29 - Homecoming (Visiting Old Friends)

My four months passed quickly in England, I cultivated a good friendship with the princess of the El-Melloi and with the heiress of the Edelfelt, Reines and Luvia , as well as with the good substitute Lord Waver Velvet and his apprentice Gray Grave Although he can't put my T-2000 project to work , he can learn a lot of elemental magic, improve my transformation into mists and clouds, as well as prepare a certain ace up his sleeve. In the Lord's words.

--Akatsuki, are more one Heroic Spirit than a human, your magic lies absorb and assimilate the mana around you, and consuming the Archetype of the Vajra of Indra, I guess you came near to a kind of Vasava, Asura or Deva , If you continue perfecting your transformation Dreadfull Cloud, can you become a true semi Servant or something.

After that talk I dedicated my efforts to improve my transformation and get to the point where I can calmly fight against a Servant class 1 ~ 3 stars . While Luvia and Gray were a bit against my departure early not stopped, left England on the first plane to Rome, I flew and the average day and had returned to the Base of the Agency, the director was so happy as ever .

--Kurama- Kun , how was your vacation?

--Very educational, but Director I'm sorry to say this but I'm going back to Japan .

--For what ?

The headmaster's face was clearly overwhelmed.

--The Holy Grail of Fuyuki.

--Are you going to go to war?

The director asked me with a serious face.

--No, I'm going to kill a fucking vampire specter and son of a bitch who has lived over 500 years at the expense of many innocents, plus tie up some loose ends ~.

Yaws the eye to the good director.

--Tie up some loose ends, you say?" The recovery of relics is the authority of the Assembly of the 8th Sacrament, I believe that Father Kotomine Kirei is the supervisor of the war?

I said the Director with some distaste.

--That is the problem, Father Kotomine Kirei as such died at the end of the 4th war, the current Kotomine Kirei is a walking corpse animated by a " Black Heart " formed from the malevolence of the Demon God Angra Maiyu.


Shouted the Director, while his eyes shone brightly, under his glasses you could see the glow of the Magic Eyes of Truth, a walking lie detector.

--Sep, that old Kirei can calmly receive the Zabaniya of the Mountain Sage and continue walking calmly, you can shoot him, stab him or rip out his heart and he will still live, although he is not an immortal monster, he should be dead. That's why I said I'd tie up some loose ends ~

The director took off his glasses and rubbed the hundreds with his hand.

--Akatsuki Kurama, from this moment are named as 10 seat codename "CLOUD", you will be stationed in the city of Fuyuki Japan and hunt all bastards Dead Apostle and created more clever than God's providence, on the grail, do what you want.

The director threw me a new silver rosary and a card with the number ten engraved on it. I thanked the director and left for the airport, all my positions and reagents were already packed in a dimensional pocket.

After the exhausting flight of about 24 hours, I arrived in my homeland, to my surprise I was greeted at the airport by a not so little Ojou -sama and a Catholic priest .

--Akatsuki-kun ~ This way ~

Rin was waving his arms with joy as Kirei held up a sign with my name written on it, Kirei was the same he had not aged a day , Rin for his part was already wearing his iconic set of red sweater and black pleated skirt accompanied by his Twin hairstyle Tails.

As soon as I did that to them Rin jumped up and hugged me tightly, while Kirei raised an eyebrow in disapproval .

--Rin ~ how have you been?

-- Good ~ good, but you are very cruel, if it weren't for the false priest of Kirei I wouldn't know you would come back .

Rin clung to me , which I did have a heart heavy and full of guilt, I'm sorry Shirou. I apologized in my heart and returned the hug to the tender Ojou -sama .

- I wanted to surprise you, I will attend Homurahara Academy this year as a third year student. In a few days I'll be your senpai ~

--Hmmp ~

Rin snorted with his nose, while hiding his flushed face from me , I did not continue with my harassment and the three of us walked out of the airport, together we returned to Fuyuki, my uncle mobs cried before my unexpected return, my cute cousin Mao was now a young man pretty beautiful miss mob, who literally jumped on me and clung to me like a koala and cried deeply, didn't let go of me until the next day .

I spent the night telling Mao the anecdotes about my trip, the theology "school" , my special "courses" in England , I also showed him several photos from my trip, as well as some photos of Ciel and me eating curry , Gray hiding without much success his face , Luvia and Reines arguing for a cake and many others , things that which caused to Mao go cling even more to me and start a new round of sharp and incisive questions about my relationship with each of the beautiful ladies.

--Nii- san , who are all these beautiful girls ~?"

--Friends ~ fellow students ~ Is your choice~?


A few days after I returned and Mao finally released me from his interrogation, I walked towards the home of an old friend, brother, and partner. The old mansion was still exactly the same as a few years ago, entering the house, ring the bell and get ready.

A plethora of rumbling footsteps sounded down the hall, which put a big smile on my face as I knew who would open the door.

--Good morning ~

-Good morning , "Tiger" -neesan Long time no see?

The young woman dressed in a yellow and brown horizontal striped sweater under a long green dress, Fujimura Taiga, comically fell to the ground and then grabbed me by the neck.

--Don't tell me TIGER! ... Hmmm? Are you?!

--So and Akatsuki Kurama, Taiga-neesan has been a while ~ I came back from studying abroad.

I smiled as Taiga-neesan looked me up and down while nodding her head.

--So you are little Kurama- Kun ~ you have grown sooooo ~

--Sep ... Taiga-neesan or by the way I 'm going to Homurahara this year.

--Ah! So that you 're a student abroad ~ ?

-- Sep ... by the way, Taiga-neesan, is Shirou here?

--Yes, yes, she is in the kitchen with Sakura-chan ~ Sakura-chan ~ she is cute for sure she will like you, she is a very good girl ~

Taiga-neesan dragged me into the mansion while singing praises to Sakura and Shirou. I could only keep a smile at her comments since I knew the reality of that poor and unhinged young woman. After a few seconds we ended up in the iconic living room, kitchen and dining room of the Emiya residence. A girl a few years younger than me, with bright purple hair and mildly dead eyes, was calmly cleaning the table, while a young man a little shorter than me was busy in the kitchen, obviously this pair was Emiya Shirou and Matou Sakura.

--Shirou ~ Look who's back ~!

Taiga-neesan scream loudly as he opened the door sliding a hitch , without fear of breaking it .


--Fu- Fujimura -sensei.

--I ... Shirou ~!

I greeted Shirou with a smile , and he tilted his head trying to recognize me, Oh come on man, I haven't changed that much, well yes , I have changed a lot in these last 5 years.


--Sep ~ Shirou ~ I see you have a nice girlfriend? Ojou-chan, I am Akatsuki Kurama, the Great On ii - s an of Shirou ~, you can call me Kurama- Nii-san.

I smiled and took out a small silver bracelet with some scrutinized jewels and handed it to the young Matou, she seemed confused so I was a bit explicit .

--It a gift, Shirou moves you back to here, I bring gifts, you also Taiga-neesan ~

I took out two more bracelets from my pocket, all of good quality and with a nice design, orange opal for Taiga-neesan, amethysts for Sakura and pure silver for Shirou, although Shirou's is enchanted with a small alarm, as soon as he dies he will send the starting signal for the 5th War for the Holy Grail. I 'm sorry brother but you have to die.