.

As soon as the girls finished with one army of robots, a new horde appeared, larger than the previous one. And so on for several hours. Given that they had previously fought in Sumo Slammers, it is not surprising that they spent all their strength today.

- You made up your mind to deal with them. - Shrugging, I said.

- But who would have thought that there would be so many of them. - Ashley complained.

- I will never follow your lead again, Ashley. - Gwen said softly, who was much more difficult, because she could not use her fire, because of the danger of the tattoo.

- Sorry. - Ashley said plaintively.

- [There is a new army in Beverly Hills. ] - said Morgana, who coordinated the girls all day, at my request.

- But not this… - Gwen said doomedly, as she thought that was all for today.

- Okay, rest. I'll be done with this. At the same time, I'll check out a new toy. - I said getting up from my chair and pointing to the new bracelet on my arm, right above the disguised Omnitrix.

- Good luck. - Ashley said wearily and fell asleep instantly. Looking at Gwen, I saw that she, too, was already asleep.

- They could have asked for help if they were so tired. - Shaking my head, I said, after using Kenkotrix, turned into an eagle, with blue feathers, and flying out the window, flew to the area where celebrities live.

By the way, as it turned out that all the animals that Kencotrix turns into are larger and stronger than ordinary animals, and for some reason, they always have a blue color. Though I don't mind, considering that's my favorite color.

Thanks to the speed of the eagle, I quickly reached the elite area, where almost a thousand robots were rampaging. Notably, someone spent money on the creation of these toys...

Right in the air, I turned into a four-meter blue bear and, like a cannonball, landed in a cluster of droids, which I began to violently tear apart.

These robots were obviously of lower quality than the ones I had fought this morning, but there were more of them and some of them had laser weapons.

In order not to be such an easy target, I turned into a blue jaguar and began to maneuver between the robots, tearing them apart with my sharp claws.

Given the chance, I thought it would be a good idea to test the cloth in battle as well, so several black cords came out of me that followed my will and helped me destroy the robots.

'Pretty comfortable like I've got some new arms…' - I thought involuntarily, biting my teeth into the droid's head.

The number of robots dropped quite a bit, but since I didn't want to drag out the battle, I jumped into the air and turned into a 15m oriental dragon. Of course, blue.

- Bye Bye. - I roared, and breathed a stream of high-temperature fire into them, which instantly melted the remaining three hundred robots.

- Pretty awesome. - I involuntarily said, looking at the destruction I had caused.

If not for the spell, repairing the entire area would have cost the city authorities a very impressive amount. And here it's not even clear who tried harder, me or the robots...

Covering the robots with a shield, which, despite their deplorable state, nevertheless self-destructed, in order not to attract attention, I turned into a bat and flew back to the hotel.

But after flying a few blocks, I felt that someone was following me. And to check who the impudent one is, I flew up to one of the skyscrapers and waited.

Five minutes later, I heard the door to the roof open and five people came in….

- You… - I said with surprise when I saw my guests. I didn't think we'd meet so soon...