53--Put down your drink and pay attention (Revealing many Secrets)

Before dawn even in the gloom, I went out together with Caster and we rescued a very beaten and frozen Assassin, who entertained the good Gilgamehs for a while, in his defense he must say that he did well, well there is also the fact that I gave him Gilgamehs a few months ago some American video game consoles along with a computer. He may be the King of Heroes but that title doesn't take away from his alcoholism and video game addiction. A good GTA, Call of Duty, Civilization, Age of Empire, Elder Scroll, etc., will cheer and entertain that maniacal ego for a while, or at least long enough for me to meet up with Rin and tell her the truth.

--Sasaki how is the water~?

--Disgustingly Cold Boss Do you want to try?

--I think I'll pass~

--Hahahaha~ Caster-nee broke my arms, I'll be resting for a few days~

--Okay Sasaki~ Master and I will take care of everything~

Sasaki came out of the lake with heavy steps, his complexion was pale and bluish visibly exhausted, I can let him rest but it's no excuse for him to rest on his laurels.

--Rest, you have to help me with Big Guy soon~

--Big Guy, Boss, are there more crazy people like that golden brown in this city?

Assassin paled at the mention of another opponent outside her league.

--Yep...there's another demigod~ That big guy won't die unless you kill him~

--Boss is something obvious, don't you think?

--No, not Sasaki, you have to kill him and keep killing him~ until he dies~

Caster spoke with a smile pointing at Sasaki with his silence, light purple lights flew to his body healing him and heating his body.

--Okay, Sasaki go home and rest you're bothering Master~

--Nee-san, Boss... See you~

Sasaki disappeared into thin air, immediately afterwards we both left the temple but not before doing a little massive brainwashing to all the resident monks.

--Ryuudo Ise-kun will borrow the temple for a few days~ Get all the monks out or many will die~

--Yes I understand.

Ise-kun nodded with vacant eyes in a few hours the Temple will be mine, along with the great grail below it.


emiya residence


--I'm coming~

A loud stomp echoed through the hall, a crooked smile plastered on my face in anticipation of the cheerful woman who was coming.


--Hi~ Taiga-neesan~

I greeted the energetic Fujimura Taiga, who as usual hugged me and dragged me inside, before stopping short and turning her head mechanically like a rusty robot, acting like a cornered cat, Taiga-neesan saw a terrifyingly smiling Caster-san. .

--AA-Akatsuki-Kun...Who is she? It's very pretty, don't you think?

--Fu~fu~fu~ You must be Fujimura Taiga-san, allow me to introduce myself, I'm Mariya Meg, Kurama's wife, nice to meet you~

Caster introduced herself in a firm, fluid and graceful manner, if we ignore the strong bloodlust she is giving off to poor Taiga who still has me clutched to her breasts, in my defense Taiga-nee has strong arms.

--Okay~okay... So you're Meg-chan, I'm Fujimura Taiga, an older sister to this little one.

Taiga-nee squeezed my neck with her arm, while pointing at me with the index finger of her free hand.

"Why didn't you tell me you got married, you precocious brat?!" You didn't just drop out of school, now you go out and get married! My God! You are equal to Kiritsugu!

I was released from the deadly key as soon as Taiga-nee started screaming, the sound of a large number of people resounded through the corridor, Shirou, Saber, Rin, Sakura and Rider reached the entrance where they found us, Shirou jumped together with Sakura to appease Taiga-nee, while Rin and Saber gave me a cold look, Rider for her part just nodded her head and smiled, she's a good girl.


"Akatsuki-nii... did you really get married?"

--Yep, Shirou. Not all of us are as dense as you~

After nearly being hanged to death I decided to take it out on the good bastard from the Harem.

--I heard, Nii-san I'm not dense.

--Said by the guy who lives with 6 beautiful women~ applause you're even more cheeky than me~

--Nii-san, I...

--Shirou, Kurama-Kun has a point there~ and I can't deny that Nee-san is worried~

--Fu~ x4

Sakura, Rin, Rider and Caster couldn't help but laugh as I threw out my reply, to which Shirou could only remain silent. Saber was giving me looks of pure hatred even though she had a slight blush, she's still upset about the kiss, ha~.

