
During the next two months, Ashlynn worked hard in all of her subjects. She read books everywhere she went and she studied in advance. And in just two months, she had memorized all of her first year and second year textbooks. Her best subject was charms, potions and DADA. She was especially good at potions and had earned about 20 points already. Even Though she had earn those by making perfect potions,

She liked Hogwarts as well. She learned magic there and she had good food, good teachers and she had gotten her chance to prove herself. But the thing that bothered her was the students. They were unbearable. They would laugh at her, point at her and bother her. She didn't really care how others felt or thought about her. SHe didn't care that they taunted her and talked behind her back. But she hated their so-called tricks and pranks. It was the real problem. The ones behind the pranks were usually the twins, Harry, Ron and some Slytherins. The twin's pranks were usually targeted at most Slytherins so Ashlynn wasn't the only victim. However the other pranks were serious. One time some Slythrin left a huge snake on her bed. It tried to bite her but Ashlynn was quickto vanish it. The Golden Duo, like everyone calls them, wasn't that serious. But they were trying to embarass her. For example they would try to trip her or curse her with leg-locker Curse and Bat-Bogey Hexes. They didn't work. Ashlynn had always bounced them back at them, making them twice worse. But the tricks interrupted her from her studies.


It was almost Halloween. Ashlynn was eating toast and jam when she noticed that Harry had gotten a broom. A Nimbus 2000 from their parents. She sneered at him. He was too boastful. She had heard that he was the new Gryffindor seeker. A Prodigy. Harry was now reading out his letter.

"Dear Harry, We are so proud of you!! The youngest seeker in what?! Like forever! I knew you were special! Following your father's footsteps! This is our gift to you son! We love you so much! See you in the holidays! Love, your parents. " Everyone was gushing over Harry's new broomstick. Harry was gloating. He glanced at Ashlynn and smirked. "Jealous? Snake?"

Ashlynn just rolled her eyes. As if she was jealous of an old broomstick!

"You wish…"