62--KILL (Kill, Kill & More Killing)

--Archer, what the hell just happened?

--Well, I think Assassin just died and the 10th Seat lost control, now it's absorbing the mana of the entire forest~ Phew~ What a monster~

"Archer, that's no laughing matter. Kurama-Kun's health cannot withstand that amount of energy.

--I think he can still hold on, that last blow took two lives from Berseker although it almost killed Saber as well.

--Oh! How did he almost kill Saber?

--I use that black lightning and Saber ended near the impact zone, you should escape Rin.

"I'll stay, Archer.

--Okay~ but please consent, Master.


Archer Master Tohsaka Rin followed her Servant's advice and quickly left the battlefield, looking worriedly at the pillar of smoky mist from which roars and explosions could be heard.



--GO DEAD!!!

Two mythological beings faced each other ignoring the surroundings. Saber could only watch helplessly as the "Demonic" Executioner of the Church brandished his spear against the unusual weapon of the giant Berseker, a fight of mythical beasts taken from the age of gods.

--Are they even human?

--Well~ one is a demigod and the other is on the edge of humanity~

-- Archer!

--Don't worry, it's useless trying to interfere between those two~ Damn Aniki is still the same~

--Aniki? Wait Archer you know that Enforcer?!

Archer gave a wry smile at her slip of the tongue and continued nonchalantly.

--Not all heroes come from the past~ Saber...

"I see, are you a hero from the future?"

--Although from a different future... the Throne is a truly undesirable place and alien to the world~ Ha~ to think that there are people who would willingly enter such a place.

Archer said with a mocking and self-deprecating tone. Saber remained silent and continued to watch the fierce fight between a god and a demon while biting her lips.



A ball of lightning engulfed my bleeding body and I ended up being batted like a baseball straight into center field, crashing into the castle.

"Shit... It hurts!"

I spat out a large mouthful of blood, my left arm was bent in the wrong direction as well as several of my horns as well as some internal organs had been broken but all this damage was not without reason, I took one more life.

--Impressive~ An Executor from the church can achieve this level~ But you still won't be able to defeat Berseker~ Executor, tell me your name?

Illya boasted of her victory, although some sweat ran down her white cheeks, the loss of half of their lives was not in her plans, also the cooling time of her Hogu is quite long so the more we kill him the more chances we have of winning.

--My name~ Akatsuki Kurama, 10th Seat "CLOUD" of the Burial Agency, servant of the Tohsaka family and Disciple of the Former Master of the Einzberg Emiya Kiritsugu, Illyasviel Von Einzberg, not Illya-chan, this Onii-san came to fulfill your father's last wish. "I will save you".

The Homunculus' pale and indifferent face changed drastically at the mention of Kiritsugu.

--How do you know that name? Are you Kiritsugu's apprentice? Impossible!

"Kiritsugu tried to rescue you from the clutches of the old bastard Jubstacheit, but the barrier was never opened for him, he was denied entry, he tried every possible means but couldn't penetrate the barrier of blizzards and snow. Illya, Kiritsugu never forgot you or Irisviel.

Illya panicked and screamed, denying my words.

--No, no, no, he abandoned me and mom, he betrayed us Berseker kill him!!!

I'm sorry but I don't have time to waste. [Mist Magic -CLOUD TRAP-]!!!

All the purple mist in the area condensed into a thick substance and rushed like a Tsunami towards the enraged Berseker, the purple tide devouring the Mad Servant encasing him in a misshapen heap of corrosive magic.



Obeying his master the greatest hero of Greece began to break his bonds by force, wasting no time, I shouted.



Rider who had been hidden, charged like a pristine white meteor onto a Pegasus, wiping out one or two lives from the prisoner.

--I'm leaving Akatsuki-dono.

--Out of here!


With a nod Rider escaped into the sky.

Illya was pale her jade white complexion was now nothing more than an ashen blue at the possible sight of her defeat, she knows Saber's true identity and knows about her power, her ability to erase 6 lives or more in one hit, now with a Berseker with only 5 or less revives remaining, what kind of thoughts will be running through his corrupted head?

--Illya, if you want to curse someone who is Jubstacheit's old wretch, he summoned Avenger, a flawed Servant who not only failed to bring victory during the 3rd war, but caused Irisviel and Kiritsugu's sacrifice to be useless.

--Avengers? Is Grandpa to blame? Mom and Kiritsugu, useless?

Illya began to think, her face growing paler. She is the ultimate homunculus, the grail proxy, or rather an anti-virus software prepared by Jubstacheit, unfortunately she was contaminated by the Avenger himself when the grail start mark was transferred to her, which caused her personality to split. , there are three Illyas, the first is the girl Illya, the second is the will of the Einzbergs, and the third is the madness resulting from the leaked corruption of the grail added to the extreme stress and trauma she was exposed to in recent years.

Both the first and the last are intimately intertwined, only the will of the Einzbergs is what keeps her together, and it is the same that makes her act that way, Illya is an intelligent girl so with just a few words, she can hypothesize and freak out on her own.

--Illya, I'll show you a trick, the only original magic of Soccery Killer Emiya Kiritsugu [ Time Alter]!!!

--That Magic!

--By my Command Spell, Corporal heals and improves... [Time Alter -Quadra Accell-]!

The world in front of my eyes slowed down. I charged towards the low running giant with my spear pointed directly at my prey, supported by another pair of Command Spells becoming an incarnation of the thunder attack on the Son of Zeus and the pride of Hera, Heracles.




--...(Aniki? Is that the old man's magic?)

--(Yeah and it hurts like hell! Tell Saber to start charging the Excalibur)





I cut and burned one of Berseker's arms sending his huge and lethal weapon flying, in the blink of an eye I stabbed and hit Berseker's massive body about 152 times opening a hole in his chest and ripping out his heart before being thrown by one of his blows.


The beating heart in my hand was surrounded by mist and absorbed into my body. The pure, superhuman energy of the age of the gods filled my body, further eroding my cells.


I stumbled a bit before I could compose myself and vomit blood and pieces of internal organs. The fog was also dissipating, thus losing part of my support to continue the fight.

A fresh berserker came out of the fog running like a cargo truck with no brakes, I called a backup.

-- Archer!!!



A red flower with seven petals bloomed in front of us, followed by another electric blue flower, both flowers joined becoming a great shield that stopped Berseker's insane charge.

--She is ready?


--Let's get this over with KNOW!!!

I screamed at the top of my lungs as I felt my body burn from the excess energy.


A sea of gold roared and shattered the purple mist, lighting up the gloomy forest. A slim and delicate maiden in armor ran from the depths of the forest bearing a promise bathed in light and gold.


The sword maiden, the strongest class heroic spirit "Saber" attacked with all her might.

A cannon of golden light cut through everything, bringing victory with it.

For my part, I concentrated on treating my wounds and surreptitiously stealing part of the sacred energy scattered throughout the place, while I thought about my drinking partner.

--...Haha~ We won Sasaki~