59--Dimensional Call (Welcome to the Labyrinth of Alcatraz)

After seeing the visitors off, the home phone began to ring.


Without thinking much I approached and answered.


--Oh~ Someone with good manners, not like that Arclueid girl~

A male voice with an English accent came from the other end of the phone, in contrast to the joy of the subject, I was sweating bullets at the mention of the true ancestor Arclueid Brundestud, also the speaker is one of the most powerful beings in the Natsu verse, Caubac Alcatraz.

--To which I owe the honor of your call, Master Caubac Alcatraz.

--Oh~ I see you know me, you are an intelligent child~ I called you because you are an instability, a danger, an irregularity in this universal line~ the distortions are reaching my castle.

I apologize if I have caused you trouble.

I apologized on the spot, while sweating bricks. If this old man comes down from his dimensional throne... "We're all going to die" hopefully we'll leave an atom or two behind.

--Easy boy~ Fix that damn contraption that old Kaleidoscope made and try not to interfere too much with the rest of the world although I can tell you've already fixed enough messes and avoided a lot of the worst scenarios~ Hahahaha~ Good job~

I don't deserve your praise. Teacher.

--Hahahaha~ Good boy~ This old man will give you a reward, use it wisely~

The old dimensional vampire's laugh echoed inside my head and I passed out.


I opened my eyes and I was in a blank space, without any kind of structure or signal, up, down, any direction or sense was irrelevant before such an endless extension.

--Welcome to one of my imaginary spaces.

Master Alcatraz's cheerful voice resounded in the void.

--Train, meditate, do whatever you want until the sands run out. Out of nowhere an elegant and imposing giant hourglass appeared in front of me.

--The time in this place is different from the one on earth, take advantage of the time boy~ You have to face a crazy demi-god, damn that old Zelretch and his disciples did a very annoying thing, don't you think?

--Thanks to that thing I ended up in this dimension... wait! Master Alcatraz!

--Yes, child?

--Is this space in the quantum vacuum, the space between dimensions?

--Right, although this room is closer to the back of the world~

--Thank you, teacher!

--You're welcome kid~ You've avoided several of the worst case scenarios so you earned it~

Alcatraz's laugh disappeared, leaving me in the white void along with the huge hourglass.

--Alright to work..."Spirt Heal -Start-"

Crossing my legs and sitting in a lotus position, I began to heal my wounds, as well as go over my magic circuits and rewire my nerves and muscle fibers, little by little, nerve by nerve, I slowly rebuilt and strengthened my body.

Ignore the passage of time, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, forget time, when I finished only 10% of the sand had gone down.

--I feel great~ I wanted to reconfigure myself but hadn't had the time to do maintenance as a modern Magus I'm closer to a machine or synthetic monster than a human being.

I cracked my neck and shoulders before starting to do some warm-ups. With a gentle Thai Chi, little by little I increased the speed and strength of each movement, calling the spear tied to my wrist, I continued with an attack dance chaining lunges, sweeps, jumps and stabs, entering a trance state, I continued dancing until be satisfied.


--Fu~ that was a good exercise, I haven't done something like that since my training at the Agency~

I collapsed on the illusory white ground and looked at the clock, now about 23~30% of the sand had gone down.

--My spear techniques, martial arts, magic techniques are fine and comparable to a 4~5 star Servant from the age of knights, if I were to declare any serious weaknesses...

I closed my eyes and thought, slowly analyzing all my abilities and shortcomings.

Strength, Stamina, Agility, Mana and Luck, most of my parameters are B or A+ at my best, with full release I can temporarily get to Ex, and that's not counting my Anti-personnel and Anti-army quality Noble Phantasms , but the biggest drawback is the level of corrosion of my cells during the release, all the mana generated and obtained through absorption is too much and the Vajra begins to rewrite my cells to those of a Deva or Asura, bypassing the wheels of Karma and potentially killing me as a side effect.

--Excessive mana... Huh? To think that having too much mana would be the death of me~ even keeping Caster and Assassin I had plenty of mana, after swallowing Kirei's Angria Maiyu and fighting Avenger and absorbing even more energy from the other side of the grail and a lot of the primal mud... I finished with an even higher mana limit...and the Furnace also expanded, my body will end up exploding if this continues.

I rolled on the floor like a child throwing a tantrum.

--Damn, I created the Furnace because I lacked firepower, now I'm burning and I can't turn it off, Damn...

Continue rolling until a little more sand has fallen.


"Master Alcatraz is there?"

Speak into the void while waiting to hear an answer.

--Oh~ child I see that you have improved a little~

Master Alcatraz's cheerful voice resounded again in the void.

--Master, do you have a solution for over saturation and mana generation?

--I know your problem but, you have a mana generator, besides being naturally a bottomless pit linked to gluttony and greed. Child your destiny is to eat until you burst~

The vampire's gleeful, sarcastic laugh echoed throughout the room.

--I know that, but there is some way to extend my lifespan, I don't plan to die until I see one or two little purple-haired grandchildren.

--Ha hahahaha~ right you plan to stay with the Witch of Colchis. Good~ you should form a Familiar contract with some beast from the back of the world.

--Master I already have two Servants.

--Those Servants are connected to the Grail, you yourself were baptized by that corrupt liquid which brings us to this situation, they and you are connected to the same source, only you put a repeater and voltage changer in the electrical network.

--So I'm basically a "Zero" product power plant

--No, since you generate your own electricity, you would have a positive deviation from zero, something more like a factor of V+n= X, but the value of n is too ridiculous to be healthy for a human body at least.

-- So a "Familiar" from the back of the world is a "real" magical creature, not a reanimated or mana-powered animal?

--Exactly kid, a true monster should help you level up that insane level of mana in your body, there are many in my labyrinth let's try your luck then.

Along with Master Alcatraz's prophetic words, a massive summoning circle appeared in front of me.

--Shit that's big.

--Come on kid, put some of that mana of yours inside the circle.

--I have a bad feeling about this, but whatever~

I took out my spear and cut my palm, clenching my fist I threw several drops of blood to the womb. A deep red light illuminated the white space and a series of shadows appeared within the circle.

Different size and shape beings crawled, flew, walked, trotted and jumped out of the circle, a total of fourteen different beasts.

Two Harpies, a Lamia, a Troll, a Deadly Wolf, a Lizard Man, 4 Little Fairies, a Kelpie, an Imp, an Oni and an Elemental, all with a clear bent towards chaos and evil.

"Master Alcatraz, isn't that a bit too much?"

--Don't look at me my boy, you have such a corrupt and massive mana that you should be thankful that an evil dragon didn't appear there.

--You have dragons in the labyrinth!

--Some synthetics~ but that's just a few~

--Master, how many do you consider few?

--About five hundred~

--Shit, 500 flying lizards...thank god Sajou Manaka isn't in my timeline.


--Master, don't tell me that Sajou Manaka exists in my universal line...

I began to sweat bullets at the mention of that fateful possibility.

--No no no she doesn't exist in your line as that root-bound calamity, she's just a normal Magus just like her sister.

--Fiuuuuuu~ that Sajou-chan is even scarier than a Beast.

--Yes, yes kid, you're absolutely right~ but you should take care of those fourteen mana eaters you have there~

--Thank you for reminding me Master~

--Relax kid~ see ya~

Master Alcatraz's voice and presence disappeared, leaving me alone with the fourteen magical creatures.

--Well, which one of you will be my Familiar?

I smiled and readied my spear.