25 - Hello ~ El- Melloi Princess (Reines El-Melloi)

Two days after my treaty with the good Lord in bankruptcy, I made a millionaire transfer to the account in zeros of the Lord, he cried not as a metaphor , he literally cried when he saw his account statement. It was fun watching him cry and pray as he was comforted by Gray.

--A-Akatsuki-shinpan ...

--Call me Kurama, Gray-chan ~

--O-ok, Kurama-san.

--Yes Gray-chan?

--What is your goal, because it makes all of this, making all these plans to destroy the grail and save the other ? ... Do you want to be a hero ?

I tilted my head to the side as I looked at Grey's flushed face.

--Hero ? ... please don't say that even as a joke, wanting to be a hero is the same as shooting yourself in the head, heroes are people with some kind of mental problem or illness, they want to save the world and they think in an absurd way, alien to the rationality and functionality of the world, to sum it up they are ego maniacs , narcissists with a serious complex of "I am the Messiah " or something like that ~ I just want to live my life and protect my family ~ You can call me hypocritical or selfish but I just want to keep my life and mine~

I answered her question, reached out and patted her head above her hood.

--Grey-chan, it is not to insult you or make you feel bad but you have to remember one thing, " you are you ", you are not that delusional king with megalomania , by the way that king will participate in the 5th war you have something you want to say to him , I'm going to hit him in particular ...

Gray escaped my touch, as he adjusted his cape.

--I have nothing to say to that person, but ...


-- If you're going to hit him, hit him for me .

--Roger that, I will strike the Illusive King of Knights for Gray-chan ~

I laughed out loud, as I caressed Gray again. The door opened and a blue-eyed blonde girl appeared in the frame accompanied by a mercury golem. I smiled like a certain Cheshire cat .


--It is an honor to meet you El-Melloi Princes, I am Akatsuki Kurama, member of the Church Burial Agency. If you have a problem with a magician or vampire, feel free to call me and use me as you please .

I smiled as I knelt down and kissed the back of her little hand.

--Jo ~ ho ... I see that you are someone interesting, a member of the Church came looking for the advice of my Aniue. I am Reines Archisorte El-Melloi heir to the El-Melloi Family, I appreciate your kind offer Father Akatsuki.

--Haha ~ Hime-sama is very polite, forget about Father and just call me Kurama, our age is not so far away as to treat us coldly , personally I hope to have a long and good relationship with the El-Melloi family ~

--You are good with words, Kurama-dono ~

--I can't help it ~ Reines- Ojou sama is very cute, if I hadn't made a vow to serve the Tohsaka family until the end of the war I would have run to their service ~ ... too bad ~

--Oh ... Kurama-dono is that a proposition ~?

-- You can take it as such ~ I'm essentially a mercenary with a soft spot for beautiful women ~

--Bastard interesting ~

--I'll take it as a compliment, Reines- Ojou sama ~

Reines and I shared a pleasant conversation while Gray and Lord El-Melloi II looked at us in bewilderment.

Kurama- Kun , could you stop flirting with Reines?

-- Oh! Aniue you're jealous that a wealthy young man takes me away from you ~ ha ha ha ha ~ ...

--No, it's just ...

--What's wrong Aniue ~?

--It is not wise to associate with someone from the church.

--Aniue ~ currently Kurama-dono is here as a free magician who seeks a mutually beneficial relationship with the family, also you have already received a good sum of money and goods from him , it would be frowned upon if we only took his money and did not give him we give the corresponding treatment ~

--Kuhn ...

Reines cast a perfect counter at the Lord's complaint.

--Reines-san, Kurama-san shouldn't ... Flatter-so much.

--Gray-chan ... you are also very cute ~

I smiled as I rolled an eye at him. Gray blushed to his ears as he stuttered.

--Reines- Ojou sama?

--Yes, Kurama-dono?

--They're not too pure ~

--If that is true but not is Kurama-dono too accustomed to flirting with women?

--My bad, I have worked since I was eight years old in a rather dubious environment, I involuntarily ended up learning a number of bad tricks, take it as an occupational disease ~

--So it's just a condition ~

--Sep, just a little affection but that doesn't affect Reines being beautiful ~

--Flatter ~

--I will take it as a compliment ~

I winked as Reines blushed slightly, behind us Lord El-Melloi II and Gray were speechless.

--Going back to business, Akatsuki Kurama-dono, are you seeking a position as a clock tower free agent, while you are a church agent, as well as having business relations with the El-Melloi house?

--Sep, I can fix your magic crest or make a new one, I have about 30 magic crests stolen from 30 heretic magicians and about 14 ridges excised from the Dead Apostles , do not worry they have all been purified and cleaned, I can say that I have 44 circuit boards ready for assembly or modification ~

--How do you know?

-- I just know ...

--And what do you want in exchange for helping us with the Magic Crest?

--The aforementioned, in addition to a copy of the plans for an automaton like yours, is interesting , my research is on homunculi and the applications for magic circuits ... but now I wonder why not make an integrated automaton with magic circuits and the consciousness of a homunculus ? Create a true Golem with self-awareness ?

--Do you want to create a new Frankenstein ?

--Nope , I think it would be more like Terminator T-2 000 2.0 ~

--Well Tirmamu certainly gives that feeling , I can't deny it ... but ~

--Don't worry, if you want I can develop "Terminator" under the supervision of the El-Melloi house, I can also work for the School of Modern Magic, my vow of loyalty to the Tohsaka is only until the end of the war and the burial agency is more liberal than the church in general, many of my co-workers have three or four jobs outside of church functions ~

--So you're a mercenary after all?

--Sep ~ but although Reines-Ojou-sama is beautiful and possibly grows up to be one of the most beautiful women in all of England, this humble servant has his eyes on another woman ~

--So the "Gatherer" already owns ~ Jo~jo ~ that itself is interesting.

--I hope that in her infinite mercy she allows this poor sinner to rest in her lap when he is rejected by her ~

--Oh go ~! but are unabashed you know that you will be rejected or even want to try Or just you calling me your second fiddle ~?

--I'm just honest and Reines will also reject me so I just ask for a place to rest my broken heart ~

I smiled as she dropped two silver and gold necklaces adorned with amethysts and emeralds that I made with alchemy.

--A small gift for a good friend ~

-- I have to say, you have good taste ...

--I'm an alchemist but I have a hobby of making jewelry , "Take" the land titles of a mine to a bloodsucker, I have a good income from the auctions of my pieces, I will not be internationally famous like Chanel or Rolex, but I can still win a few thousand a piece.

We both laughed as Reines put on the amethyst necklace that matched her blue eyes.

--By the way, they have a little spell against Magic eyes, I thought they would be useful ~

--You are unexpectedly considerate, I like you a little more now ~

--Thank you ~