128. Confrontation

July 24, 2010

- [Lex, the robots have reappeared. This time, in Griffith Park]. - said Morgana, waking me up at 6 in the morning.

- Looks like it's time for the final round. - I muttered, rubbing my sleepy eyes.

- [Everything, just like those guys said]. - Morgana said, referring to the people I met last night.

- Right. Did you do everything I asked? - I asked, washing my face and ordering the cloth to look like my suit.

- [Yes, everything is ready. All you have to do is sell the signal and the house of cards will fall apart.] - with a pleased voice, said Morgana.

- Then do your job. Send all the collected information wherever you need it. Since they decided to play dirty, let them feel what it's like when all their secrets come out. - With a bloodthirsty smile, I said.

- [Aaaand... Made. Now, all the ins and outs of the order are in the public domain]. - Morgana said.

- Wonderful. Then, it's time to end this whole circus. - I said with a smirk, and without warning anyone, I left the hotel, going to deal with the last batch of robots and their owners.


(3rd POV)

Since yesterday, groups of robots of unknown origin began to appear in Los Angeles, which did not touch people, but staged a mayhem throughout the city. In total, there were 12 such attacks, and fortunately, before something irreparable happened, the Legion and his assistants managed to neutralize the hordes of robots.

What's strange so it is that there was no reaction from the authorities and law enforcement agencies of the city, and apart from the heroes, no one dealt with this problem.

Although logically, the government should have already brought an army into the city, which was supposed to at least help the heroes deal with the robots. But nothing of the sort happened. The only reaction from the city authorities was the decision to introduce a temporary state of emergency, which forbade residents from leaving their homes until the problem was resolved.

Many people did not like this and smart people already saw some kind of conspiracy in this, but since the Legion coped with the invasion of the rebellious machines without any problems, no one was in a hurry to make any rash decisions that could only spoil everything.

But it was about how, since this morning, information about some ancient order of knights did not begin to appear on the Internet and in the press, who started this whole mess in LA.

And as they say, the shit hit the fan, and the information provided by an unknown anonymous person spread throughout the country, revealing many dirty secrets of many people, as well as revealing the secret to the centuries-old actions of the order, which was originally supposed to protect the world.

The culmination of this whole event was the appearance of a video on all screens of the country, which depicted another battle of the Legion against robots, which ended with the appearance of that very order and the disclosure of even more dirty secrets...


(Lex POV)

- And, that was the last one. - I said, tearing Rath, the last working droid, with my claws.

This time there were fewer of them, but they were all of excellent quality, so I had to work hard. Though who am I kidding, it was just a little warm-up before starting the main action….

Transforming into an Ice Pick, I froze all the broken robots so they wouldn't ruin this beautiful park with their explosion.

After becoming human, I turned to face the Griffith Observatory and said loudly: -I know you are here. You can't hide.

- Ho, so you guessed it. - their emptiness arrogant voice rang out.

Then, as if the whole landscape in front of me was a painting, someone pulled the canvas and revealed the true essence of things.

Behind the fake appeared a giant mech, with a familiar golden mask, two thousand armed eternal knights, and several thousand more robots very familiar to me.

- Good camouflage system. - I sincerely praised, pointing to the canvas, which projected what was behind and was able to hide an entire army in plain sight.

- Thanks, I'm glad you appreciated it. We've been working hard for you. - the 'Mech pilot said kindly.

- It is very kind of you. I can't imagine how much this rubbish cost you, just to divert my attention. You really did a great job. - I said sincerely.

- We are pleased that you appreciated our efforts. But it looks like you're not at all surprised by our appearance. - Enoch said puzzled, and it was he who was sitting in the mech, which was created in the image of his knightly armor.

- At first I could not figure out who was behind these robots, but then, before all the robots self-destructed, I was able to notice a very familiar stigma. Seriously, you should at least remove your ubiquitous infinity sign, otherwise it's not even funny. - I said with a smile, blatantly lying.

- What? Is our sign still on the robots? - Enoch asked in shock, looked at his subordinate, who was standing at the left leg of the fur.

- Um, yes sir. In order to create so many robots, we used the punching machine we used earlier for one secret project, and it looks like someone forgot to remove the badge that identifies us. - the knight said awkwardly.

- IDIOTS!!! - Enoch exclaimed furiously, and then added: - The whole point of this plan was to remain anonymous to the last, so that the Legion would not suspect the trap being prepared for him!!!

- Yes, I sympathize. - I sincerely felt sorry for Enoch, who had to work with such not very smart assistants, and thought to myself: 'Ha, it turned out that the sign of the Forever Knights really was. Who would have thought…'

- Ugh… Okay, it doesn't matter now. The main thing is that you still came here, and we can take revenge on you. - Turning to me, said Enoch, returning his arrogant tone.

- Revenge? For what? - I asked with incredible surprise.

- Are you still asking? You attacked my castle, beat up all my people, dishonored me and took my entire collection. - Enoch growled, practically foaming at the mouth.

- Not all. Just a couple of items. Yes, and why reopen the old, it was a long time ago. - I waved my hand and said casually. I love annoying this guy too much.

- That was only a month and a half ago! - Enoch shouted viciously, while all his subordinates stood silently on the sidelines.

