As usual, the train station is busy, and you find yourself jostling amidst the crowd as you wait for the train carrying Ami and Jax to arrive. The train arrives on time and as you look around for the two of them, you see them stepping out and looking around for you. You give them a call and tell them where you are, and they quickly come over to you with huge grins on their faces.

"Hey, you!" she says and wraps you in a tight hug as Jax carries both their backpacks, smirking as you tell her to let you go. She smirks as well and smacks your shoulder with force. "Heard from Altug that you were being forced to take a week off, and we wanted to come sooner but they wouldn't let us until now," she says.

"That, and we decided that crashing in on your leave would just make the whole thing a sweeter affair," Jax interjects.

You glance at them and ask them exactly what they're planning to do while you're here, and for that matter whether they know that you're heading back to base in a few days' time. "Yup, got all the details from Altug about your leave…well, not all the details, but we got the length of your leave, at least, and now we're here and we're going to party for the next two days until we get back to base hungover and stoned," Ami says with a huge grin on her face.

Seriously? You glance over at Jax, who nods and grins at you. "Better believe it. We're going to rock you and this town as hard as we can until we get back to base and it's back to the old discipline routine once again," he says and pats your back. "Brace yourself."

This is going to be…interesting.