We chatted about innocuous topics until Taiga-neesan left the residence. Now the real conversation begins.


--Well Kurama-Kun explain yourself.

Rin confronts me directly, clearly upset.

--Where do I start Rin-Ojou-sama?

--Mo~ First about the identity of your "Pretty Wife" and about your little attack on the Matou.

--Okay~ Eye-sama.

Sakura was sitting and curled up next to Rider, Shiro was flanked by Saber and Rin, right and left respectively.

"Nii-san, really?"

--If you're going to ask, did I kill Matou Zouken and Shinji's crap, the answer is yes. I wiped Zouken off the face of the earth, as for Shinji let's just say he'll be a good fertilizer~

Shirou, Rin and Saber frowned at my words, Sakura and Rider just nodded silently.

--Answering your question Ojou-sama, this beautiful lady next to me is Caster~ a Servant without a master, who is also the Master of Assassin. A few days ago I attacked the nest of the Matou in cooperation with Rider to, as you know, exterminate all the "Blood Matou", as Sakura is innocent, I rescued her and cured her by request and agreement with Rider, Sakura-chan is partially cured of all physical damage at least, now I plan to attack the church and came to seek your cooperation.

"Ha~... Do you want to kill Kirei?" Why isn't he your teacher too?

Rin asked hesitantly, clearly looking annoyed at Caster's identity but clearly relieved knowing Sakura's health was safe.

--Kotomine Kirei, officially died more than 10 years ago during the great fire, what is now in the church is just a living dead~ And more than me wanting to kill him, it should be your Tohsaka Rin who wants him dead~

--What do you mean?!

Rin jumped up and hit the table hard, her breath quickening in an instant with small fluctuations of mana in the air.

--Matou Kariya did not kill Tohsaka Tokiomi during the 4th war. Kotomine Kirei in coalition with Tokiomi's Servant "Gilgamehs" and assassinated him, by the way, do you remember the Dagger of Azarot that Kirei gave you years ago... well... Say hello to the murder weapon~ It was also Kotomine Kirei who carried a mentally unstable Matou Kariya has "Attacked" Tohsaka Aoi, leaving her in a delusional and vegetative state.

I hit Rin's forehead with mind magic, transferring the memories straight from Fate/Zero, Rin collapsed on the table, Shirou picked her up while Saber was obviously thinking how to cut off my head. I smiled and winked at him. Saber ended up blushing with anger much to Caster's and my enjoyment.

--Well, let's wait for Ojou-sama to finish digesting the information. Shirou!


Shirou yelled annoyed with my belligerent attitude. Do you want me to treat you pretty? What are you girl?

--Can you cast the RealityMarble or Continuous Projection?

--???!...no not yet...

--Fine~ never mind~ Saber-chan~ You're going to fight "Golden~" Any problem with that?

Saber blinked feigning ignorance, smiled and spoke even more cheekily. I can be so arrogant since Rin is writhing in pain on the ground, Sakura and Rider won't say anything.

--Gilgamehs still loves you, although his love is more inclined to have you bound, gagged and naked in some sadomasochistic dungeon with many toys~ You know him as well as I do, he is arrogant, pedantic, narcissistic, self-centered and worst of all he is disgusting strong. By the way Shirou has the "Avalon" inside his body, if you want to sweep the floor with the "Doradito" we can remove Shirou's sheath and problem solved, you will be immortal again and you can use your famous and tricky borrowed sword to break his face to the good Gilga~

"You've been told how evil you are, Villain."

Saber spat out her words while furrowing her brows.

--I'm not a Villain, I'm a "Super Villain~" King of Knights~

--That's right Akatsuki-dono is a super villain, Saber-san

--Yes yes, Saber-chan Akatsuki-senpai is a super villain.

Rider and Sakura jumped to my support validating my words. Laughing, Caster hugged me by reaching out and wrapping his arms around my neck, kissing my neck before turning and speaking against Saber.

--Fu~fu~fu~ Pretty girl, let my husband take care of everything, follow his plans and he may help you fulfill your longed-for wish~