44--Insulted to Saber (You are one Fucking Joke)

Saber, no, Arturia Pendragon pointed her invisible sword at me, although her image was not distinguishable the strong mana and the slight air currents around the blade gave an idea of its shape, I could only laugh.

--Ha~ is this what you are "Saber"?

I scoffed, I had defeated Shirou after his little self-righteous outburst, and now his Servant threatens me, hilarious. After spending a decade in this world and meeting many of its characters, I came to understand several things, one of them being that, Iskandar was right, Saber is a pitiful girl, a joke made into a hero. My sympathy for her vanished as soon as I remembered how stubborn and stupid this heroine is, and after meeting Grey, I started to feel a serious hatred towards her.

--What are you talking about?

Saber looked confused at my laugh. I smiled and took the sword in my hands, obviously I strengthened my "Mist Armor [Cloud Arms]" to the maximum before taking his sword. Breathe out in frustration and speak with strong cynicism.

--Know what is a hero?

I asked, increasing my grip on the blade and approaching her, Saber looked at me with some doubt and fear but didn't answer. I smiled.

--I'll tell you, a hero is mentally ill, they are people who suggest themselves, who think they are special, that their actions are fair, who seek to stand out. They seek to be above everything, they perform great deeds all to enhance their name and bathe in a feeling of self-satisfaction, they are hopeless Megalomaniacs, Egomaniacs and Narcissists. But that is what makes them Heroes, their ego and their power, which captivates the masses and inspires people, becomes their ideal and aspiration. Now Saber tell me what are you? You a girl who does not seek fame, a girl without ego or aspirations, a mere tool created by the Great Wizard Merlin, a simple puppet, tell me... Why did you draw the sword? Was it because of your own need for achievement or was it because Merlin ordered you to? Were you able to have a normal life but you abandoned your humanity, was it because of you or because of Merlin? Tell me, Queen Arturia, you and only you, do you consider yourself a hero?

I absorbed all the mana present in her sword and in her body, the great heroine of Britannia, now she was nothing more than a girl in my hands, her sword dematerialized as well as her armor, I took her by the neck and lifted her, Rin He looked at me in amazement, Shirou who was lying on the ground looked at me with anger, while Archer seemed to want to shoot an arrow at me as soon as I lowered my guard, Calm down men, I won't do "much" damage to your waifu.

Saber answered.

I hit Saber in the stomach and let her go, panting on the ground. Saber glared at me, I laughed.

--Know, I'll change my question. Without the support of Merlin, without your knights, without your sword borrowed from the lady of the lake, without all the weapons and blessings bestowed by the Fairies, could you have become a hero, by your own efforts, with just your mortal body without the guidance and patronage of the Flower Wizard Merlin?

Saber, he looked at me for a moment, he opened his mouth to say something but then closed it, his eyes moved from one place to another looking for the words to refute me, but he couldn't find them. I leaned down, kneeling to face the young woman lying on the ground, and continued my verbal assault.

--Know... you think you're special because you pulled a sword from a stone tricked out by Merlin himself, let me tell you something, aren't you, King of Knights? I'm sorry but you're not, you're just another of the many kings created by Merlin, a puppet.


Saber spoke, her voice trembling with anger or perhaps embarrassment.


--I accept it...

Saber dropped her head and some tears could be seen falling from her eyes. Oh brother what Mordred would give to see this! I smiled.

--I'm a puppet, I always had that feeling but I put it out of my mind, a king couldn't have doubts and just continued forward, I followed the advice of my companions, I followed the words of Merlin... BUT!

Saber roared and staggered up, I hit her over the head pushing her back to the ground.

--I still don't recognize you, puppet.

I sneered and shocked her a bit with magic.


--To know!

Shiro yelled and tried to attack me, I fired a small paralyzing curse at her and signaled to Rin to keep quiet. Archer had a blue vein on his forehead and his hands were clearly itchy. Calm down tiger, calm down.

"Go on, puppet..."

--But, I chose this path, it was me, not Merlin. I chose this path!

Saber shouted her answer and stood up even more shakily, in her eyes I could see some embarrassment and determination, well I'm going to break that.

