26 - Private classes (Power Up)

--The current magic known as Magecraf is the science of modifying reality and giving rise to the imitation of a miracle, we are not like the magicians and sorcerers of yesteryear, unfortunately humanity has separated from the gods and much of the ancient Magic It has been lost, to emulate its effects, techniques, rituals, formulas, theories and practices were developed that formed the science and study that is Magecraf ...

Lord El-Melloi taught his class to his twenty students, including various characters from the Rail Zeppelin, as well as the exuberant heiress of the Edelfelt, Luviagelita Edelfelt. With her rococo double-drill hairstyle, I certainly feel a bit out of place in this salon. Not for the fact that I am figuratively a member of the church, but because I am dressed quite casually, combat boots, camouflage print jeans, a white shirt and a snake leather jacket, as well as a cross necklace and my inseparable bracelet-spear, all this without counting my purple hair in triple braid and the one that I am sitting next to Gray-chan.

By the way , the dog named Svin Glaschen has been giving me murderous looks for a long time.

--Kurama-san ...

Gray muttered so that only I would hear her.


-- Excuse him, he's a bit ...

--Don't worry , I don't support animal abuse ... however ~

I cut off my answer and reached out to pet Gray, which made her blush a little and the dog growled as she went to silly dog in heat.

--Akatsuki-dono, don't flirt in my class.

--Excuse me Lord or would you prefer me to call you brother-in-law ~

--Drop the jokes and pay attention.

Several students laughed at my reply while others looked at me with intrigue, but for what matters to me, I only need to maintain my commercial and political relationship with Reines, everything else is secondary.

Two hours after class ended, I was immediately approached by the dog and the troublemaker.


--So the dog wants to fight?

--Yes, yes, yes Akatsuki-san ~ Lechien wants to regain his position as Alpha Male (Stalker) for Gray-chan ~

--Flats don't call me Lechien and your bastard I'm not a dog!

--Stop barking I'll give you some advice, accept that you are a Magician based on kisses, be one with nature, throw away your humanity or learn to control your emotions, silly ~

--Already I do not support you! I don't know you but you annoy me!

--Are you already barking again?

--Let's go to the sand!

--It's your funeral ~

Accompanied by the comedian duo we left the hall and walked to the arena.


--Are you sure you want to do this Dog-boy?

--I'm not a dog ... Palaría Morfys !!!

Screaming his incantation, the blond young man transformed into an eight-foot tall bipedal wolf with electric blue fur.

--Even if you get bigger you are still a flea dog ~

I mocked and took position, I reinforced my whole body, the hundreds of terminals and magic circuits that I have cultivated and implanted in my body resonated and shone with a roar, seen from the outside it would seem one of those warriors from the planet of super vegetables.


With a roar the werewolf disappeared, no, it did not disappear it just moved at high speed but ...

--If you don't hide your thirst for blood you are simply jumping to your death ~

I spoke calmly as I dodged the claw and held my opponent's wrist calmly, the shouts and applause from the gallery echoing in the sand.

--Now it's my turn puppy ~

I pulled his arm with my right hand while hammering his chest with the back of my left fist using Kirei's Super Baquijuan techniques, the shock waves resonated throughout his body causing internal damage and throwing him away as soon as I released him.

--Come on, puppy ~ we're not done yet ~

I smiled like a complete villain, while the audience applauded, the troublemaker from Flat Escardos laughed at the top of his lungs while recording the fight, the young Claues was preparing a series of healing options, Gray-chan for his part went out to look for the Lord ago a few moments, but the person that interests me is seeing me right now the heir to the Edelfelt family, Luviagelita Edelfelt.

Jump into the cloud of dust where the dog is.


--I told you to hide your bloodlust, moron!

He dodged his claws and planted a Kirei-style punch to his muzzle , the shock waves rattling his brain and he fell to the ground.


--I see you're still puppy, time to end this ~

Walk calmly around the wobbly helpless wolf and grab him by the legs.

--TO TURN!!!

Like the Olympic hammer throwers, twist, twist and twist considerably fast and I released him, poor Lechien ended up flying without wings for several seconds until he crashed against one of the pillars of the arena, the momentary silence was appeased by an entrance of applause and ovations.

--Thanks thanks!

Acting like a third-rate stage actor, I thanked my beloved audience. A minute later Gray-chan arrived along with Lord El-Melloi II.


--Akatsuki-dono, what does this mean?

--What's wrong, Lord?

--Why are you sitting on one of my students?

--He wanted to fight for Gray-chan so I hit him a bit, he's quite clever but he still thinks like a human for a wizard of animalism he should handle his instincts better. It is too temperamental.

I kicked the side of the unconscious young Lechien.

-- Uhm, thanks for giving my student a crash course.

--Quiet Lord is nothing ~



--You had to sweep the floor with him ... literally.

In fact during our fight I did not use my spear, nor fearful blades, lightning bolts, illusions or Black keys, I hit it with only my reinforced body and close combat techniques, I can punch myself with a Dead Apostle for thirty minutes and win with barely two fractured ribs and a slight cranial fissure, sweeping the floor in a werewolf imitation is just warm-up .

--I thought it would be stronger, let's just say it was my mistake to take Gray-chan as the standard ~

-- Ok, I'll pretend I don't hear that. Let's go to my office. Reines left the plans you asked for.

-- Oh! that really is efficiency ~ I'll have to get to work repairing that ridge.

--I would appreciate.

I left the arena with the Lord and we went back to his office.


--Lord El-Melloi II, who is that young man who fought in the arena desuwa ~?

Luviagelita Edelfelt came in screaming in her sweet voice.

--Lower your voice, Edelfelt.

--Hi ~ I'm the fight boy ~

I say hello to the energetic possibly brainless busty blonde

--Oh! Excuse me ... but I repeat my question who are you desuwa ~?

--Akatsuki Kurama, Mercenary at your service, Luviagelita Edelfelt-Ojou sama.

I got up and took Luvia's delicate hands and kissed them, her perfume was really lovely citrus and sweet, I like it.

--So you're an Akatsuki-dono a Mercenary?

--Sep, although I am currently just one more student of the famed Lord El-Melloi II ~

--So you're a new classmate.

--In short, that would be the right thing to do ~

--But you are quite strong, you only used physical reinforcement to finish Lechien, you must have something else in your arsenal.

--A good wizard never reveals his secrets, unless of course I get paid for it ~

--You are unexpectedly funny, Akatsuki-dono ~

--Laughing at death is the first step to have a long life, in this business ~

--Luviagelita Edelfelt! If you just wanted to know about Akatsuki, can you go now?

--Sensei also comes to ask some things about the fight, Flat Escrados recorded it and I want his opinion about the fight.

--Oh! Good idea Ojou-sama. Lord pleases.

-- Ok, let me see the video.

Luviagelita Edelfelt and I ended up receiving a private lesson from Lord El-Melloi II on body reinforcement and animalism.