" You may have a seat..." the waitress said as Jiang Hao helped me pull out my chair," Thank you.." I said as I looked around, their were so many couples around and the ambiance was just right and romantic for the night, the slow music that was playing in the back ground the cold yet warm breeze..the lighting everything was perfect," What do you think" I asked Jiang Hao as he smiled," I love it..." he said as he reached out and held my hand.

It wasn't long before they took our order and our meals were served, we were also entertained by bands, traditional dancers and a nice piano piece," Let's dance..." I suggested after looking around and seeing most couples do so.." what about your..." he said as I cut him short," I slapped it earlier to show you that it's fine..come on let's dance." I said as he agreed and stood up..." May I..." he said as he stretched out his hand which I held and we started dancing.



" Today was perfect..." I said as we sat by the pool with our legs dipped in," It was.." he said as he turned and stared at me," I have a suggestion.." he said as my heart throbbed on trying to figure it out," Let's break off our contract..." he said as I pulled back a bit.." Break it off!" I exclaimed," And by that you mean?" I asked as he smiled," I don't want our relationship to be bounded by a contract..I want to be in a free relationship with you..and not just for a year but more years to come... atleast if you let me." he explained as I sighed with relief," Wait..what did you think?" he asked," Nothing...I thought like it was some sort of ...." I said but felt stupid so I didn't continue," It's okay...I would love to be in a free relationship with you for not just a year but many more years to come..." I said as he leaned in for a kiss..." I love you.." he whispered before we could continue.



I opened my eyes and noticed he asked was still asleep...I passed my finger tip on his eye brows and then his lashes down to his nose and then his lips mischievously..." What are you doing?" he asked as he slowly opened his eyes..." Nothing.." I said as I smiled and closed my eyes pretending to be going back to sleep," Wake up.." he said as I squeezed my eyes together so they wouldn't opened..I also tri ed to hold my breath," If you don't wake up in the next two seconds then iam doing my revenge on you.." he said as I kept them closed..." Here I Go.." he said as I didn't Burge, I was also kinds of curious and excited about how he was going to revenge," You really leaving me no choice.." he said before the next thing I felt were tickles," Stop..." I said as I laughed out controllably..." Please...I said as he leaned in..." I'll just have to give me a bribe." he said as I stared at him," Right here..." he added as he pointed at his lips..." Are you having second thoughts.." he said as he stood up to tickle me once again," Ofcourse not.." I replied as I kissed him and then pulled away.." A bribe has to be longer than that.." he said as he pulled me back," This is an actual bribe.." he said as he placed his lips on mine..they were soft and warm as they parted slightly..allowing my tongue inside, I could feel my heart thud along with his as he passed his fingers through my hair and then across my neck and what started as just a simple bribe..turned into a situation of us sharing each other's warmth as we fumbled to take each other's clothes off....




I stared at her as she was still sleeping in my arms...she looked really beautiful and that's something I won't ever stop telling her because she definitely is...I kissed her forehead after I noticed her slightly open her eyes.." How are you.." I whispered as she smiled.." Iam okay..." she replied as I reached out for my phone and checked the time.." It's almost 4.." I said as we both chuckled softly," Did we spend almost the entire day locked up inside here.." she said," Seems like we about we freshen up and get something to eat." I suggested as she held onto me tightly..." Can't we just stay here?" she asked," I would love to stay right here with you..but your stomach has groaned for the third time today.." I whispered as she got shy and looked the other way..." It's okay...let's get something to eat and then continue with what we were doing.." I said as she stood up and reached for her T shirt," Forget it..." she said as she walked away in a rush..and then slammed the door to the bathroom..." Take your time.." I said as she mimicked me and then locked the bathroom.



" I can't believe one week passed by so fast.." Sang Yi said as she packed her bags," Can't we just ask for one more week?" she asked as I smiled," I wish I could.." I replied as she poured sadly and looked around, our vacation had finally come to an end which meant that my booting ceremony was coming up in a few weeks and then I was going to head to Qing Han for filming and then wasn't going to see her more three months that's if the filming doesn't become longer.



As we prepared to set off, I received a call from Ai man who asked to meet the both of us once we arrived in Bian Chen," Is anything wrong?" I asked since she seemed to have a tone of worry in her voice," It's fine..just come meet me with Sang Yi once you arrive." she said as she hang up.." What's wrong?" Sang Yi asked," It's Ai man she wants to meet the both of us immediately we arrive." I explained as she looked as curious as I was," What do you think the matter is?" she asked as I sighed and thought hard but nothing could come to me," Check the current trending topics..." I said as Sang Yi reached out for her phone," Well most of them aren't about us.." she said as I sighed with relief," Then why does she want to meet us.." I asked my self as I continued driving.



" Why are you staring at us like that?" I asked as Ai man stood up and even came closer to where we were," I can't believe that you hid something like that from me.." she said as I stared back at Sang Yi who seemed to be as confused as I was," If it wasn't for Eric then I wouldn't have known." she added as I asked her to break the suspense," Is that why you wanted to terminate the contract... because the two of you developed real feelings for one another..." she asked as we realised what she was talking about," that it? I asked as she nodded," Why are you slow witted.." I said as she glared at me," I thought you had caught on but I guess I was wrong." I said as I chuckled..I was actually not surprised she didn't know anything mostly because she couldn't even tell I was dating my make up stylist back then despite us openly flirting with each other at times..." I guess we are done here then.." I said as I asked Sang Yi to stand up so we could leave," What's that supposed to mean...aren't you both going to sign this?" she asked," What's that?" I asked as I came back to take a look," It's a document to terminate your contact.." she said, if both of you sign then their wouldn't be need to pay compensation to one another..." she explained as I gave Sang Yi her own copy.." Is this it..once we sign this then we aren't a contract couple anymore?" I asked," Exactly!!!" she replied as I sighed and stared at Sang Yi who reassured me with a nod..." Let's do this ." I said as I placed my signature and so did Sang Yi.

It felt good...yes legally she was nolonger my wife but now I had the chance to pursue her in the right way...we were going to be a couple with no contract restrictions...a real couple at that..and it felt really nice.