Chapter 57 - Alarm!?

Another chapter, still not sure how long I'll keep updating but I'll try my best.

Feel free to give me some suggestion.

Anyway, Toodaloo Bitches.


Time passed by and everyone did their usual routine and had lessons with their teachers. They were beaten by all the complicated subjects. Izuku easily went through the course thanks to his quirks. Eventually everyone finally had lunch time.

"Please make the numbers stop…" Mina whined as they all went through the lunch line. They'd all just finished Math Class with Ectoplasm and several of them were just done.

"My head hurts…" Kaminari agreed with the pinkette.

"Are we sure this is High School Math? I think Ectoplasm has us doing University Level stuff!" He added finding the advance course to be taxing.

"Not to mention that we already have homework for both English and Classical Japanese." Camie pouted as they all started to pick out seats.

"Seriously, chill on the workload, am I right?" She found everything to be torturous.

"Totally agree." Toru groaned; the invisible girl's shoulder's slumping as she sat down.

"Homework in every class is going to kill me!" Everyone sighed in defeat, finding fighting to be more than studying.

"Like will we ever use math and stuff in our hero work?" Kaminari remarked.

"I think you know a thing or two about these subjects especially when we make our own hero agency." Izuku added, pointing out a clear use of the subject given to them.

"But if you ever need help, I can always be happy to help." He gave them bright and friendly smiles that immediately ease their exhaustion.

"Really!?" Mina asked since she became excited finding the opportunity to learn from the cute white rabbit. His girlfriend's intuition could feel that she was interested in him but that simply just interest not yet the category that they can accept her.

On the other hand, Toru and Ochako don't know what to feel seeing Mina take action. Tsuyu also felt envious but it wasn't to the point of being in love and simply interested.

"Of course, I can easily break it down and make it easier to understand." Izuku was unaware of his action and doing this out of goodwill without any hidden intention.

"If that is the case, then thank you, Izu-chan!" Mina gleefully said, making Izuku blush from hearing the nickname.

"Bro you're a lifesaver!" Kaminari exclaimed, almost worshiping Izuku who wryly smiled at his action. The students all started to eat.

The delicious food went a long way to soothing their woes. Lunch Rush knew exactly how to make comfort food. Even from standard ingredients, the Pro could whip up a meal that would leave anyone smiling!

"Even the rice is super tasty!" Ochako sighed happily as she ate. She was sitting between Izuku and Tsuyu.

"I couldn't agree more. Lunch Rush is a truly wonderful chef." Momo smiled as she enjoyed her meal. After finishing her next bite of food, the Creation Quirk user asked a question.

"I must admit, I'm curious as to who voted for whom as the Class Representative. Would anyone be willing to indulge my curiosity?" Momo looked at her fellow classmates, curious about the result of their voting.

"I voted for Midoriya-kun! He's been super helpful ever since I met him. Especially back at the Entrance Exam." Ochako couldn't stop her giggles with a hint of blush and Izuku happily smiled hearing.

"Thanks, Ochako-chan." Izuku said, smiting the poor girl by his bright smile.

"Critical hit! K.O." Mina laughed seeing the flustered state of Ochako. Everyone simply laughs it off or unnoticed by everyone else beside Izuku's girlfriend to understand how she felt since they always get critical hits with his caring and kind personality.

"I agree with Uraraka-san, your willingness to help others and your decisive actions in the Battle Trial are admirable. That's why I voted for you." Iida nodded to Izuku who was surprised by his words and found the people around him vastly different from his old school.

"I knew that Izuku would get the most votes, that's why I voted for Yaomomo instead." Jiro smiled at the ravenette. She got a beaming smile from Momo in return.

"Me too! Momo has been awesome, she even agreed to help me with Chemistry so I can try and implement some of Midori's suggestions!" Mina grinned at both of them.

"Mina-san, Jiro-san!" Momo seemed to sparkle as she smiled happily.

"I'll do my best to live up to your expectations! Thank you for your trust!" She felt grateful for their kind words that are more genuine than her classmates from her previous school.

"I don't understand something." Ochako turned to face Iida.

"Didn't you really want to become Class Rep, Iida? You've definitely got the 'look' for it down!" Ochako commented on noticing how Iida is the kind of person who likes to act like a perfect student.

'I don't think she thought that through all the way…' Izuku glanced between Ochako and Iida. The brunette was happily eating while Iida seemed to have little reaction to her comment.

"Ambition and suitability are different." Iida shook his head as he explained.

"I made the choice I felt would be the best. The admiration I hold for my brother is what inspired me to become a Hero. However, I realized over the last few days that I'm not ready to be a leader like him yet." He said recalling everything that happened until now.

"That is something I'll have to work on. Midoriya outperformed us all in the Entrance Exams. Going on to break the old record and doing so in a manner befitting a Hero. He's also been incredibly supportive of the rest of us, freely offering his analytical skills and suggestions to us all. I aspire to match his example as a Hero too."

Everyone agreed with his words since they've gained a good impression of Izuku from his powerhouse of quirk to his good natured personality. He wasn't trying to show off and simply use what he has and what he needs.

"Iida…" Izuku was shocked. He'd never received such outstanding praise from a classmate before. Let alone a Hero Course Student! He was truly touched by Iida's words.

"I totally get that!" Toru laughed.

"That's why I voted for Midori too! He's super nice, he helps us out, and he even healed my feet as good as new!" The invisible girls said they had a slight blush but no one was able to see it.

"Thanks, you guys." Izuku smiled at all of them. He was so moved by how supportive his classmates were. Just as conversation shifted to a new topic the group was interrupted by the blaring of an alarm. Everyone in the lunchroom was startled by the sudden noise. Those with sensitive ears -or Quirks that amplified their sense of hearing like Jiro- clapped their hands over their ears with cries of pain and shock. A loud, mechanical voice started blasting over the loudspeaker a second later.

"ATTENTION! Security Level Three has been broken! All students must evacuate in an orderly fashion!" The message proceeded to loop after that as the cafeteria quickly descended into panic.

"What's security level three?" Iida yelled to an upperclassman as they stood up.

"It means someone has infiltrated the building! This has never happened in the three years I've been here! Hurry up and get out!" The older teen yelled back as he ran.

"Oww! Back off!" Mina yelled as an elbow jabbed into her side. The tide of rushing students had swept up their group. In the chaos Izuku had instinctively grabbed onto the closest of his classmates. In this case he'd grabbed Tsuyu and Momo's hands and pulled them near the wall to avoid the crowd a bit.

"Stay together guys!" Ochako tried to yell over the noise.

"Hey!" Jiro yelled as she was shoved to the side and into Toru.

"People are going to get hurt if this keeps up!" Camie yelled as she pushed against the crowd with Mina at her side.

Iida had been shoved against the glass, but this let him see outside. The glasses-wearing teen gaped when he saw the reporters from this morning ON the campus grounds. He saw several people rushing towards the incoming reporters, teachers he realized a second later.

'If the teachers are dealing with the press, then there's no one to turn off the alarm! Everyone will keep panicking unless they're told!' But even as he thought this, he had no idea how to convey it to the panicking crowd of students. He was about to try to yell something, anything to get some attention, when a sudden feeling of calm pervaded his mind.

"Midoriya-chan?" Tsuyu croaked out as Izuku's eyes glowed, churned his [ One for All ] and leaped into the walls. Nana was about to suggest using her quirk but it only drew too much attention and decided to let Izuku handle the situation. He hung loosely on the edge then took a deep breath before channeling his [ One for all ] to his throat, strengthening it then shouted.

"Everyone, please remain calm!!" Izuku spoke in a loud voice where everyone instantly turned towards him. .