Chapter 56 - Reporters

"What in the world?" Izuku blinked as he saw the crowd of reporters gathered in front of the U.A. at the gate. There had to be a crew from every news station in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area! Even a few from outside of Tokyo too!

"Shoot, this is going to be troublesome." Jiro muttered, recalling the time at the I-Island where AllMight was bombarded with fans.

"They probably heard about AllMight's employment as a teacher." Momo said knowing how much of an influence the symbol of peace is. The fact that he became a teacher at the prestigious academy is big news.

"Is Uncle Might really that famous? This feels exaggerated." Melissa pondered having viewed AllMight as nothing more than a family member instead of an idol.

"He is but what should we do about the crowd at the gate?" Itsuka wondered before the crowd of reporters finally noticed them and came running towards them.

"What's it like to have All Might as a teacher?!" Though he had gotten in a similar situation when he won in Martial Art, the amount of attention was too much even for him and felt flustered not even mention his girlfriends. He immediately thought of an idea of escaping them.

"Sorry, we're general education." With that the crowd of reporters felt disappointed and moved on while Izuku smirked why he went inside the academy.

"Nice work, Casanova." Jiro said that made Izuku chuckle. As they step foot inside the academy, a familiar voice could be heard and glance to see Bakugou walking alongside Camie.

"Get the hell out of my way!" He noticed other students being crowded by the mass of reporters as well. Ochako, Mina, and Toru were practically back to back. Sato and Shoji could be seen near the edge, both of the taller teens with mics being shoved in their faces too.

He also noticed a few other students being swarmed too, an white-haired girl that covered her other eye and a greenete girl. A black-haired boy wearing a headband, and a blonde teen who seemed to be enjoying the attention he was getting. Izuku presumed these must be some of the students from 1-B.

"What do you think you're doing?!" A loud, growling voice barked out at the group of reporters. Several of the students let out sighs of relief as Hound Dog –the U.A. Counselor- showed up.

"You're interfering with our student's ability to get to school! Cease this harassment of our students and leave the premises or the police will be called!" Hound dog shouted seeing the report causing a commotion was something he didn't like seeing.

"We just want to know about All Might!" A reporter yelled back.

"All Might isn't available for interviews today, so leave." Aizawa stated while walking up to the gate with Present Mic.

"Why should we listen to such a shabby-looking man?!" A different reporter demanded. Aizawa just exhaled heavily. This is why he hated the media.

"You know, they're causing such a ruckus; they're almost like Villains." Present Mic whispered to Aizawa.

"Can't we just beat them up?" He was tempted to blast them with his quirk seeing how annoying they started to be.

"Not unless you want your reputation dragged through the mud." Aizawa shook his head. He also wanted to force them to leave but it would cause backlash to the public eye.

"Let's just wait for the police." While Aizawa and Present Mic kept the reporters' attention, Hound Dog ushered the students past the gate so they could get to class.

Izuku was about to use his quirk and help his fellow student seeing how annoying the reporters are. Fortunately, the teacher arrived and calmed the situation as his group walked to class.

One reporter had gotten too impatient and tried to cross the gate after the last of the students had entered. She was met with the U.A. 's security system, also known as the U.A. Barrier, as the massive steel gate slammed into place. With over a meter of reinforced steel between them and any form of All Might interview, the multitudes of reporters had no choice but to complain and wait.


After a while the students of 1-A were now inside their classroom feeling defeated by experienced reporters for the first time. They realize how overwhelming it would be to have people lining up to know anything about you. Fame can be a double edge sword with pros and cons in them.

"Man~ those reporters were, like, so twisted." Camie pouted as the class chatted before homeroom.

"Get a clue, right?" She never knew that having fans and being famous would be annoying. Camie was popular among her peers but they never get this annoying.

"You said it." Jiro shook her head, having experienced being mobbed by reporters during their stay in I-Island.

"Didn't expect to get hounded for an interview about All Might this morning." She continued finding them annoying. Though, Jiro knew that she needed to get used to this kind of situation since her dream is to make music while also being a hero.

"They shouted so many questions at me; I couldn't get a word in anyway." Sato scratched his cheek.

"I'm glad the teachers showed up when they did, kero." Tsuyu smiled softly.

"Yeah, it was getting to be a bit much." Ochako messed with her hair.

"Well, you guys should get used to it when we become pros. This will be a frequent occurrence." Izuku said, making them nod in agreement while some thought deeply about the future. Before long their homeroom teacher came inside causing them to quiet down.

"Take your seats, home room is about to start." Aizawa announced as he entered the classroom. They all rushed to comply before he started glaring at them with his Quirk.

"You all need to decide on something today," Aizawa said seriously, looking at each one of the students.

"Something that'll affect your entire class going forward." All of the students tensed up, expecting another threat of expulsion.

"You need to choose your Class Representatives." Aizawa finished where everyone paused for a moment.

"That's so normal!" Almost the entire class exclaimed!

"I wasn't done!" Aizawa's eyes went red and his hair floated upwards as he glared at his students. There was an instant silence from the teens.

"As I was saying, whoever you pick will become the de facto leaders of your class, so choose carefully." There was an instant clamoring from the students as almost everyone raised their hands and called out that they wanted to do it.

After a few moments of no one being able to hear over the others someone finally got everyone's attention. That person also happened to be raising their hand the highest of anyone.

"People please!" Iida called and everyone eventually gave him their attention.

"Desire doesn't equate to ability! This office requires someone that everyone can put their trust in." He explained pointing out clear flaws in how things are being conducted.

"But we've only known each other for about a week. That's not a lot of time to build trust." Tsuyu spoke up. Iida looked like he was about to say something, but someone else spoke up before him.

"Iida is correct though." Momo spoke up.

"Whoever leads the class should have everyone's trust. They should be chosen by at least the majority of the class." The creation girl gave her opinion, making Haruto smile and nod.

"I vote for Midoriya." Mina smiled as she sent the verdette a wink.

"He's already helping everyone in class without asking for anything in return." She added.

"I vote for Midoriya-kun too!" Ochako smiled brightly.

"Hold on!" Iida exclaimed.

"If we are going to elect our representatives then we should do it formally! Aizawa-sensei, will you allow this?" His statement made everyone consider his point.

"Do whatever, just hurry up." Aizawa answered from his yellow sleeping bag. All the students sweat dropped at seeing their homeroom teacher already dozing off.

Over the next several minutes the class wrote their votes onto slips of paper and placed them in a box that Iida brought around. When the glasses wearing teen counted up all of them and wrote the totals beside the corresponding names it was to a surprising result for some.

"Why the hell did so many of you vote for Deku!" Bakugo, predictably, exploded at the results.

"Ha! That's what you get if you keep being tsundere." Izuku teases his friend who gritted his teeth.

"Who the Hell are you calling a Tsundere!!" He shouted with great fury while Camie smacked her boyfriend.

"Down bad boy~! If you keep this up I'll buy you a collar." Camie's words made him stop and growled while Ibara tried to help calm him down.

"You shouldn't let your anger get to you." She said while Bakugou sighed in annoyance.

"Fine. I guess I have to do better and improve." Bakugou is easily tamed by women who are in complete contrast. The student with the next highest number was Izuku with three votes.

"So, your Representative is Midoriya and your Vice Representative is Yaoyorozu." Aizawa spoke up as the verdette and ravenette stood in front of the class. Izuku smiled while pairing up with his girlfriend Momo who felt overwhelmed and happy. .

"I'll not only do my best but I will go beyond plus ultra!" Izuku gave a wide grin to the class. He saw a few of his classmates start clapping and wondered who besides his girlfriends had voted for him. Maybe he could ask at lunch.