60--Familiar, Monster Girl (This not an Momonsu reference)

Looking at the fourteen vicious creatures coming out of the circle, I could only shake my head and ready my spear, there is only one way to prevail over intelligent or higher level magical creatures and that is by "making them recognize your supremacy", that is " Hit 'em and hit 'em hard"

The Troll charged together with the Deadly Wolf and the Kelpie, being the three less intelligent ones they attacked first, the Troll was a fat semi-giant humanoid 4 meters tall, very ugly and gray in color, clearly I have no intention of making a contract with him .

--Go dead...

Severing its hideous, foolish head with a sweep of my spear, the Troll fell, stopping both the deadly wolf and the Kelpie before resuming their attack. The deadly wolf is simply an ancient wolf with slight traces of lycanthrope blood, which makes it larger than others, this one in particular is about 3 meters long by 1.7 meters high, its reddish black fur is somewhat elegant but not It's what I'm looking for.



Stab together in the middle of his eyes intercepting his jump, throw his corpse to the Kelpie, a creature similar to a horse but with features of a seahorse, well technically it is a water spirit in the form of a horse, its scales are navy blue and Emerald eyes were elegant but I don't want it.

The body of the wolf crashed against the horse, I ran and decapitated it being stained by its bluish blood.

--Who's next?

At my provocation, the ugly Imp and the muscular LizardMan came forward with their respective weapons, a halberd and a sword respectively, both humanoids attacked me, one from the sky and the other from the ground, an attack with pincers.




--Sorry I don't speak grunts~

I threw my spear hard impaling the poor lizardman and dodged the Imp's aerial dive.


--I don't speak grunts, annoying spawn~

I reached out and caught the pole of the alabara and pouring lightning into it, paralyzed the ugly Imp.


--Go die~

I held the Imp's skull and discharged a dozen lightning bolts incinerating it.

Lizardmen are strong but only if they are many, imps attract bad Karma, I'm bad enough by default, I don't need more malevolence. I looked at the two harpies, they were birds with female torsos contrary to their beautiful voices... they were horrible, they, sensing my gaze, tried to escape but it was too late, I took the halberd left by the imp and charged it with lightning.

--"Lance -Vajra Spear-"

Emulating the main Greco-Roman god, the lightning spear flew and crashed into the birds of prey, eliminating them on the spot.

--Smells like fried chicken~ Should I try them later?

Wiping away the slime that dripped from my mouth, I looked at the remaining creatures.

The Lamia just prostrated without moving, the tiny fairies escaped back to the underside of the world, the Elemental looked indecisive and the Oni just sat with his liquor bottle as if waiting for something. In short, of the initial fourteen there are only three left.

"Anyone else want to fight?"

I spoke against the remaining three, the lamia was the usual snake woman, her body was covered in brown scales with her bare torso, a normal female face, black sclerotic eyes and reddish irises and long dark brown hair, she just continued to prostrate and joining their hands in submission.

The elemental and the onii approached each other, the elemental spirit was a fuzzy shade of dark green with traces of azure blue before even communicating it launched into the attack, supported by the 2 meter tall male Oni armed with a metal mallet.

--Silly~... "Mist Trap"

Breathe out a large amount of mist and devour the Elemental for its part the Oni, dodge his attack by a slight margin and land a strong blow to his chest, piercing him.


--Greetings to Shutendoji when you go to hell. Bye~ Bye~

Rip out the Oni's heart and throw it at the Lamia.

--Congratulations, you're the only survivor~ Eat.


The snake woman slithered quickly to where the Oni's still beating heart fell, called the spear that was still stuck in the Lizard Man's body and it returned to its bracelet form, I walked towards the corpses and extracted the hearts and livers as well as some of the Harpy meat.



Keeping her head down, the Lamia follows my orders with fear, while she devoured the organs I tasted one of the harpies' thighs.

--... (It tastes like chicken but... it has a slight pork taste~ well they say that human meat tastes like pork, so a Harpy must taste like chicken with pork right?)


A stuttering and hoarse voice snapped me out of my ramblings about food and I looked at the Lamia who had just finished eating, her red eyes staring at me with fear.

--I see you're a smart girl, let's go with the contract~

Cut my palm with one of the harpy's paw claws and draw a series of runes on the Lamia's chest and forehead. Pulling out a small crystal panel that contained the magic circuits of a Dead Apostle, I began the chant.

