36--To Save or Not to Save (Lancer is here~)

The days passed quickly and the start of the Fifth War for the Holy Grail of Fuyuki drew ever closer. Rin became somewhat paranoid with her preparations to be selected as Master, I for one just enjoy my time, spending mornings in classes, afternoons wandering around the clubs or frolicking in the archery club with Sakura-chan and Taiga-neesan. , obviously my relationship with Scrap Pawn A, Matou Shinji is merely antagonistic, although that guy is a pretentious useless who hates Shirou in the original story, now his hatred is directed at me, but as unlike Shirou's sanctimonious, I did send him to the infirmary in one fell swoop.

--Akatsuki-senpai...is it okay for me to be here?

--Sakura-chan...ask that to Taiga-neesan, she's the one who lets me in~


--Io~Io~ Kurama-Kun can be here~ I allow it~

Taiga-neesan was quietly eating a set of Swiss chocolates that I had brought from Switzerland itself, bribery? No, I brought enough for all the members of the Kyudo club, except for Shinji who ran away when he saw me.

While I was enjoying my tea specially prepared by Sakura-chan, one of the follow-up spells triggered, more specifically the Magician sent by the tower, Artum Galliasta or Egyptian Bastard. Well it seems today is the day?

--Ah, work~!

Jumping up and emptying the remaining Tea down my throat, I quickly left the Kyudo club.

--Thanks for the Tea~


--Something came up, see ya~

I got out and ran straight to the parking lot, mounting my motorcycle and activating the [Mana Gear] I jumped straight up the mountain, heading for the workshop where a pitiful waste of resources was going on.

--Caster "Medea" one of the most beautiful, intelligent and powerful women of the Age of Gods, she is not originally evil, the world made her become what she is... Argh, Kirei must already have Lancer running to eliminate Caster. Damn, that guy must have killed her before Artum got here, I trusted.

I rode my motorcycle at full speed, thank God I wear my "Battel Suit" under my clothes. All the seats have a set of special clothes for hunting Dead Apostles and Heretics, basically cut-proof clothes, bulletproof clothes with a certain level of magic resistance, normally it is a catholic cassock or a habit like Kirei's, but mine it was modified by Ciel as a parting gift. Although it pains me a bit to wear it, clothes are clothes.

Going through a drastic outfit change, I came out of the forest looking like a black and purple Kamen Rider in a fox mask , took out my phone and called Kirei.

--Kirei, the Egyptian is going to kick the bucket. I'll take care of it!


--I'm going to make a transfer to your account, with 45% of the profits.

--[Understood, I'll leave it in your hands.]


I don't know if the bribe would work, but at least it might buy me a few more seconds of chasing Lancer.


--Hmmm, looks like I'm on time?

With the sunset behind me and hiding in the shadows of the buildings, I can clearly see how there are small explosions in one of the large commercial buildings of shinto, it does not take a genius to know what is hidden in that building, the workshop Galliasta of Alchemy, Caster must have had enough of the Egyptian and is freeing his slaves, it's a pity that they lose some good Reijuu (Command Spells), but hey, I'll take his memories before he kills him.

The infiltration was a piece of cake, the workshop itself is collapsing in on itself, the barrier was torn down and Hacked, in other words it's a free path, needless to mention I 'm ransacking the whole place, "If it's not welded to the ground, I'll take it~" I continued my walk until I found the elevator. No sign of Lancer, breathing I take off the mask and put it away, the mask is just something to avoid recognition, something useless against Caster, Assassin or Archer, classes known for their perception.

After a few seconds I found the main hall, the place where Artum Galliasta developed artificial ManaStones at the cost of the lives of his slaves, from the point of view of the Human Resources Department, it is an unnecessary waste of money.


The elevator doors opened and a scene straight out of hell unfolded in front of me, smoke and fire reigned, in the middle a stunned man on fire knelt before a female figure covered in a Dark Purple Robe, under The hood revealed pristine white fur and seductive lips colored the same color as her clothes.

--Oh! But what do we have here? A thief, a hero... or a traveler?

Caster spoke with her usual sarcasm, the mana around her was thick, heavy and violent, she was upset and surprised.

Raise your hands in surrender and walk slowly towards her.

--Good evening~? I just came to pick up some stuff~

Galliasta 's flaming body, I took out his remaining Reijuu and used it right away powering up my mind-reading magic, looting all of his banking information and other secrets, in turn taking his magic crest and circuits.

--I see you're a Thief~! Aren't you afraid that this cruel lady will kill you~?

I intentionally turned my back on Caster, although she is temperamental she is not 100% crazy as the legends say. I turned and smiled widely, kneeling down and sincerely pleading for my life.

--Thanks for your patience, first let me apologize for my lack of education, but I had to retrieve some information before that guy died. My name is Akatsuki Kurama, possibly in a few minutes or seconds a Servant will arrive with blue leggings and...


While I was speaking, the elevator opened and indeed, the blue mesh Servant greeted us with his usual smile, I quickly covered my face with the mask and transformed my body, my arms and legs were covered with black and purple armor, yes Well not my full strength I can still entertain Ireland's Child of Light.

--Ozu! What do we have here~?

Lancer spoke calmly while cracking his neck, I jumped forward covering Caster and continued speaking.

--Caster, as you said, I'm a thief and I came to take everything from this place including him... by the way, the guy in the blue tights came to kill you~

I pointed at Lancer, while making my own spear appear.

"Did you come to rescue me?"

Caster's voice trailed off and the mana trembled considerably not out of anger but out of surprise. I smiled under my mask and walked towards Lancer.

--Yo~Lancer, how about a Sparring?

"Spar~Boy is kidding~?"

--Nope~...We both use Spears...What's the problem?

--My master only asked me to kill that woman back there, although I don't like killing women...

Lancer spoke in his usual nonchalant tone but the air around him was still sharp and razor cold.

--I understand, but Lancer that beautiful woman will disappear in a few hours without a master, your work is done, why don't you just go home and buy some beers?

--Hahahaha~ I like you mask boy, but I can't. That cutie in purple is dying.

--I didn't mean to come to this... [Frightening Cloud Furnace: Starting activation, Partial release, 111 Clouds]...

Activate my trump card developed with the support of Clock Tower Dean of Modern Magic Lord El-Melloi II Waver Velvet, the RealltyMarble hidden within me, began to release the contained mana, just like a jet engine, or a turbine, I feed my body with mana, overlaying this with my absorption magic and vortex, I became a small Black Hole devouring all the surrounding mana, no one can take advantage of the environmental mana exactly me. Though it's only a fraction of its power, it's still enough to hold off a Servant from the Age of Myth without burning myself in the process.

--Oh!...Since you ask boy Come on!

We both jumped at each other looking to kill each other with our weapons.