Fruit Salad

Laras waited boredly in Panji's office kitchen. The man really had to attend the meeting. Even when he arrived at the parking lot, Panji immediately grabbed Laras' hand to follow in his footsteps. Apparently Laras was asked to wait for Panji in the kitchen. Initially, Panji asked Laras to wait in his room, but Laras refused because Panji's secretary also forbade it.

"If possible, don't go inside, Sir. Afraid of being accused of being disrespectful to others later," said a woman in tight clothes.

The woman is Panji's secretary, her name is Gina. Either Laras doesn't like her or it's her bad nature. But, judging by her appearance alone, it made Laras sick. How not, which secretary dares to tie her hair in front of the boss? Only Gina dared.

Then, the clothes she wore were also inappropriate, Laras said. The secretary should have a neat and clean appearance. But Gina, she's overdoing it. A slightly translucent white shirt, a tight span skirt that is above the knee, also the top button of the shirt is left unbuttoned. Shouldn't it be more polite than that?

Laras was also annoyed because Panji said that Laras was only his best friend. Indeed, they are not in any relationship. But, can Laras ask for a higher status from a friend? Prospective fiancé, for example? Yes, even when Laras's fiancé ran away to Jogja.

"Long, huh? Sorry," said Panji as he entered the kitchen in a bit of a hurry.

The man loosened his suffocating tie, folding his shirt sleeves up to his elbows. He also unbuttoned the top button of his shirt.

Damn, why when Laras is upset, Panji looks even more handsome? Especially when confused, Panji will slightly ruffle his hair even though he finally tidied it up.

"Laras, which one to cut first?" asked Panji because his brain was still blank from the meeting that had drained his mind earlier.

"Up to you." Laras replied curtly. She supported himer face with her palm and played with the cellphone that Panji gave him.

"What kind of fruit do you want?"

"Up to you."

"Starfruit first, huh? Or guava first? This is how to cut guava from which direction? Horizontal or vertical?"

"Up to you."

"Would you like some more mangoes? Do you cut the mangoes long or small?"

Furious with Panji's question, Laras slammed her cell phone on the table. Not loud, but enough to make Panji jump up and stare at him in confusion. "Why?"

"You don't have to ask me, just ask Gina there!" Laras said annoyed. She took the phone again and played it again.

"I can't, Gina has gone home."


Panji is not sensitive at all. Sometimes she doesn't realize that Laras is being jealous.

Wait? What? Jealous?

Aish! Looks like Laras needs to slap herself for rambling a lot lately.

Laras got up from her seat, snatched the knife from Panji's hand and cut the star fruit in a swift motion. After the starfruit had all been cut, Laras switched to peeling the mango. But unfortunately, because her movements were too fast, her hand was cut by a knife.


Laras was about to sip the blood that came out of her finger, but failed and instead was surprised because Panji had already done it. Laras could feel Panji's cold hand, as well as the warmth from Panji's mouth sucking her finger.

"I'll get the plaster first. You don't cut anything else, I'll just do it later."

Panji immediately took the first aid kit stuck to the wall. He took out a roll of plaster from there and attached it to Laras's scratched fingers. This treatment was able to warm Laras' heart. Even though the annoying part is that she's reminded of Randi again. The cowardly man also often treats Laras like this. Gentle and loving.

"I'll continue to peel the mango, will I?" Laras nodded.

She just sat while watching Panji peel the mango with difficulty. Just a moment, because the man quickly learned something. Therefore, he could peel the mango much faster.

"What's next?"

"Bengkoang. Peel it first, then wash it. Just cut it like a mango." Laras said directing.

Panji complied, he forbade Laras to grind chili sauce. But the woman giggled, saying that if she waited for Panji, it would be a long time. So, when Panji finished cutting all the fruit to fill the big bowl, Laras finished mashing the sambal.

"Um, so delicious!!" Laras squealed a little as she dipped the mango into the sauce. Over and over again, until Panji held his hand.


"Don't eat mangoes, bengkoang and guava too, sorry." Laras chuckled a little even though she finally did Panji's orders.

It was so delicious, Laras didn't want this salad to run out. "Do you want or not?" Panji immediately shook his head, rejecting Laras' offer.

"Why don't you want to? It's so good to know!" Laras held a guava that had been coated with chili sauce in front of Panji.

"Just for you, delicious right?"

"Delicious." Laras replied, nodding. "Why don't you want it? You don't like salad, do you?"

Panji was a little hesitant to answer. "Love it, if it's not spicy."

In that second, Laras' chewing stopped. She looked at Panji flatly. "Sorry, I forgot you can't eat spicy. This chili sauce is very spicy, I added five cayenne pepper. Do you want me to make more chili sauce that is not spicy?"

Panji immediately shook his head. "No need, you'll be tired. I'll just eat the fruit, okay?" Laras nodded enthusiastically. "Can."

Panji was about to put a piece of yam into his mouth, but was held back by Laras. "Here you try the mango first. I swear, it's really good."

Panji was slightly shocked when Laras' hand shoved a piece of mango into her mouth. Even though Panji finally chewed the mango with a smile, even though the mango taste was very sour.

"After this I don't want to go straight home." Laras said while dipping the yam into the chili sauce.

"Where are you going first?"

"I want to eat fried rice, do you have a recommendation for a good place to eat fried rice?" Laras asked while looking at Panji with a twinkle in his eye.

Panji thought a little and tried to remember, where is the place to eat that serves fried rice? An idea flashed, but he quickly brushed it off.

"I don't know, but are you looking for it? I'll accompany you if you want." Laras smiled widely. She immediately stood up and washed her hands as fast as he could.

"Come on?!"

Panji's car stopped in front of a fried rice cart. The place is not too crowded, so they won't have to wait long.

"Have you ever eaten here?" Laras asked after she and Panji mentioned the order.

"Not yet." Panji answered briefly then pulled a chair and invited Laras to sit on it.

"Then why did you choose to stop here? Whereas as far as I know there are still a lot of fried rice sellers?" Laras asked after sitting down.

"Because the place isn't too crowded here, so you don't have to wait long to eat. Then, there are some customers here too. So, it might taste good. I hope you like it, otherwise I'll get mad at the person who made it."

Damn, again Laras had to hold back her smile because of Panji's words.