--In the name of the 72 pillars of the Underworld, of the 4 Cardinal emperors, of the 28 Fixed and Errant Princes, of the 24 Celestials that rule the Hours, of the 27 constellations that mark the suns of the sky, Obey my call and call my name, I am the anchor of the world, I am the lost traveler, I am the vortex and the devourer, the 10th Seat. -Dominus Servant-

I poured a torrent of mana into the snake woman's body, her brown scales lightened to a visible level, degrading their color but increasing their sharpness and hardness, her eyes changed from a black sclera to white, and her irises lightened a little while passing. from blood red to bright orange. His tangled brown hair changed to a straight chestnut blonde.

Her simple appearance changed to a more elegant and refined air, her size was also compressed, her length from around 8 meters long from head to tail was reduced to six, her girth was also reduced considerably, that of an adult female and moderately hardy to a young wild flower.

--You look good~... (Do I think Medea is going to kill me?)

-- Greetings to the teacher.

The rough voice changed to a delicate and soft one marking a contrast between fear and respect.


This one doesn't have any...

--Tribe name or something?

--None, master.

--Well, now you will be "Hebi".

Say your new name and seal the contract. A connection was established between his soul and mine a continuous stream of mana was drained from my body leveling values and taking a weight off my shoulders.

He looked back at the hourglass and there was still about half the sand left.

--Well I can take advantage of this time, Hebi bring the corpses and put them here, I'm going to do a little experiment~

--Yes Master.

--Good girl~

Hebi crawled towards the corpses and dragged them with ease, as a demi-human beast her intelligence is on par with humans and her strength after being hired increased a few folds so carrying the corpses isn't too difficult.

--It's not my area of expertise but making an impromptu chimera shouldn't be that difficult~

Using my mist claws and medical skills, I cut and sewed organs, nerves, and limbs, forming a heterogeneous body, saturating it with my mana, fashioning an artificial being by spending the excess mana in my body, and practicing my alchemy.


Time became confusing and strange, it wasn't until Master Alcatraz's voice resounded in the void that I remembered the clock, there were only a few grains left on it.

--Good job, boy~ I hope you enjoyed your vacation~

--Thank you for the opportunity, Master Alcatraz.

--Easy~ Disassemble the Grail and we're even~ you can try to take the 7th Labyrinth if you want~ You might meet Sajou-chan.

--Please no, I appreciate the offer but I must decline, I don't want to die and that girl scares me.

--Smart boy, have a safe trip and good luck.

--Thank you.

The empty space disappeared and I reappeared in the room, Medea looking at me doubtfully before hugging me tightly.

--Master!!! Where in the world did you go? I lost our connection for a second, it was horrible for me.

Caster cried big tears that I couldn't tell if they were real or fake, I could only smile wryly.

"Off world, I was invited on a vacation to the quantum vacuum. I think they called it the Chaos Void in your time?"

--Empty? You went to the space between the dimensions?!

--Yep~ I don't know how long I spent there but it seems like there wasn't much difference~ Ah I got a Familiar from the reverse of the world, as well as refined my body a bit and prepared a toy to face the Big Guy Heracles~

--Family? Toy? Body refinement? Master, what did you do in the void?

--I got a treatment so I don't die or lose what little humanity I have left, just that. By the way, do reptiles bother you?

--No, I don't mind reptiles... Why?

--Well, that's one less problem... "Summon -Hebi-"

I snapped my fingers and a personalized summoning circle appeared, from it the figure of a 155 centimeters young woman manifested, her tail was changed by a pair of legs covered with scales as well as her arms and back, everything remained the same, the human form of the Lamia known as Hebi.

--Good morning teacher.

Bowing, the young woman greeted her teacher.

--Caster, this is Hebi, my familiar one...

--Lamia, correct?


--A very pretty...

--I had to do some minor repairs but if it's pretty...

Caster gave me a cold look, since Hebi only wears a very thin dress or toga, in my defense creating matter from nothing is difficult, only Shirou with his mono functional circuits can work as a multi-purpose 3D printer without rest.

I got an extreme lecture from Caster about the lamias but eventually the two ended up in a somewhat strange competitive friendship.

--... (Both have their origins in Greece, it must be Greek things)

Escaping from the place. I went drinking with Sasaki all night.