--Ok~ But your wish is to redo the choice and let someone else draw the sword, aren't you denying your own words King of Britannia?

I took Saber's neck and squeezed, she looked at me with fear, her determination was broken, her face convulsed with the terror of having her entire being exposed.

--Who are you? What are you?

--Who I am? That's a bit complicated, let's just say that thanks to your actions 10 years ago, I have this body, this magic and this bad aptitude, consider me your "Instant Karma" Saber~ I know part of your past, part of your wishes, part of your thoughts, I know you better than yourself, underneath all this "Hero" act you're still just a gluttonous girl who likes small animals.


"You wonder if I hate you?" the answer is maybe, more than hating you, it bothers me that even knowing you were just a doomed puppet, you didn't kill Merlin's son of a bitch, you just let him get away, now that guy is quietly eating popcorn in Avalon, while watching How I clean the floor with you, Saber.

--Why are you doing this?

--Why do you bother me, your mere existence, I ruin the future of a good friend, she is a good girl, but just because she is your descendant both her body, mind and soul were mutilated and adapted to become a sacrifice for your useless and unnecessary resurrection, she loves a man but that man even though he loves her, he can't see her face because his face is yours, she lost her identity, you and your creator Merlin's garbage script ruined her life, tell me that's enough for you puppet.

I spat in anger and pressed my index and middle fingers against his forehead. Activating a somewhat complex mind magic [Shared Memories], I transferred a copy of the memories of my time with Gray in England, emphasizing the romantic woes and problems stemming from his status as a vessel for his soul, plus I gave him an abridged version. from my memories about the current situation, the alternative routes and about the possibility of the Grand Order. Saber frowned and cursed.

--You! What are these images?!

--That's the girl, your only descendant, you see those damned ones, they rewrote her body, mind and soul luckily that imitation Lord arrived before they completely erased the girl, besides a small bonus of my memories. tell me are you a hero, a god or a demon?

I released Saber who this time managed to stand up, he held his head while muttering curses, Shirou was about to jump and hit me but Rin stopped him, Archer lived by my side and spoke to me with annoyance.

--Hey, was all this necessary? I don't think she trusts you now, neither does the little one?

--Oh~ Does it hurt your feelings Counter Guardian?

--Stop kidding, Decimo Sacramento.

--It doesn't matter, whether she accepts reality or not, I'll put an end to it right now, steal all her mana she's just a little girl now.

Archer looked at me as if he saw a villain, I laughed and walked towards Saber who had already stopped cursing.

--Best puppet king?

--"Hero, god, demon"? Coming from you, it's truly hilarious, are you even human?

--I've been asking myself that for the last ten years~ but tell me, Arturia, do you think you're a hero?

Gently caress her face, wiping away her tears, dirt and soot tenderly. I smiled, she looked at me with anger and embarrassment.

--No, I'm just an imitation, an actress.

I smiled widely and stole a kiss from the young King of Knights, her lips were soft and sweet a little salty from her blood and tears. Saber's eyes widened and she tried to walk away, but being practically at ZERO mana, her strength was no greater than that of a schoolgirl with anemia. After a full minute I released her, grinned and happily received a resounding slap from a flushed Arturia.

--Know, that's what you are an Actress, the greatest actress in history, you played the most difficult role in the world, a King, a hero, a savior, although the script was written by a florid asshole like Merlin, even So you managed to give a good ending to the story. How are you feeling, did you get your mana back?

I smiled as they took a few steps back, Rin and Shirou were blushing and annoyed, both for different reasons, Archer was holding back his laughter to no avail.

--If I recover my mana, besides now I know what you plan to do, but did you have to kiss me?

Saber asked full of indignation and embarrassment, she had a slight blush on her face which made her look a bit cute, I gave her enough mana so she could move freely but not enough to fight, even so she materialized her invisible sword and pointed it at me. she.

--You do not like me? Was it a good French kiss~?

I smiled and winked at her, which made her blush to the extreme, I jump forward to cut myself unfortunately I had planned it, I dodge by jumping back and escape the place with a smile.

--See you tomorrow, Rin I'm sorry but I'll see you later~

Escape under the cover of night, behind me I could hear the curses of two very, very upset women.