28 - Reines wants it (Princess Ride)

A few days after the discovery of my affiliation apparent to the pantheon Hindu and my recovery by almost self - mutilate to the make a "Apotheosis" without preparation , I'm sitting relaxed in the living class faculty of modern magic. After Sweeping the floor with the Puppy, most of the Lord II's problem students don't seek problems with me, by the way I'm sitting next to Gray-chan, who as always is hiding his face and his whole body inside his cloak. it which makes it very nice.

--Kurama- Kun , how are your wounds? Shisho told me, but ...

--I'm fine, my arms hurt a bit but I'm fine, I can still kill about 10 ghouls without much problem ~

I smiled at Gray-chan and patted her hood, I wish I could directly caress her hair but you have to settle.

--Akatsuki-dono ~ good to see you desuwa ~

With a voice too booming , Luviagelita Edelfelt or "Luvia-san" approached my seat .

--Good morning Edelfelt- Ojou sama.

--Call me Luvia, Akatsuki-dono.

--Good, but call me Kurama, Luvia ~

He winked one eye to the buxom blonde hairstyle rococo .

--He's a careful young man, isn't he Kurama- Kun .

--More than care, I consider myself a man who knows how to appreciate beauty ...

We both shared a laugh, while Gray next to us was blushing to the ears, by the way the dog is still in recovery , it seems that I broke several bones along with other internal injuries , sorry Bro ~ but I thought you were stronger .


Classes ended at the middle day before he could do something, a maid and metallic skin bubbling caught me with their metallic tentacles and dragged me to the room of the Lord II. Obviously this maid is none other than Reines' multi- purpose mercury golem , Trimimu.

--Hello ~ Reines ~

--Hello ~ Akatsuki-dono ~

I greeted the young lady as she was dragged to her feet by the golem. If either could be considered an insult to me this treatment must denote something, Reines wears a short skirt with panty stockings, and now I'm head and Trimimu I literally is dragging feet Reines, which means that, because who wants or I will not end up seeing under the skirt of this princess. It's not my fault, blame the golem. Keeping a perfect business smile, I continued my chat with Reines.

-- Princess, to what do I owe the honor of your call?

Reines looked a bit confused, then blushed a little and jumped back .

--Trimimu lets go of Akatsuki-dono.

--Yes My lady.

I was released and fell to the ground, I got up and continued with my smile , although I could not see inside the absolute zone, if I could appreciate the good figure of the lady's legs.

--Umn, Reines ?

--Hush for a second ...

Seeing a queen blush is a rare sight indeed , normally this liĴle witch is a real witch. I smiled even more . After a few minutes of awkward silence for reins, she broke the silence.

-- Well, let's get to the point.

--Ok ~

I responded immediately as I lay back on the couch .

-- I want you to accompany me to a place, I could go alone but my dear Aniue is a Don Angustias ...

--OK ~ let's go ~

I replied .

--But I still haven't told you where ...

--It does not matter, I will accompany you ~

--Well then let's go ~

We left the building and got on my motorcycle, Reines surprisingly wanted to go to a shopping center on the other side of the city, outside the historical area and the noble area , it was literally a shopping center for normal people, nothing like this noble Ojou - chan.

--¿Reines ... this place is right for you?

Ask now that while I literally seem like a regular criminal, Reines is still a young lady from high society or so I guess.

--Yes , yes , there is something I want ... cross this corner.

Cross and accelerate, the roar of the exhaust and the engine made me feel alive as well as having reins clinging to my back is nothing more than profit. After a few minutes of travel we reached the mall . Reines took off his helmet and got off the bike with a big smile.

--It's really fun to ride this thing ~

--It a good motorcycle, if you want to change quite an evening stroll call me , this baby é has some tricks.

--Ho ~ ho ... it 's a promise ~

Reines smiled and walked to the mall with little jumps , she is certainly a very cute girl.

In the shopping center, you literally reign alone, I look at the cheap clothing stores with disdain , I pass even the jewelry stores and others, only stopped for a moment in a small candy store where I ended up buying a good amount of sweets.

