27-- Research , Development, Rested

--Akatsuki-kun, it seems like it's not viable.

--Yes, putting the soul of a homunculus in the matrix of the mercury golem is not viable, even if we can reinforce its operation with purified magic circuits of Dead Apostols, it does not seem feasible.

--Akatsuki-kun let's leave this until here , do you have any other ideas?

--Maybe, but...?

In one of the alchemy laboratories of the El-Melloi Waver Velvet family also known as Lord El-Melloi II and I are discussing the possibilities of creating a new model of T-2000 unfortunately it did not work. Surprisingly, we came to that conclusion quickly , which saves me a lot of time from the little I have at my disposal .


--It would be to improve my magic, my magical origin .

--You mean that Predation magic ?

--Exactly, currently I can absorb mana at will, as well as analyze and store it , mostly I use it to do transmutations and cast curses and other things.

--Transmutations, things like alchemy or something more complicated like the transformations of animalism?

-- A bit of both, Lord.

Active my magic and I turn into purple mist, then in purple clouds with lightning electrical , and finally return my body to its original form except that concentrates the fog and nu bes purples in my arms and legs.

--Akatsuki-kun is this?

--My magic, I call it awful fog, but then to eat some Hogu are more near clouds now. I can absorb mana with them as well as attack and defend myself , the last time I tried I was able to cut a bus in half with this thing.

I made a sword with the purple mist, the Lord looked at me in amazement while laughing a bit.

-- Crazy, too, crazy ... you ate a Hogu , a heroic treasure and you say it so calmly !

I undid my transformation and sat in front of the excited lord, speaking with a jovial and somewhat sarcastic voice . What can I say I love to tease the good Waver Velvet.

--The monster of Caster.

As he said those words the Lord's face paled , I smiled and continued .

--Gilgamehs order of Tohsaka Tokiomi that thing attacked with three or more of its treasures, which drop to the bottom of the bay given that as the had touched something too disgusting to put them back in their treasure.

Thanks to that I was able to swim to the bottom and retrieve three of them .

I released the true form of my spear and pulled the good sword out of my dimensional pocket . It was a nice magic trick. The lord examined the spear and sword carefully.

--A spear of plants and iron, faint trace of ancient sealing magic, and a good sword, I can't feel much in fact just that it doesn't seem like it's easy to break, but the third Hogu ?

--A Vajra , the archetype of the Vajra of Indra , I ate this treasure heroic, the Vajra unlike sword or spear was in a very unstable state why I decided in a fit eating. Lord thought that my hair color was just dye, I stay this color after eating all the thunder mana inside the Hogu .

--He has?!


Both were silent for a few minutes, I decided to prepare some tea , while the Lord was lost in thought, when he you was ready the good Lord El- Melloi II came out of their interactions .

--Akatsuki-kun, if what you say is true, you are not human.

--Lord, I never said I was human, I work hunting monsters, eventually you become one.

--Right, you are a member of the Burial Agency.

--Yes, according to my own calculations for now I am 75% human.

--It seems like an acceptable calculation , Akatsuki-kun, what are you planning to do? You have a great magic capacity , you can replenish yourself almost infinitely and I can see that your magic allows you to attack and defend with ease. What is your goal?

Lord El-Melloi II, he looked at me seriously as he pointed his cigar at me.

--My goal is to destroy the Holy Grail , eliminate it and tie up all the loose ends of Fuyuki city, I do not know if that can stop the case brought by the Animusphere but at least I can save you a grail.

--Animusphere ?! The family of the Lord of astronomy !

At the sudden mention of the Animuspheres, Lord II choked on the smoke.

--Sep, lord ... I already told you I know the past, the present and the future of all the wars of the holy grail, and the worst is that of the Animusphere, the Great Order, I will not say more but if you can pass this message to Miss Olga Marie .

--What message?

The lord seemed to grow more serious about my words.

--Tell him you 're prepared, " Beware of the Hatmaeker and the penitent Doctor, the Young Volunteer , the heir to the shield and the Beast Infernal were in the halls of Chaldea La. Last war will be seen 7 times , 7 bowls they will open the doors to the great temple. If you want to survive be strong and abandon your humanity. Seek the Opposing Force , embrace despair and join the world "that's all, if she is intelligent she will understand what I mean. I would like to say more but I fear the butterfly effect when it comes to the worst case scenario.

--Am I to understand that the Animusphere war is the worst case?

--Sep, literally the universe will go to hell, past, present and future will all go down the drain. " The young volunteer , the heir to the shield and the Infernal Beast " are the protagonists of that last war.

--You know how it will end.

- Unfortunately no ~, I can only say that Miss Olga Marie will not do very well.

--It's sad to hear that, well I'll write him a letter with your words.

--Thanks Lord II, with it can be more quiet.

-- Well, I think I've come up with something for your magic. You use body transmutation at an advanced level practically by instinct which is enviable, Kurama- Kun tries to visualize the body more efficient for combat.

--Combat efficiency ~?

I closed my eyes and let the mist flow. Bones, muscle fibers, veins, arteries, nerves, muscles , ligaments , skin, eyes, touch, hearing , smell, teeth and nail, better, more quickly , more strong, man, no, bestial, no, God, no, demon , yes . Little by little bit, the skin of my body was stained a purple black color, my hands and arms changed shape and texture to the shoulder , my feet and legs to the knees, a Hagoromo of mist or clouds floated on my shoulders. I opened my eyes and saw my body in this state, the Lord was had fallen from the chair does already awhile and was trying to get up .

--Akatsuki-kun, I see you got it on the first try.


--You consumed a Hindu treasure , your transformation resembles a Deva, an Asura or even a Vasa v a from Hindu mythology , you have a certain closeness to God Indra and seeing this appearance I can assure you.

--It consumes too much mana, I can't hold it much longer ... Huk .

Spitting out some blood I returned to my original appearance, my knee length pants, my shoes as well as my shirt sleeves disappeared possibly consumed by the transformation , I wiped the blood from my mouth and took a big drink of tea .

--We'll have to do something about it.

--Lord, I actually have an idea. Since my magic allows me to absorb and assimilate mana, because I cannot generate it inside my body, do something like a machine perpetual motion, a generator alternative.

--Sounds plausible, you have a good amount of Magic Circuits but the detail how to put them in your body without damaging your own circuits.

--That is simple.

I took out the note book Kiritsugu gave me a long time ago.

--This is the notebook of my first teacher, he used a special magic that modified the flow of time within his body with a RealityMarble. I can create a similar system for the storage, rotation , generation and emission of mana within the sphere and then implant it in my body.

--Let me see that ... Awesome!

--Sep, but Lord please return the notes to me my teacher left them to me as a last resort, time magic is too dangerous that thing ended up killing him .

--Yes, playing with time is not a laughing mayyer but your approach is possible, in fact there is a thesis about a prototype of a mana generator in the school of alchemy. I will get you a copy but I think you should rest it seems that the transformation will is checking the bill .

--Yes , I think I'll go back to the bedrooms.

Cleaning the blood that was running from my nose and eyes, I returned to my room , inside the El- Melloi mansion .