"Ha, where am I? It's too dark?" Isabel stumbles in the dark walking, looking around to find a light to know what this place she is in is.
"I've been watching you." A gentle voice echoed in the dark, but it felt like it came from every direction.
"Who's there? Show yourself and come out whoever you are." Isabel said with a serious look on his face as she took a fighting stance. "And what is this place? Where am I? Did you bring me here?" She shouted as she was looking around, keeping her guard up. "Why don't I remember anything? Everything is fuzzy in my head. I remembered being in my room with Fin."
Suddenly, white bright orbs of light appeared from the ground, gathering around her, and there was nothing there as far as she could see. There was a strange warmth in the orbs. "What is this strange feeling? This warmth, it's familiar. I've felt this before." She thought as she reached for the orbs, extending her arm forward.
"I know you are sad, but it's okay. There's someone who needs you." Again, a voice echoed.
"I think I know you. You are someone dear to me, but why can't I remember who you are. Please show yourself I need to see who you are or else this feeling of emptiness won't go away." Isabel shouts, running in seemingly endless of nothingness as she gets dizzy and falls. "Don't go. Please, tell me who you are," and a little girl was lying on the ground. Her eyes were silver, long dark silver hair, pale white skin, and thin cylinder body. She looked like a little angel without wings. "Wait, it's me, but why am I like this?" She looks at her arm in shock as she noticed she's a little girl, her past self.
"He's waiting for you and now it's time for you to go." Voice echoed again and suddenly little Isabel started floating in the air with the glowing orbs of lights and suddenly the ground underneath disappeared and she started falling into an endless well. With a wave of shock as strong as lightning flowed through her whole body and she woke up. As she looked around in her room sitting on her bed in pure confusion. She saw little Finral sleeping, wrapped in a blanket next to her. She took a deep breath to grasp the situation. "So, it was all a dream, but it felt so real it almost felt like someone was telling me something. Who was it? I know but I can't put my finger on it and what was that about? Someone is needing me? And that warmth, I've felt it before somewhere." As she was lost in her mind, she notice tears were flowing from her eyes. "Ha! Am crying." She said, wiping her eyes, and she heard the door knocking.
"What happened? I came running when your Jocel told me he heard you shouting inside the room. Why didn't you open the door?" William said as he entered the room. "Wait, why are you crying? What happened? Tell me." He sat next to her and put his arm behind her shoulder, putting his hand on her head gently and slowly pulling her close as she let her head rest against his chest.
"It's nothing. I had a dream. I don't know what it was and when I woke and my eyes were all teary." She said in a low voice.
"Don't worry I am here for you. You can tell me anything." He said as he looked at her leaning over him. "Well, today the weather is great, you should go out. It's been a month, you haven't left this place. Go out with your son and have fun." He said standing as he walked towards the window and pulled up the curtains. "Well, I have to go, and call me if you need anything." He said as walked towards the door. "Oh, and if you decide to go out, take Jocel with you. I know you need no one to defend you, but still, take him with you. He'll feel good. He's a good boy." And he left the room.
"Stop bothering me every time you need him. Am not his servant or secretary. Send you royal guard, knights, or whatever. They just stand here doing nothing, anyway." Eva said, as her tone shifted to anger. "And can I ask why do you keep calling him so much lately? What you both are up to?"
"Why the rudeness? Did something happen between both of you?" William replied, grinning. "You don't act like Isabel so…" He asked, avoiding her question.
"What do you mean by something happened as if there was anything there, to begin with?" She said as she walked near the throne and sat down the stair-step with a disappointing look. "He doesn't even notice me like I don't exist. He's always lost in his work and btw why are you avoiding my question." She asked, leaning back, looking at him over his shoulder.
"What question?" He said as he turns his head to the other side, avoiding eye contact. "Oh, that it's nothing. I just asked him if he could create some magic items."
"What magic item, I thought you were against using them." She asked curiously as she turned towards him, folding her leg in a cross position as she put her hand over her feet like a child.
"Am not against them but I don't like them either. However, I think I have to reconsider my stance on this, and don't you have anything to do? Like somewhere to be or a squad to manage." He said, staring at her. "You are acting weird, like a child. You rarely behave like this. Is there something bothering you or do you want something?"
"Na, it's nothing." She said as she turned her head away, whistling. "Hmm, Well, I was thinking. Maybe I should or should not. I mean…"
"Say it, you wanna go see Isabel and you don't know how to face her, right?" He said as he laughed. "I've noticed you coming here every day, then turning back halfway. I already knew you're ashamed and embraced for not having the courage to visit her even once after she cleared everything. I know you came here daily, but she doesn't, right. Now you are just confused." He said as walked to her and leaned over her. "Don't you think it's about time, you go see her? There isn't anything to be ashamed of any way you two are practically like sisters. Just say I am sorry and everything will be fine. Hurry and go. Go now." He grabbed her by the arm, pulling her up, and started pushing her.
"You don't have to say it like and be mean about it." She said as her face turned red. "I get it what you're trying to say, but it's hard and okay, I'll go but don't push me like that. If anyone sees us what they would think about you. You are a King after all." She said as she left the room and started walking towards Isabel's room. As she was going through a corridor, she looked outside to her right, and she saw Isabel strolling in the garden with her baby in her arms and Jocel was standing at the side in his night armor. "Hi there young there man, how are you?" Eva said as she walked past Jocel.
"Ha, y, yes captain," Jocel said stuttering. "Ah, why did I say, 'yes captain?' I am such an idiot." He said to himself as he felt embraced, not responding correctly.
"Oh, Hi Eva. So you finally came." Isabel said and her face lit up with joy as she smiled. "I was thinking myself to go see you as it seemed you forget about me."
"Well, it's not like that." She said as she looked down.
"Let me guess. You came here before but didn't have enough courage and now you want to apologize, right? That so you." She said she laughed slowly. "it's okay, don't be ashamed, and see I forgot. Where are my manners? Let me ask you. How are you?"
"I am fine. It's very nice you asking me that but since when do you have manners?" Eva asked, laughing. "Ah, it felt so good. I am glad I talked to you again but seriously manners and you, I can't even imagine you like that."
"Don't be mean. I was always a well-mannered princess." She said with a grin. "Nah, am just joking. What you are up to these days?"
"Nothing much. Just as usual. A little paperwork, a stroll here and a little there." She replied.
"Hi, if you're free and don't mind, can I borrow you for a little while?" Isabel asked.
"Yes, you just say, my lady and I'll give my life for you," Eva said, bowing to her. "Anyway, what you have in mind?" she asked
"Stop acting, you silly." She replied, laughing. "Nothing much. I just thought I should go out and look around. Who knows, I might find something interesting." She said and a cheerful voice. "Maybe I'll find someone who needs me." She muttered. "Anyway, that young man over there will accompany us. It's Williams's request."
"Well, I don't have any issue with that if you are okay. Besides, he is a cute boy." Eva replied, smiling as she points at him and they both walked out of the garden towards Isabel's room and Jocel followed after.
"Finally, they both talked, and she decided to go out. I am so relieved, it's like it has lifted a weight from my chest." William sighed as she looked down from afar, outside the main entrance of the Place.