55--Revenge Part 1 (5 vs 1, All vs Babylon)


Gilgamehs mocked existence from above, covered in his golden armor and illuminated by the imposing "Gate of Babylon" hundreds of treasures poked out ready to claim the lives of those who oppose the King of Heroes, the Wedge of the Gods, the Wise King and Judge of the Crucible of Humanity, Mesopotamia.

Running at her feet, two men and a woman dodged the unrelenting hail of wealth that was bearing down on their heads.


Shouted the woman who carried a whirlwind of wind in her hands, brandishing the blessing of the wind blocking the treasures in the sky continuing her charge towards the King.

--Oh! My pretty Saber~ Have you already agreed to give your sword to me?

Gilgamehs teased, as he launched another round of attacks, this time blocked by the man in red, fighting Fire against Fire, the endless rain of Treasures was met by another shower of simulated treasures, Archer blocked and made way for the Queen of Knights Saber. .

--Not so fast~ King of Heroes~

--Ha~ Do you think you can stop me Faker?

--We'll see~

Leaping into the air and dodging the relentless barrage, Archer drew his bow and fired a group of deadly arrows.

--Half Blood!!!

Offended Gilgamehs opened the gates further. Several dozen weapons appeared in the air, lighting up the night sky like a golden sun.

--Go dead!

Complying with the sentence of their king, the treasures of Babylon flew to exterminate the man dressed in red.


A young man in blue sleeves jumped in front of the one in red and invoked a conceptual shield, the shield of the great hero and demi-god Achilles, a flower with seven petals, blossomed and sheltered the men from the tide of gold.

--Mongrel Trash!

--Do not get distracted...

The cold woman's voice sent a shiver down the spine of the Golden King, the maiden clad in short armor with her weapon now visible, an exquisite gold and silver sword with fine details and engravings in the language of the Fairies, the sword of the promised victory, the crystallization of the faith and hope of the world "Excalibur".


Elsewhere, three Servants were in an unequal battle.

--Assassin, don't you think this is boring~?

--Anee-san~ could you heal my wounds please~

--Be a good meat shield Assassin~ And you Lancer, don't think I forget that you tried to kill me before~ I'm going to get even~ You heard~

Caster and Assassin were harassing the already badly injured Servant Lancer. After being struck by several curses from the witch of Corchis and cut by Assassin's swift Katana, the hero of Ireland slowly bled to death.

--Fuck~ both you and Niño are insufferable~ Harassing and devouring is the only thing they know how to do?! Damn!

Lancer grumbled and brandished his Gae Bolg cursed spear, aiming at the swordsman's heart.

--Assassin~ Cut off this dog's legs~

--Aye Aye Anee-san~

Assassin blocked with her long katana and slid down the side as if dancing, protected by her Master Caster's enchantments and spells, ignoring the random twists caused by Lancer's weapon.

--Hiken! Tsubame Gaeshi!

Reality, time and space were taken prisoner by the momentum of the swordsman who touched the realm of the gods, Three cuts perfectly matched, three attacks that cut through the very concept of chance through sheer speed.

Lancer could only smile sadly as he watched his body being divided into three parts. His strength was sapped by the pursuit of the witch and the assassin, then his weapon was rendered useless by sorcery, weakened and unarmed, he faced an inescapable attack head on. What else could await him but death?

--Good grief~ damn I just wanted to~ forget it~ Caster give my regards to the boy~

--Fu~fu~fu~ I'll give her your good wishes Lancer~ Ah! I forgot. lancer...


--My master gave me a message for you. He said "You won't win unless you're the Sage of the Forest~ Fool~" that's all~ Goodbye Lancer~

"It's been a pleasure, Lancer.

Caster and Assassin said their goodbyes and ran to where their Master was.

--The Sage of the Forest...huh?

Lancer closed his eyes and dispersed into dust, returning to the interior of the grail.


--Do not get distracted...

Saber unceremoniously attacked by lowering her sword in a perfect arc, unfortunately she was stopped by a group of Treasures coming from the golden vault.

--To know!

Gilgamehs stretched out his hand to hold the beautiful maiden but she shied away from his hands.

--Caladblog II!!! x2

Two Arrows loaded with the Caladbolg Treasure replica flew simultaneously exploding against the gates of Babylon.


The men in Red and Blue sleeves put down their bows and rushed into close combat, seeking to lay waste to the King of Heroes.

--Get out of my way, Kozo!!!

The Red Archer kicked Shirou's torso who flew to the rear.


Coming out from the bushes, Shirou raised his bow again and fired several arrows to cover his Servant Saber while panting.

--Shirou! Archer, are you going to betray us?

--Stop talking Saber, there are things to do.

Archer blocked an incoming Treasure with his sword and locked his back with Saber's, entering a close match with the King of Heroes.

Yes, you have a plan.

--Sure~ Go distract that fool while I wait~

--Are you kidding Archer~

Saber growled at Archer's lack of concern, to which the latter just sneered.

--Yes, I'm going to work now~ "I am bone of my Sword"

The air around Archer began to change.

--"Steel is my body and fire is my blood"

As his prayer progressed the world began... to transform.

--"I have to create over a thousand blades"

--"Unaware of beginning"

--"Not aware of the end"

--"Withstood pain whit inconsistent weapons"

--"My hands will never hold anything"

--"Yet my flame never ends"

--"So as I pray"


The most recondite and recognized magic, changing the collective for the singular, the illusion that swallows reality, the Reality Marble, an imaginary world that erodes and presents itself in reality.


Gilgamehs roared in anger at the dry wasteland adorned by countless swords, of many shapes and sizes, arranged like tombstones in an endless graveyard, the sky casting a twilight environment attesting to the melancholy of its caster.

--Come on King of Heroes~

Archer waved his hand and a thousand leaves took flight.


Gilgamehs snorted and spread out even more of his treasures, resisting the siege of three people.

--Archer... How long can you keep this thing up?

Saber asked quietly as she blocked an incoming spear.

--About 5 minutes~

Smiling, he ran directing his world of swords like an orchestra conductor composing a symphony of flying steel and shrill blows.


--Fu~fu~fu~ Assassin I think they don't need us here~?

--Anee-san, are you going to heal my wounds~?

Caster and Assassin found themselves engulfed in Archer's RealityMarble, enjoying the nostalgic atmosphere. Caster ignored the injured Assassin and simply continued preparing his spell following his lover's orders. "Caster, when they manage to kill Gilgamehs, look for a way to Trap his soul in "That", you should already know what for~"

--Master~ always three steps ahead of everything~

--Boss is amazing~

The Servant and Master duo slowly walked towards the battle, waiting for the right moment to act.



Gilgamehs cried out in exasperation and opened the curtain on the last act.

--Be grateful Mestizos, they made me take her out.

A golden handle came out of the portal, a sword of a particular shape and design, a divine and unique weapon, given to him by the gods themselves, the world-dividing sword.

--Roar Ea! Enuma...!



Archer and Shirou shouted as they prepared to repel the demigod's final attack.

--I have it.

Knowing who had been silently preparing, charged carrying a sea of golden light, closing the distance of hundreds of meters in an instant, roared gallantly.



The twilight sky turned gold, the light of victory extinguished everything.

Receiving the unstoppable blow from the holy sword at zero range, Gilgamehs could only grit his teeth and clumsily try to block the sword with his own.

The destroying brilliance of heaven and earth were devoured by the brilliance of fairy light.