54--Confronting Kirei (I ask for the arm!)

--Fu~fu~fu~ Pretty girl, let my husband take care of everything, follow his plans and he may help you fulfill your longed-for wish~

Caster scoffed at the petite heroine, whose only response was to frown further as she remained subservient to her incompetence.

--Caster... Saber's wish is particularly annoying, Unless you think that destroying and incinerating the human history of the last 2000 to 3000 years is an acceptable sacrifice, I'll gladly rip out her heart right now~

Saber could only mutter curses and insults under her breath, while Shirou glared at me. I could only resist the urge to tease him even more. Eventually a pale-looking but unmistakably "Furious" Rin shuffled back to her seat, gritting her teeth as she pronounced slowly and theatrically.


--Yes, My Lady?

I responded reflexively with a cheeky smile.

"You knew about it all this time, right?"

--Yes, my lady.

"I take it everything is going according to your plan?"

--There are some loose ends and unforeseen but everything goes as expected...

Rin massaged the sides of his head, his face was as white as a candle but his blue eyes burned with infinite Fury towards a certain False Priest.

--Do you need Saber?

--Not only Saber, My Lady. Archer and Shirou are needed to counter the King of Heroes.


--I spent more energy than expected during Sakura-chan's treatment so I'm in the Red now.

I shrugged, Ojou-sama frowned and spoke with a bit of composure.

--I have to thank you for saving my sister, but I can't forgive you for keeping the secret for so long. Kurama-Kun you were, no, you're my friend... How could you hide this from me?

Rin wiped away a few tears that pooled in her sky blue eyes.

--Neither you nor I were ready to face Kirei, but look at us now. You are the best Magus in the city, I am the 10th Seat of the Burial Agency, we have 5 Servants at our disposal, although Kirei has Lancer and Gilgamehs, they are only 3 while we are 9, we are no longer children and well we can load up the numbers and make a frontal assault and kill them all.

I expressed my opinion calmly, while spreading my arms showing Rin, the companions who have gathered around us.

--Mo~ You've always been like this... crazy manipulator.

"I'll take that as a compliment, My Lady.

--Then! What's your big plan mister super~villain~?

--Yes, yes~ I don't understand very well but I want to help.

Sakura who had been silent jumped up to show her support. So cute but I don't want to have the "Emissary of the Void" on the battlefield, you're a ticking time bomb girl.

--Sakura I appreciate your feelings but she's still recovering, rest and let Rider take care of you.

I smiled and appeased the energetic Sakura.

--Its fine if you say so...

Shrinking tenderly, he returned to silent contemplation.

--Rin, my plan is simple~ we will storm the church, Lancer will be waiting at the entrance, Assassin can take him down if they don't kill him first, Shirou, Archer and Saber will entertain or kill Gilgamehs, while the three of us Casters, you and me we have a little "talk" with Kirei~

--It seems good...but Kurama-Kun, why are Shirou and Archer against that Gilgamehs guy?

--Their powers are the same, Gilgamehs has the "Gate of Babylon" a treasury with all the archetypes of all the heroic treasures in history, basically it's a machine gun, it will shoot Hogu after Hogu as if there were no tomorrow, Shirou and Archer use "Projection" if a 3D printer is not enough, two must keep up, adding Saber into the equation is just to distract his attention, that guy is romantically and sexually obsessed with Saber, seeing his beloved surrounded by two mestizos is going to make him so angry that he will make a fool of himself~ at which point any of them can kill him~

Kuama-kun, how long have you been planning all this?

Rin looked at me as she rested her exhausted brain on the table.

--10 years~ day by day I have refined the plan to this point~

--You're too faithful... I'm a lousy Lady, I don't deserve such a good subordinate...

Rin gave a dry laugh and got up slowly, she was still sore, tired and upset.

--So alright, Kurama-Kun, when do you plan to attack Kirei?

