37--Fight with Lancer (Caster POV)

--I am a thief and I came to take everything from this place, including you...

The young man with the mask and hair the same as mine, uttered those words, his tone was fluid and he cried out like the waters of a pond, the mana around him naturally entwines around him and the spirits enter and leave his body with total freedom, and to think that there would still be beings blessed by nature, even though that mist that covers it is quite malicious? But anyway. This little thief wants to Rob me, the Queen of Colchis, interesting.

That young man, is actively fighting against that other Servant, although that boy is human, he is keeping pace against a Heroic Spirit, also seems to know their attack patterns, maintaining a mirror defense even though he is one or two steps behind the Servant. Servant Lancer, the little thief is putting on a good show.

Blocks, lunges, sweeps, kicks, punches and charges, all deployed almost perfectly, but most importantly...

--Is it absorbing the mana?

Yes, this little thief is stealing the mana from the environment and from the body of that Servant, what a scary child, slowly and meticulously devouring his enemy.

--Caster-sama, could you back up a bit...

The young man gave me an order and jumped back in my direction, quickly floating away from the two combatants.

--Lancer-san~I'm going for a big one...

The boy's mana as well as the spirits around him all rushed into his spear, that wood and metal twisted spear with floral motifs, "Black Rose" as well as its name, the illusion of a black rose formed at the tip of the spear. That was Heroic Treasure Release, Hogu!

--Oh! Boy, you had something big hidden~!!!

The Servant Lancer was surprised, I can't blame him, I'm also surprised that Noble Phamtans still exist, although this boy's mana and dexterity is on par with a weak Servant, that Hogu is no game, the aura of destruction it emits is no laughing matter.

-- [Lance: Black Rose "Bloom and Destroy, Thrown Of Misteltin"]


The young man unleashed his Hogu, a single swift and flowing thrust.


The black spear was blocked and redirected by Lancer's red spear, the force contained in the black spear shot out, opening a hole in the building. The Servant in blue Lancer's face was heavy clearly he could hardly avoid that attack, why is that boy going so far for me?

--... [Vajra: "I am praying for the Skyworth's, In Name of Vasava -Vajra Spear-"]


The young thief dropped his spear and pushed both blades forward hitting the torso of his enemy, while chanting an incantation, lightning was fired from the young man's demonic claws, there was a certain Divine power in the young man's lightning, "Vasava -Vajra Spear-", the weapon and title of the Hindu God Indra, is this young man a Demigod? Forget the Hogu, there are still Demigods on earth! What is this child?!

Jumping out of the cloud of smoke, dust and static the two warriors came out with some wounds, the young man's hands were smoking and sizzling with static, the Servant Lancer for his part was considerably more exhausted, he had some cuts and a line of blood ran from him. his smiling mouth, not to mention the burn on his chest.

--Boy, let's leave it here!... I can't use my Hogu, you little unhappy you took almost all my mana, stay with the woman, you earned her~

The savage blue-mailed Servant Lancer bid farewell, returning to his spirit form and escaping. The young man was on his feet, cracking his neck heavily and shaking his hands, possibly paralyzed from the electric shocks.

"Well, Caster-sama...would you mind?"

The young man staggered towards me and took off his mask, although I had already seen his face, now I can detail it a little more, his hair is a few shades darker than mine, his eyes are a deep blue like the sea, his His skin is healthily tanned, although he is somewhat thin, his muscles are visible through his clothes, not to mention the feat of repelling a Servant and getting out without too many injuries.

--Are you a boy, interesting...Your name?

--Akatsuki Kurama, although you can also call me Cloud~

--So Cloud-boyan, what do you hope to get? This one here will only disappear in a short time, I don't have much attachment to this world, nor to this war, so I see no reason for you to have fought against that Lancer...

Although I am a great sage of ancient times, I am not omniscient or omniscient, there are many things that I do not know, such as the motivation or goals of this young thief. The young man smiled, knelt down and at some point took my hands. Hears! wait, this feels weird.

--Caster-sama since you have no interest in this war...

The young man spoke with a soft and serene voice, his blue eyes looked at me with supplication and longing, my face is hidden by my cloak, which prevents recognition, so this possible crush on the boy completely honest and pure.

"Would you help me destroy it?"

The young man tilted his head to the side looking completely tender, apart from the air of savagery and gallantry he displayed during the battle, now he is completely unarmed and openly weak, I cannot sense any hostility or malice in his words, I who is Called the "Witch of Betrayal" I can smell a traitor from miles away and months in advance, this young man is asking for my help from the bottom of his heart, he fights with his life on the line for me and me alone .


I answered with some hesitation and the young man stood up suddenly and lifted me up in his arms, carrying me like a princess, well technically I was a princess and I consider myself a queen, but this is very embarrassing.

--Thank you very much~!!!

The boy carried me out of the building in his arms through the hole he made with his Hogu, walking through the shadows of the sunset the young man took me to his vehicle, a modern mount called a Motorcycle, his seemed to have gone through a lot of modifications, mana also writhes around this vehicle, if it wasn't for this young man being clearly a living being, I'd think he was a heroic spirit from the future, possibly Rider class.

--Caster-sama, excuse me.

The boy gently and delicately placed me in the back of the vehicle while he climbed into the front, with a quick turn of the ignition, the engine started, the roaring and shaking far less than the tortuous carts he used to ride. In a few moments we were crossing the streets at great speed, many people saw us with some curiosity and envy, for some reason I felt the need to cling to the broad back of this young man. My mind felt tired, my mana was depleted from maintaining my physical form but the warmth of this child reminds me of home. My beloved home.