45--Chatting with Archer (Hello again~ Disposable Pawn)


--I~ Counter Guardian...

Less than five minutes into my escape from the Emiya residence, Tohsaka Rin's Servant "Archer -EMIYA-" caught up with me, we both shared an awkward smile.

--What do you plan 10th Seat?

Archer pointed at me with his bow loaded and ready to fire, I shrugged and parked the bike in a nearby park.

--Not much, I'll save the Matou girl, solve some problems left by Old Kiritsugu and maybe I can help you with your little wish~

"Ha~ you talk like you know everything?"

"It's not like I know, I know. Heroic Spirit EMIYA Counter Guardian, member of the opposing force of the world. Your wish is never to be a hero, you come to eliminate young Shirou, correct?

Archer lowered his bow and fell on one of the benches in front of me, looking at me with a face on the verge of tears of frustration and defeat, the hero of the future spoke sadly.

--It seems that you really know everything. Aniki, do you know what will happen in this war?

--Yes and no, I have done some things and I have changed the course of history but I can assure you that your plan will fail, this Shirou possesses the Avalon in his body and being linked to Saber's dumb blonde he is practically immortal, it doesn't matter No matter how much you stab or cut the idiot, he's going to get up again.

--Yes, that boy is very stubborn.

--The same as you...

--Tuche... Aniki are you going to save Sakura?

--Rather than saving the Matou girl, I'm going to steal the corrupted grail from the Matou~ also instead of killing Shirou, you have to remove your soul from the throne which is impossible.

"I see... what's the plan?"

--You gonna help?

--My instincts as a Guardian tell me that she is dangerous...

--Well you're not wrong, first we're going to find Matou Shinji and have a talk with his Servant for hire, then whether or not we can convince Rider we'll move on to phase two of the plan.

--And that would be?

--Go to the Matou house to kill Zouken and exterminate "All" the worms in the area, by the way I need your help to secure the area from afar.


--The golden brown can appear and you know it will be a big problem if that guy gets into the fight.

--Right, Gilgamehs is a real pain in the ass.

--Don't worry, he's going to die eventually...

--You say it like it's easy~

--It's easy, kill him before he takes out "Ea" it's a piece of cake.

--Aniki... Are you still human?

--Hmmm...I think so~?


--Thanks for the compliment~ Hahahahahahaha~


We both laughed like a couple of crazy old men for a while, we ended up moving our conversation to the roof of a nearby building along with some cans of beer, although the atmosphere and the topics we talked about were somewhat playful we were both hunting our prey.


In one of the city's many dark and dank alleys a young man with curly blue hair dressed in the uniform of the Homurahara academy was watching with a sick smile the apparently carnal action between two women, one was a student whose eyes were empty of all thought. conscience, the other was a voluptuous foreign woman with long purple-pink hair and a short black leather dress that highlighted her already seductive figure, you don't have to be a genius to know that something is wrong.

--Move Rider, it's my turn~ Hahahahahahaha!!!

The sick laugh of the young man eager to rape and sully the unconscious girl echoed throughout the alley, luckily or unfortunately the sound could not be heard by anyone, but even if it cannot be heard it does not mean that his actions cannot be seen for no one

--Master beware!

The foreign woman named as Rider jumped up and blocked the attack aimed at her master, who was now in shock, seeing the black iron arrow stuck deep into the concrete wall just a few centimeters from his skull.


--Hey~ You failed...

--Oh... Rider has good reflexes~

--Good reflexes? tell the truth you got distracted by the good Yuri they were riding...

--No comment...

--You're too old to be denying it Archer~

--Aniki, you're married right... Do you still go to brothels?

--Nope, my beloved wife is more than enough~

--I see that he has you on a short leash, Hahahaha...

--Yep, but not as much as you~

--Tuche, well let's go down...

--Yep, that disposable Pawn A-san won't die alone.

--Are you a villain?

--A little.


--Show yourself?

Rider screamed at the two presences that scuttled through the shadows, her instincts telling her that it was a bad idea to fight those two existences, although she is a Heroic Spirit from the age of gods, thanks to her current master her abilities are they have been reduced several times leaving her with just a fraction of her full strength, that is to say, she is currently unable to oppose those existences.

--I~ Nee-chan Do you want a drink?

A smiling young man with fashionable clothes came out of the shadows, his purple-black hair and aquamarine eyes shone in the dark giving him the feeling of being just the calm before the storm, the mana around the young man was strange, everything swirls on him as if he were being sucked or gobbled up by a thirsty beast.


A slight murmur escaped from the woman's lips, behind her her master had already recovered a false clamor and began to scream.

--Ra-Rider kill him now, quick, quick!

"I~ Shinji..."

The young man greeted the woman's Master, Matou Shinji with a smile but the young man's eyes were not smiling, they were the eyes of someone who sees something nauseating, terrifying both the Servant and the Master who received said look.


Matou Shinji cried out in awe as he hid behind the slender body of his Servant.

--Right~ Now Rider-Oneesan can we chat for a bit?

--To chat?

The woman readied her strange weapons or "chain daggers" in both hands ready to attack as soon as she saw an opening.

--... (No openings!)

--He only comes to chat with you Rider, but I think there is some hindrance, don't worry, I'll take it out now.

The young man walked slowly towards the couple, the master panicked.

--Ra-Rider attacks! That's an order!

The young master in a panic held up a book with a magical crest engraved with the design of three lotus petals, one of which shimmered and disappeared, that book was the container for his Command Spells. Following his order, Rider leaped into the attack, stabbing, chain whipping, a series of inescapable, swift and artistic attacks rained down on the attacker who only continued walking while blocking the attacks with an overflowing electric blue light shield.

--Hey, Shinji give me that book~

"No, it's not-this is mine!"

--Shut up now...

Leaving no room for negotiation or rescue, a heavy blow was planted on the puny Master's solar plexus who just fell like a leaf in the wind. Holding the book in his hands, the young attacker spoke with a calm voice.

--Rider "Medusa", stop your attacks against me, listen to my proposal and make your own choice, it's an Order!

Another of the petals disappeared from the cover of the book and the confused Servant stopped in front of the young attacker who now acts as her Master.

--Alright now we can talk~