--Today...Assassin is injured but I could still be a practical meat shield~ I'm low on energy but I just need a good meal with a nap and I'll be good as new. There are some preparations to do like taking the "Avalon" out of Shirou's body although if we do it he will be mortal again, what do you say Shirou?

Shirou was reluctant to interrupt, as even his beloved Saber lay defeated eating senbeis (Rice Crackers) in silence.

--If Saber can be stronger with that I agree...

--Well, he already said it, Rin, you take care of it...I'm going to sleep~


The preparations flowed strangely well, Rider and Sakura staying behind to look after the Emiya Residence while the rest of us marched towards the church.

Saber was wearing the blue and white outfit borrowed from Rin, Shirou was wearing his traditional long-sleeved flannel with the blue sleeves (from Stay Night), Rin was wearing her cute unbeatable black and red outfit, for my part a while ago I activated my Rakshasa form accompanied by fully armed Caster and Assassin.

Under cover of darkness and guided by the beautiful light of the full moon, we arrived in front of the Fuyuki Church.

--I~ Child of the mask~

--I~ Lancer, you can tell your Master to come out, there are a few people who want to see him~

I greeted Lancer who materialized in the middle of the road with a fierce smile.

--Boy, I think you're a bit out of place~

--Ha~ Lancer afraid of a child~

Archer appeared sitting on a lamppost and taunted Lancer.

--Red Bastard! Get down from there and fight!


--Alright, alright~ Archer stop bothering the "Dog", Lancer go call your Master Oh, I think it won't be necessary?

Heavy but continuous footsteps echoed on the flagstones in the stillness of the night, a man dressed in monastic robes walking with a light step, marking his abstract and sickly presence. With an icy smile devoid of emotion or human aspect, the man spoke in a calm, sonorous baritone voice.

--Oh~ Rin, what brings you here tonight?


--It seems that Kurama opened his mouth, I see that you finally discovered the truth. Rhine.


I stopped Rin energetically and dragged her away, hiding her behind my back.

--Nee~ Kirei you can tell "His Majesty" that his Saber is here~

Kirei raised an eyebrow and just made a small hand gesture with it, a golden glow lighting up the night.

--KAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA~ Kozo you are cheeky for daring to touch this King's treasures!

Gilgamehs thunderous and annoyed laughter came along with great pressure, Gilgamehs strutted his feet on top of the church.

--Hey, Gilga-sama I haven't 'touched' Saber, but you should ask those 2 over there~

I brazenly pointed at the "Shirous", earning me a glare from Archer.


Ignoring the annoying Goldie, I resumed my conversation with Kirei.

--Rejoice (YOROKOBE!)! Kirei hereby relieves you of your position as Overseer of Fuyuki City, hand over the Command Seals and your life will end slowly and painfully.

--Ha~HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, You're so funny Akatsuki-Shounen. Lancer by my command seal I order you to Kill Tohsaka Rin.


With Lancer's loud cursing yell, the blue-robed Servant charged at the woman behind me.

--You're getting ahead Kirei~ Assassin, Caster go ahead~

--Yes Master~

--Aye~ Boss

My two Servants blocked Lancer's attack, while Archer started a crossfire against Gilgamehs with mediocre support from Shirou and a punctual performance from Saber.

"Tell me, Kirei... why did you do it?" Why did you kill my father?

Rin got off my back and yelled at Kirei as tears fell from her eyes. Kirei just shrugged it off.

"I just wanted to see if I could feel anything from murdering my own master...a simple experiment."

Kirei spoke listlessly as he theatrically and exaggeratedly released his arms as if he were giving some kind of prayer service.

--Are you sick! ...GANDR!

Five rounds of the Gandr curse erupted from Rin's left hand, only to be blocked by the cassock Kirei threw up as cover, revealing the strong musculature beneath.

--Kurama-Kun I'm going to kill that bastard.

--Yes, yes Ojou-sama but I will only say one thing~

Drawing my sword [Sabre] and moving like a gale in imitation of a certain treacherous knight's instant blast technique, I blinked and slashed at a shocked Kirei.