Quang took a taxi to the hospital Lia might be in. It turns out that Ivin's house was 3 towns away. No wonder it took so long for them to arrive.
Once she got off the taxi, she rushed inside the hospital straight to reception. "I'm here to visit Lia Qin." she said. "I'm afraid Ms Qin already has a visitor. Please feel free to take a seat while you wait." the reception lady said. Visitor? Lia's parents live overseas as well as her younger sister. She currently stays alone and has no other close friends except for Quang. Who could this visitor possibly be?
Pushing those thoughts aside, Quang agreed and sat on the bench next to some people waiting to be attended to.
30 minutes had passed which felt like 30 long days. 'How long could this visitor visit for?!' Quang thought.
Just then, a man with a grey hoodie and messy brown hair walked out of Lia's room. He had his head low so she didn't get a glimpse of his face. 'Could that be the person that visited Lia?' She wondered.
"Ms Giang, you can visit Ms Qin now." the reception lady said and Quang immediately stood up, as if she was waiting for hours to hear those words.
When she entered Lia's room, she found a large bouquet of flowers near her bed and a transparent gift box with car keys inside.
She looked at the gifts and then at her friend who was laying on the bed with her leg elevated and bandages on her head.
"Quang!" Lia smiled as Quang walked closer to her. Quang felt like giving her a tight hug but thought it would be too painful for her.
"How are you? Are you feeling okay?" Quang asked with a worried yet guilty face. She regretted shouting at and blaming Lia for abandoning her without letting her explain it to her. Of course her best friend would never abandon her without good reason. She should have thought of that before making the whole situation about her.
"I'm fine Quang. Have you found a place to stay?" Lia asked. Quang nodded. "Yeah I have. The man that took me home yesterday, and allowed me to sleep at his house offered to let me stay at his house till you get better." She explained.
Lia raised her brow in confusion. "A man you met yesterday said you could live with him?" She was struggling to understand the story.
"Well not technically but yes." it sounded weird when Lia put it like that, but she has thought about it and there was no other option for her to choose from.
"Ivin seems reliable and has good intentions." Quang said. Lia frowned even harder. "He may seem reliable but what if he isn't? You only know his name -_-"
Quang sat on the bed, next to Lia. "I know it's risky Lia but I have no other option." Quang said.
"You could always go to your dad's house..." Lia said in a whisper. She obviously knew that mentioning Quang's dad was a death sentence. The last time she saw him was when she argued with him and decided to move out with her little brother. The relationship between Quang and her step dad was complicated and complications were the last thing Quang needed.
She was already going through a lot with being an unemployed young adult. Now that she decided to stop being dependant on her father, she couldn't find a job to pay for her studies and on top that take care of Leo.
"I don't want to go back there." Quang said looking out the window.
"You could always go to your aunt Selena's house!" Lia suggested.
"I don't want to trouble her when she's already helped me a lot." Quang replied.
"There's got to be-"
"There is no other option Lia. I know it's risky to trust Ivin but I have no other choice. This also benefits me in expenditure and he seems genuine." Quang cut her off.
Lia fell silent. She knew there was nothing she could do or say to convince Quang to change her mind once it's set on something. She should just support her and hope for the best.
"So...who was that guy who visited you?" Quang asked with a playful smile on her face. Lia looked around and noticed how noticeable all her gifts were.
"He's just someone sent by the person who owned the car that hit my car. Wow that was tricky to say." Lia said.
"They sent me flowers as an apology and bought me a brand new car!" She shrieked with excitement.
"If he was here just to deliver the flowers then why did he take so long?" Quang asked. She has always loved teasing Lia ever since they were little and wouldn't miss any opportunity to do so.
Lia blushed and cleared her throat. "Well...he..." she struggled to form a sentence. "I knew him a long time ago as a child. When I visited my parents overseas I would go to his house to play. His family was of high luxury but didn't mind to have me over." Lia's blue eyes sparkled as she replayed her wonderful childhood days in her mind. But her smile slowly faded. "Until he was about to go to boarding school and started acting weird around me. He would ignore me for days and act rudely towards me. When I stopped going to my parents' house, I forgot about him completely." Lia said with a low tone.
It seemed that that guy played a big role in Lia's childhood.
"So he now works for the owner of the car?" Quang asked. She wondered if Lia's childhood friend worked for Ivin.
"I'm not quite sure. We didn't talk much about each other. Just me begging him for an explanation or any gesture of affection." Lia said with a sad expression. It was obvious that she didn't completely let go of him like how she said she did.
"I don't want to keep you here any longer Quang. I need to rest anyway." Lia politely said. Quang has always loved how Lia seemed to stay positive in every situation. She was always the sun that brights up her gloomy day. She couldn't imagine a world without her best friend, EVER.
"Bye Lia. Take care of yourself." Quang said. Lia smiled before Quang walked out the door.
It was around 11 a.m. at that time so she decided to go back to Ivin's mansion. Hopefully she would find him there and maybe get to know him better.
Lia's situation had more than 1 link to this man than any other person, so knowing more about him might help Lia out a lot.