-- Reines, did we come to this place for cheap sweets?

-- No ~ we came for that ~

Reines pointed to an old Arcade , more specifically that old set of claws, I want that doll. My little princess pointed to a big stuffed toy shaped like a Slime, but it wasn't just any Slime, it was a pink Slime with a little crown.

--Queen Slime?

--Yes , it's the Slime Queen ~

--And you wanted this stuffed animal?

-- Is it wrong that I like stuffed animals, Akatsuki-dono?

-- Nope , it's just a bit unexpected, although I think that kind of thing goes with you ... Well I'll win it for you!

Roll up your sleeve my shirt and put some coins into the machine , the old crane mechanics is moved slowly.

Two spaces to the right, two to the back , go down ...

--Trapped! ... Now ... Come back ~

The hook, although hooked on pink slime, it slipped midway. Pursed a little lord and put another round of coins into the machine , Reines looked at me with a smile.

--Come on, little Slime, Princess Lovoult!

Mark commands and punchy bass therefore again took a teddy I drag more near the exit but turned to fall.

--This little one is starting to dislike me ~

I put a third round of coins and marked the commands, the claw moved , I go down, I take the teddy, I drag it and ...

-- Lottery !!!

Take out the Big Pink Slime Queen Plush and hand it to the little girl.

Reines ran to the stuffed animal and hugged it, acting totally like a young girl her age, not like a young teacher, or heir to a decaying Magus family , or the future rector of modern magic, but like a mere girl not older 14 or 15 years old.

--Thank you ~

Reines hugged me and gave me a small kiss on the cheek, although I have developed a certain resistance to women , thanks to Rin's lust and my loving pursuit by Ciel- senpai , Reines's innocent little kiss was strangely comforting . God, this does heal the soul! I feel dirty! FBI! ONU! I want to surrender! ... while mentally crying, I took out two more stuffed animals from the machine . One was a spotted hyena-like dog and another was a rag doll with a red hood.

--Gifts ... is that for Gray?"

--Sep and this one for a certain flamboyant blonde .

--They certainly look like them, well Akatsuki-dono I think it's time to go back, my dear Aniue must be wondering where I am ~

--Yes maybe...

We both left the old mall and got on the motorcycle.

--Reines, I'll show you one of the tricks of this baby~ .


--[Gear Mist Drive]

The purple mist came out of my hands and I got on the motorcycle, although I did not change its extreme appearance, the feeling is different.

-- Let's go .

Full throttle and the bike literally went shoots forward.


Reines' splendid laugh sounded in my ear , as the pressure of her modest breasts spread across my back. I smiled and sped up ...

-- A little more ...

We fly through the streets of London. When we reached our destination, Reines questioned me with a smile and bright eyes full of emotion . She is a witch who likes speed and flying on her broom, of course she will be excited.

-- How did you get that acceleration ? How nobody noticed?

-- Illusion Magecraf and many magic circuits, more than a motorcycle this baby is a golem, an magic object, literally carve and incrusted circuits magic of around about thirteen wizards in it, it consumes mana to deploy acceleration , illusion , and annulment reconnaissance, as well as a small barrier to reduce the wind.

--Certainly a first-rate magic item .

--I am honored to receive your compliments.

--Akatsuki-dono, will you give me another ride ~

Reines looked at me like his big blue eyes like a puppy .

--Whenever you want it, princess.

We both laughed , I barely resisted the urge to steal a kiss, luckily a voice came to save me from temptation .

--Reines-san, Kurama-san.

Gray came running towards us, with a smile .

--Shishho is waiting in his study.

--Yes, yes, tell him that we are going ~

-- Gray-chan will give you a gift.

I handed the teddy in the hood to gray and she hugged him tightly. Yes gray is very pretty.

--Thank you Kurama-san.

--No need, let's see the Lord.

--Yes .

The three of us walked towards the entrance of the old building. After that little exchange the days passed quickly , the investigations and training flowed quickly and were completed. My days in England were coming to an end.