35-- Meeting with the Masters (Hi~ Fucking Egyptian)

Several months have passed since I returned to Japan, my moment of popularity passed a few weeks ago, the girls stopped chasing me and I was able to dedicate myself to being a simple Ronnin, helping in many places just like Shirou.

Spring and summer went by without a hitch, the problem was the call I just received.

--[Shounen, the tower envoys have arrived]

--Ok...I'll stop by the church.

--[Hmmp... The Masters will come in the afternoon, don't miss it]


The false priest, Kotomine Kirei, notified me of the arrival of the two Masters selected by the Clock Tower and the Church.

Third-generation mage Atrum Galliasta and Greco-Roman enforcer Bazett Fraga MC Remitz, they're both just coffin meat anyway, though Miss Bazett is tough to kill, she's still going to die once.

I ended the call and sat on the couch.

--Atrum Galliasta?... that guy was Caster Medea's original Master.

Servant Caster "Medea". The Witch of Colchis and The Witch of Betrayal, a tragic princess who was only a pawn of the Goddess Aphrodite, in her support of Jason and the Argonauts, a Sorceress of the Age of the Gods, a direct Disciple of the Goddess Hecate, a scorned, hurt and resentful woman, although that's only on the outside, Medea is a good woman, only she seems to have a magnet for finding trash men, the most normal would be Kuzuki but even he is a Sociopathic Murderer as sick or sicker than Kirei .


Caster is one of the strongest Servants of the 5th War if we don't count the OP/Cheat beings of Berseker Heracles and the "Golden" of Gilgamehs, those three are from the era of the gods, three demigods. The only reason Caster couldn't stand out was because of her situation, no master, no constant flow of mana, just kept using Kuzuki as a temporary anchor, she almost managed to bring down the "Lesser Grail" before being killed by Gilgamehs. or Archer, on the UBW or Stay Night routes, not to mention Heaven Fells.

I got my ass off the couch, I got dressed in my monastic robes, which I haven't worn in a long time, the Burial Agency is infinitely more relaxed than Eighth Sacrament Assembly, as long as they're not heretics or vampires you can go to the office even in Pijama.

--Alright, let's see the coffin fillers~


Fuyuki Church.


--Father Kotomine.

We both shared a short greeting and entered the chapel, we didn't talk anymore, we just walked and got ready to pray. Kirei is a devout Catholic to the point that it's terrifying, I for one am rather lax in my religious actions.

Half an hour later, before nightfall, a thin, blond, dark-skinned man with blue eyes accompanied by two scantily clad women to visit a church.

--Father Kotomine, this is...?


Kirei and I exchanged a small non-verbal signal, we both established one thing in common, We don't like this Egyptian from the Harem.

Kirei welcomed Atrum Galliasta aka Egipcio Bastardo, this guy is directly a nouveau riche, rings, necklaces, earrings and bracelets of gold and jewelry, I could see that the women behind him were wearing some of my pieces, well at least he has good taste.

--I hope to count on your support, Arbitrator of the Church. Father Kotomine.

--Likewise, Sir Atrum Galliasta.

--Father, who is this young man?

--He?...just a colleague, there are rumors that the Dead Apostols plan to infiltrate the war, the church has sent us to a "Seat".

Taking the foot to Kirei's introduction, I stepped forward and greeted the nouveau riche with a business smile.

--Sir. Atrum Galliasta, this is just a "Vampire and Heretic Hunter", please take a small present.

Take out a Gold bracelet (Only plated) with Egyptian motifs and Ruby inlays (Falsified) and give it to the Master.

--Thank you?

Master's Intent accepted the present with some hesitation but still placed it on his wrist. I smiled.

--Sir. Galliasta, as you know the war for the holy grail is a duel to the death, that little trinket is an indicator, Sir, you are a magician with a promising future, when your body goes through a certain amount of damage, you will send me a signal, this humble priest will go to his aid, even if he may lose the war, at least he will save his life... (That's not a lie, this little thing will tell me when your contract with Caster is cut, IDIOT~)

I gave a little speech along with a lick of boots to the self-centered and distrustful magician, Kirei looked at me with doubts but only nodded giving the magician a false security, like a good pretentious idiot he swallowed the hook with everything and rod. After sharing a few words and leaving a juicy donation to the church. Atrum Galliasta left the building.

Kirei and I laughed a bit at the idiot who might not live more than a few weeks.

"Shounen, are you going to save him?"

--I said it would send me a signal after a certain amount of damage, but I never said how much~

I see you're going to clean up the mess...

--Recycling~ We must protect the environment.


--By the way, there weren't two Masters... And the other one?

--Miss Mc Remitz, your flight will arrive another day. I'll take care of her.

--Mc Remitz...isn't Bazett Fraga from Greece? Did they really send the "Mars/Ares" Enforcer?

--The higher-ups have their own priorities.

"Okay, I'll go home. See you Kirei.


I got on my motorcycle and left the church. Mao wanted to see me in my habits so I spent the night at my uncles house, Mao was taking pictures of me with the camera, while my good Mob Uncles just nodded their heads and said things like.

--Kurama-Kun, will you preside over Mao's wedding when he grows up, a Western wedding? It doesn't sound so bad~

My aunt started saying dangerous things and Mao looked quite upset, for his part my uncle just nodded and drank his beer.

I ended up doing a little express marriage for my uncles after the third bottle.

--Is this how it feels to be a priest in Las Vegas~?

Ignoring my comment, Mao and my uncles continued to party, it was a cute and curious family moment.