24 - The Clock Tower (Waver Velvet)

A few days after my date-dinner and something else with Ciel- senpai and having a fit of pure honesty, we left Romania and returned to Italy .

--Mr. Director, can you arrange a meeting with Lord El-Melloi II of the Clock Tower?

--What do you need the young Lord of the Tower for?

-- Certain personal matters.


--Yes, personal ... it can be called my personal research , I'm a bit stuck and need a second opinion.

--If it's just a second opinion, I can do it myself.

--Mr. Director, my research is on Homunculi with free will and the implementation of magical circuits such as machinery and golem engineering, do you know about the subject?

The director shook his head and raised his hands in surrender.

--Go, I don't know that your research was so peculiar, knew it had to be about homunculi given your book hunting of Einzberg but never thought you planned to use the MagicCrest as machinery ... certainly it is out of my area , if necromancy , exorcism, spiritism or invocation could still help you but I am not good with alchemy and less at that level.

--I've been studying ... I graduated from theology school last year and I'm doing a postgraduate degree in philosophy ...

--Being young and having an affection for studying are good things, but Akatsuki-kun must not forget that you are a member of the Burial Agency.

--How can I forget it if I have spent the last three years hunting vampires and heretics to death, rather than requesting a meeting with the Lord, he comes to ask you for a vacation, if you have any heretics or vampires near London or on the way I will kill him going or back, I just want my vacations, 3 ... no? ... Give me half a year off, if there is an emergency you can call me.

Speak quickly as the director was somewhat impatient.

--Half a year on vacation, you say?

Yes, give me a map with heretics or bloodsuckers who are on their way and can clean that way or return.

-- Six months is a lot, I'll give you three.

-- Five and a half.

--Three and a half.

--Four and a half.

--Four months, I will arrange a date with "Bow" the two of you for a month and you will kill them one way.



After negotiating my vacation with the director, I packed my bags and left the headquarters for London- England, it is worth mentioning that I took out the garbage on the way, three wizards and five vampires that became simple "Cash" in my wallet. A few weeks later I arrived in London , the cold and humid English autumn , the reddish trees began to lose their clothes while I only walked guided by my memories and by the information obtained through the black market.

--And on the next corner, the third building on the right by the alley where is the tree alone.

While enjoying the scenery a girl with a great windbreak not a big hooded cloak passed walked quickly beside me, she seemed to carry something under his arm. I knew the identity of the girl, twice a heroic spirit , twice a king, the physical plate of a legend, the last descendant of the king of knights and current apprentice to the Lord of modern magic.

--Gray Rave ~

I murmured his name and smiled . The I continued while hiding my presence.

A few minutes later she entered an old and dilapidated building that reeked of simple but powerful magic, the workshop and hideout of Lord El-Melloi II, former master and last vassal of Rider Iskandar, Waver Velvet.


[Tock * Tock]

--Gray ... was there an appointment for today?

--No, shisho ... Reines-san just left, Flat-san and Claudes-san won't come until the day after tomorrow ...

Luvia-san won't come until tomorrow ...

--No, isn't that My Lady ... the barrier did not detect anyone, but someone is touching?

[Tock * Tock]

--Should I open up, shisho?

--Gray ... do you feel hostility on the other side of the door?

--No, shisho ...

--I see ... Open the door, Gray.

--Yes, shisho!


--Good afternoon, Lord El-Melloi II, or should I say, Waver Velvet survivor of the 4th Heaven Fells, ex- master and last vassal of the King of conquerors Iskandar? My name is Akatsuki Kurama and I have come to propose a deal.

The young man in front of the Lord spoke calmly while pronouncing the Lord's secret names and titles , while he could only choke on the smoke of the cigar in his mouth.



--So you're coming from church?

--I'm from the Burial Agency, very different ~

--Are you an enforcer, are you coming to kill me?

--No, no, none of that Sir. Velvet , I come here as a simple Magus and as a survivor of the great fire that ended the 4th ...


--Let's sum things up since your time is tight right?

--Yes ... give me the short version .

--Short? Okey ~ The 5th war will begin in a few years but now you have heard of it, but the detail is that it does not work grail, is corrupt, not granted any wish and only bring destruction , unless of that what you want is the end of the world will grant no other wishes. By the way the grail has been damaged since the 3rd war, so your fight was in vain.


--Sep ... curse the Einzberg patriarch who made the worst possible choice , by the way "Doradito" is still alive ~

The Lord's already pale complexion cooled even more at the mention of the King of Heroes nickname .

--That damn man is still alive! How ?

--The energy that overflowed the grail, the energy is energy regardless of whether it is positive or negative, the blessings and curses at the end are the same " Energy ", give enough power to a Ghost Liner and it will be able to obtain a physical body , call it a fraudulent reincarnation ~

-- So ... that's ...

--Sep ~

--And what does a survivor of the 4th war want from me?

--Hmmm ? ... Collaboration, Advice , Friendship, Support with my research , A place in the Tower ... among other things ~?

I spoke disinterestedly while drinking he prepared you by Gray, who looked at me with eyes full of fear ( Haha ~ she is cute but not as cute as senpai ~)

--You ask a lot, but what can you offer me in exchange? I have already renounced the 5th War.

--Oh! Unfortunately that is satisfactory ~ I guess you've met Hephastion and Dr. Heartless?

--How do you know that ?!

--Let's say that years ago I bathed in the curses of the Grail, if it is information about a war for the holy grail, whether real or false, I have a certain amount of information , present, past and future is indifferent to me, I only know ~

--If you know, why did you come to me ?

The Lord roared as he exhaled a puff of smoke.

--Easy Sir. Velvet , I have something you need urgently and urgently, in addition to some other interesting things , I can also help the little Princess of the El-Melloi ~

-- Oh ?!

--Shishooo ~

--Gray ... calm down .

--Shisho is the one who should calm down ...

--Sir. Velvet , I can offer a good amount of USD money, magic reagents and tradable goods on the black market, an informed man like you must have heard about the murders and looting of underground magicians and Dead Apostle of the last three years ~

--Do not tell me that...?!

--Sep, I'm that enforcer ... I think they call me" Gatherer "on the black market ? Anyway, money, jewelry, reagents, magic circuits , organs , books, grimoires, I have a bit of everything, say what you need and I will check my inventory ~

I laughed as the Lord combed his face with one hand and crushed his cigar with the other.

--I don't know what to think anymore , you crawled here , you entered my barrier, my workshop, clearly you know more than you say and you come to offer me a good deal?

--I can give you a few million US dollars, 2 diamonds the size of a cat's head, a bag of assorted gems, and a relic from Alexandria right now.

I took out the diamonds, the gems and a small stone statue from my bag. Both Gray and the Lord widened their eyes at the appearance of these treasures.

--How much can you pay?"

--I am currently somewhat short of cash since I have invested a considerable sum in my research but, I can have about 10 million in cash, I also have a hundred or two hundred kilos of precious stones in my vault among other things ~ I can also help you with Edelfelt Miss and little Princess El-Melloi, although I not figured, I am a good alchemist and physician spiritual.

--More of 10 millions of dollars?

--Shisho ~?

--Ten, ten , more of ten ...

--What does Lord say, accept the deal?

I reached out my right hand for an answer and the man drowning in debt in front of me jumped up and grabbed my hand in his.

--It is a pleasure doing business with you.

--Lord El-Melloi II likewise ~