- I'm telling you, it's been a long time. Do you know what happened to me this summer? This is just one event in a series of many incidents. Nothing special. - I said.

- Bastard! - Unable to stand it, shouted Enoch.

- Why do you want to take revenge me? - I asked, ignoring the knight's angry exclamation.

- You attacked and destroyed our London Branch and then killed Chadwick. - Enoch recalled.

- Attacked? May be. But I didn't destroy anything and I didn't kill anyone. Tired of talking to everyone about it. - I complained.

- It does not matter, in any case, you are an enemy of our order, and I will gladly punish you for everything you have done. But rejoice, we won't kill you. We will capture you and study your shapeshifting ability. You will serve our Order well. - Enoch said.

- What a great honor. - I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes, and then asked: - And all this circus with the attack of robots, you staged just to lure me out?

- Hahaha, yes. Otherwise, we couldn't find you. I have to admit, you're great at hiding. And although you realized that a trap awaits you, you still came here like the last fool. This is your greatest and last mistake in life. - Bursting with laughter, said Enoch.

- And it's your doing that the police ignored the robots? - I asked.

- Yeah, we couldn't let our plan get thwarted, so we bribed the right people and used our agents in the government to make things go smoothly so we could drain you. Although, we did not expect that your girlfriends are so strong and will cope with almost all attacks. But in any case, you are now alone and no one will help you. - gloated Enoch. I still love villains, they always strive to share their plans.

- People in the government? - I asked with a grin. Finally…

- Our order is so ancient and powerful that you can't even imagine. Our members have infiltrated various structures around the world, and if we wanted to, we could rule the world, hahahahaha… - Enoch boasted, clearly exaggerating a little at the end.

- Well no. I just imagine everything perfectly. I will say more, I know absolutely everything about your order. - I said with a grin.

- What? What are you talking about? - Enoch asked incredulously.

- Did you really think that having learned about the trap in advance, I would not prepare for your arrival? - I asked, bloodlust in my voice.

- What did you do? - Enoch asked fearfully, clearly feeling a bad premonition.

- You know, I have known about your order for a long time and even know your history of origin. Out of respect for Sir George and what he has done in the past, I have decided to leave you alone. At least for the time being. But when I visited your London branch, I saw something that made me very angry. - I said seriously, pressing telekinesis on all the assembled knights so that they could not move.

- When I realized that you were preparing a trap for me, I decided that this is a chance to end you. Of course, I could just beat you all up and be done with it, but I thought that was too little punishment for bastards like you, who imagined themselves to be doing all sorts of crap for centuries. - I said, increasing the pressure with every word.

- WHAT DID YOU DO? shouted Enoch as his mech fell to his knees.

- I have taken away your greatest advantage. Your secrecy. - I grinned bloodthirstyly, pulling out a large holographic screen from my phone.

- No… - Enoch said doomedly, seeing on the screen a report from several TV channels that told everything I had gathered about the Forever Knights. And there was a lot, a lot, a lot of dirt and secrets ...

- Smile, you are filmed by a hidden camera. - I said with a smile, pointing to the drone flying in the sky, who filmed all our dialogue and broadcast it around the world.

- Well, Richard Dreyfus III, do you like my plan? - I asked with a grin, calling Enoch by his real name.

- BASTARD!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!! - Enoch shouted furiously and fired a rocket at me from the mech's hand.

Calmly covering myself from the explosion with a magic shield, I continued:

- Now, the whole world knows your names, your crimes and your plans. Will start hunting for you, because with your actions you have angered a lot of influential people. The President of the United States was very unhappy when he learned that you wanted to replace him with a robotic double during a baseball game a few days later.

- Sssir, our bank accounts…. They are all empty. - the right hand of Enoch gave a voice.

- Oh yes, I forgot to mention that. Now you are bankrupt. Your entire fortune has gone to charities around the world. You don't have to thank me. I know how happy you are to know that the money of your order will go to a good cause and will cover at least some of the harm that you have done to the world over all these centuries. - I said with a grin, turning off the drone, since my next words should not be heard by anyone.

- DIE!!! - Enoch shouted furiously and tried to shoot me with a rocket again, but he didn't succeed, as I tore all his mech into pieces with telekinesis.

- It won't be fun if you all get caught now. So run, run and don't look back. - I said as I removed the telekinetic pressure from all the knights.

True, everyone was so shocked by what had just happened that no one even moved.

- Well, what are you worth? The army will be here soon. - I said, but no one responded.

- Ih, you're not funny at all. - I said with a sigh, and then turned into a Humungosaur and shouted louder: - I said RUN! HIDE SO YOU DON'T GET CAUGHT, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA…

This time all the knights heard me and threw down their weapons and ran wherever their eyes looked. Now a really hard time has come for them...

- Well, you will stay here. It will even be interesting what the secret services will do with you.... - I turned to Enoch, who was hanging by his telekinesis nearby.

- I'll take revenge…. - said Enoch weakly, who did not particularly believe in it.

- No, you won't get revenge. You will most likely never see white light again. And it is unlikely that any of your former comrades will come to save you, because now they have more important things to do. - I said with a smirk, and then knocked out Enoch with a blow.

- Now I feel like a villain…. - I muttered involuntarily.

After destroying all the robots left here, I teleported from here, since the army was really close. Besides, I have an appointment with my new allies.