52--Run! B*cht! Run! (Gilgamehs has come!!! Sasaki POV)

I Sasaki Kojiro ends up being kicked out of the Boss's house again, Caster-Neesama is a simple but evil woman, breaking my ribs just because she can't be honest with Boss or because she can't deny his jokes, I'm the one who ends up paying for the dishes broken. Well at least I have beer.

Boss is a good guy, a little crazy but a good guy at last, except for that insect girl, I have to say it the first time I heard about that poor girl I almost gave my guts back, I know that wizards, warlocks and sorcerers are strange people but those guys are beyond redemption, if it wasn't because Boss already had a plan prepared, I myself would go and slaughter those guys, luckily Boss's evil plan worked perfectly, he is a scary guy, he handles 4 Servants like nothing, even though he's not a master, he managed to convince that sexy Rider and grizzled brooding Archer, Rider and Archer have "Independent Action" just like me but those guys go as they please, lucky ones.

--Alright~ time to stand guard~

Boss told me to make rounds around the city and take shelter in the Ryuudoji Temple, I don't know why he acts so cautiously, if he can see the future or something? Why not just set up an ambush? oh! whatever, I'm just an Assassin, I'll fulfill my role, Boss gave me freedom to fight and make noise so let's ride.


--Thieves~ Thieves~

Humming a little tune, I got down from the group of cheap thugs where I was sitting, Boss didn't forbid me from hitting bad guys during my walks (Guards) so why not do a good deed?

--I'm going to hit them~ Hahahaha~

I came out of the alley escorting a somewhat terrified young lady, Boss is not the only one with a talent for picking up girls, this great me (Ore-sama) can too.

The girl invited me to a meal which I did not reject, after eating and drinking we parted ways. I'm back on my way, I hate to admit it but I'm a canary, I'm basically the bait, using an Assassin as bait, Boss is really cool.

I've seen the guy in the blue leggings "Lancer" and I can tell he's strong, but...

--I can still with him~

I walked through the illuminated streets of the city, the stores begin to close others begin their journey, ignoring the curious looks and the warm calls from the "Red Light" I continued to strut as a decoy.


--I think I'm in trouble?

To be honest I was careless, I walked aimlessly, I ended up in a lonely park, swings, ups and downs, railings, children's games, a small fountain and a statue, lying on a bench I closed my eyes for a second.

Before I knew it, a man with blond hair and red eyes was standing on top of the statue, wearing designer clothes.

--A mongrel trash, dirty my night walk How should I punish you?

The clearly pedantic man spoke with arrogance, the air behind him trembled and beautiful waves of golden light illuminated the night, at that moment I remembered the words of the Boss.

"Sasaki… if you see an albino loli, a muscular giant or a blond guy with red eyes, run away quickly and hide in the Ryuudoji temple"

I think this is "THE" red-eyed blonde guy.

--Oh? I see that you have courage Mestizó Today I'm in a good mood~ dance for me Mestizó, dance and escape death.

My instincts screamed and I jumped.

A small explosion, the bench where a sword was just a moment ago was firmly stuck in the ground, it was obviously a heroic treasure, now I understand why Boss told me to run away.

Without saying a word with "Doradito", I ran towards the temple while dodging the multiple weapons that fell like a rain of lead.

< Tak>

--Argh! Shit!

A spear grazed my calf, cutting skin, muscle, and bone, rolling across the ground.

Gritting my teeth, I ripped off the weapons and kept running.

--Dance, dance Jester Mestizó!!!

The "Doradito" roared happily as it continued its relentless bombardment.

--Oh shit!

Three weapons crowded over and toward my head, a spear, an axe, and a Vase? I didn't ask, I didn't even think about it, I just rolled, ran, jumped and escaped back up the stairs.

Step by step, going up in a straight line to the portal of the temple. The surrounding mana healed my body, increasing my strength, I drew my sword, long, thin and flexible, good for stabbing and slashing, unable to block head-on or crush by force, a fine and elegant weapon.

I turned on my heel and confronted the golden being.

Hitting, turning, redirecting force and vectors, light and precise touches, just as that arrogant "Golden" requested, dance for my life.

--Dance of Winds and Waves [Namikaze no Mae]

I stopped my steps and raised my sword, pointing at the enemy's neck.

"What's up buffoon?" Are you tired of dancing~?

The arrogant bellowed from the top of one of the trees, I couldn't get close to the portal, the anti-Servants barrier was still erect, thanks to my beautiful Caster-Neesama I am immune since I was summoned by her, my very existence is linked to this gate.

--None of that~ I'm just starting... (I'm not good with energy attacks but~)

Focusing my breath, merging with my sword, being one with the blade and the edge.

--Nest of Swallows [Tsubamenosu]!!!

Ten slashes in a row almost overlapping, compressed wind waves fly leaving a trail of purple light, dodging a new batch of ammunition, bet everything in one attack.

--Dance of the Hundred Flying Swallows [Hien Hyaku no Mae]!!!

A hundred continuous flying slashes, the muscles in my arms ripped apart on the spot but not before finishing the last blow. Hidden by the smoke, I ran into the temple and slipped into the shadows. Coward? I broke my arms doing that thing, I'm an Anti-person Servant, that guy is an army, I'll call Nee-sama and hide in this lake.

--... (Ah~ the water feels good~)